The OTL service on Holt
processes, programs, the "furniture" of the "/home/loading"
Holt home: /home/loading
Home pages: ~/www ->
Login: ssh -Y
(ask me to add your
.ssh/<machine>/ or obtain the
Processing programs (Fortran 77) in ~/bin/ :
olfg - far-field loading effect
olcmc - Centre of Mass Correction
olmpp - near-field loading effect
Subroutine sources and library in ~/src/*.f* (liboload.a)
Main sources in ~/src/m/*.f
Data - tide models
~/tide-models/netCDF/<model>/amp.<tide> and
CMC data:
http-service: Apache2
Mail service: Postfix
A blacklist of spamming senders has been tried, but was
too difficult to maintain (hands-on too much too often).
Mail address:
OBS! These mails are not parsed
by Chalmers' central incoming mail server.
A security risk, our responsibility never formally
(Owing to the strict format required for legal mails
to enter the processing chain, illegal ones are easily (too
easily?) identified.)
Service script: /cgi-bin/mailto.cgi
Processes the html form data, method submit (not
Heavily edited to refuse sending illegal requests
incl. finding sender addresses in
Copies the internally translated text to
(The mail is made into one long
line and special characters are translated into a hex-format
- important to check from
time to time if discrimination good/bad mail is o.k.)
loading@holt.. receives mail in /var/mail/loading
Indefinitely running scripts:
To start them:
cd ~/bin
nohup >>
/home/loading/div/parsemail.log &
nohup nice POL-the-manager >>
/home/loading/div/POL.log &
nohup nice &
Manually checking the status:
Copy ~/bin/POL to your own holt:/home/...
Moves /var/mail/loading content to ~/Mail/loading
Scans which mails request the high-resolution models
FES2012, FES2014a, TPXO8, TPXO9*, which are forwarded to SEGAL (or
Google Cloud) and removed from ~/Mail/loading
Mails that fail the parsing: Noted in
2021-02-23_11:36:59 - Letter
from is weed, blacklisted:
and the sender's mail address is added to
Includes the functions of,
but if one of the other ocean tide models is requested,
goes into the process supervision stage:
Without going too much into detail,
Extracts the text of the request, keeps the
remaining requests in ~/Mail/loading
Creates the instruction files for olfg
(and if requested, olcmc).
Starts the program ~/bin/olfg and waits
for completion.
If the request includes CMC
"correction", starts ~/bin/olcmc and waits for completion.
If sites have been found near a
coast, starts olmpp using one of the olmpp*.ins
If plots are requested, runs
~/bin/olmpp-plot (csh-script) and wais for completion
Collects the resulting blq-files and
sends them to the user's mail address using sendmail
Writes notes to ~/bin/logbook.txt
Every one minute, looks at ~/Mail/loading for
jobs in waiting and ~/bin/logbook.txt
for recently completed or forwarded-to-SEGAL requests.
Implementing a new tide model with name <name>
(brackets only for emphasis in this doc.)
If the model is processed on holt:
mkdir ~/tide-models/netCDF/<name>
Copy the files into it,
cd ~/bin/
Search for FES2014b
Add a clause to the lines that
identify models processed at SEGAL
elsif ( $email =~ /Model = <name>/ or
$email =~ /Model = TPXO8/ or $email =~ /Model = FES2012/ or $email
=~ /Model = FES2014b/
or ( $email =~ /Model = TPXO9/ && not ( $email =~ /Model =
TPXO9..*/ ) ) )
Do the same in POL-the-manager
cd ~/bin
cmc4model <name>
sh-script, uses olfg to compute the
cmc-coefficicnts; saves them in ~/bin/CMC/<name>.cmc
cd ~/www/index,html
cp index.html index-old-at-<date>.html
<editor> index.html
Add the <name> to the drop-down
list of tide models, like
value="TPXO.7.0">TPXO.7.0 </option>
The value string must be exactly the
name of the sub-directory.
What's between > and </option> is the
text visible in the menu.
Add a comment in the News section.
Stop and restart the updated managers:
/home/loading/bin/STOP.POL /home/loading/bin/STOPP.POL
ps -uloading
Issue the two start commands