Files { csr4 | GOT00 | FES99 }-maps.tar.Z contain the
ocean loading effects on global grids. For machine independence you
receive these files in ASCII.
In the following ${comp} stands for the
components { radi ptan }
and ${tide} for the tides { M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 MF MM SS
The { csr4 | GOT00 }-${comp}${tide}.daf files are written
from the south to the north with 720 complex numbers per latitude ring,
360 (361) latitude rings (0.5o x 0.5o ). (csr4,
360: There is no data for the north pole in csr4). There is one header
line. On each line following there are 5 complex elements (REAL, IMAG,
REAL, IMAG,...). The position of the first element in line two of the
file is ( lat. 90.0o S, long. 0.5o E ). The
position of the first element in line three of the file is (lat 90.0o
S, long. 3.0o E ) etc.
The FES99-${comp}${tide}.daf files are written
from the south to the north with 1440 complex numbers per latitude
ring, 721 latitude rings (0.25o x 0.25o ).
There is one header line. On each line following there are 5 complex
elements (REAL, IMAG, REAL, IMAG,...). The position of the first
element in line 2 of the file is ( lat. 90.0o S, long.
0.25o E ). The position of the first element in line three
the file is (lat 90.0o S, long. 1.5o E ) etc.
The files schw-${comp}${tide}.daf and eqlt-${comp}${tide}.daf use a grid 360 x
180 (1o x 1o ) with the first element in
line 2 of the file at ( lat. 89.5o S, long 0.5o ).
The GOT00 and FES99 files comprise 11 tides, i.e. also the long-period
tides at the same resolution.
To compute the row number (L)
and column number (K) in the
ASCII files for a point with longitude x and latitude y
(1) on the 1440 x 721 grid
(2) on the 720 x 360 or 720 x 361 grid:
(3) on the 360 x 180 grid:
eps is a small rounding constant, 0 < eps < 0.1
To address the ten floating-point items on a line individually
Real part: 2K-1
Imag part: 2K
int(-0.5) = int(+0.5) = 0 (in FORTRAN)causes the somewhat unintuitive arithmetics above.
You may have to:
Edit the script p/m/fcmd to adjust the path ($HOME/bin),
referenced system libs, main compile command, and options.
Edit the script bin/gfmb to
adjust system compile command for main programs.
Edit the script bin/gfs to adjust subroutine
compile command and options.
Add to your
setenv PATH $PATH:/yyy/Oload/bin;
set path=( $path /yyy/Oload/bin )
cd p
foreach file ( *.f )
gfs $file load
cd m
fcmd mzfu
fcmd olmg
Making the binary data file copies
cd /yyy/Oload/Otide
foreach model ( csr4 GOT00 FES99 )
ln -s /xxx/$model-maps.tar.Z
uncompress $model-maps.tar.Z
foreach comp ( radi ptan )
foreach tide ( M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 MF MM SS )
tar xfv $model-maps.tar $model-$comp$tide.daf
mzuf.out -f2u csr4-radiM2.daf
rm -f csr4-radiM2.daf
Running the interpolation program:
There are two test cases in GOT00/olmg.ins
There are two test cases in FES99/olmg.ins
Here's how you execute olmg for GOT00:
cd /yyy/Oload
olmg.out GOT00/
olmg.out GOT00/ '>1S>'
The $ satisfies the instruction file prompter. It tells the system to use the instruction file location information from the command line.
That's an instruction file section with my
BLQ> &forms fmtin='(t6,a9,a5,t27,3f15.4)' zqopt='+C-T' nmsg=-1 comp='radi','ptan' ocomp='RADI','TANG' &end 11 O 11 * O addsites_csr_m.lola 40 O GOT00/header.blq 31 B GOT00/olmg_t.blq 123C5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Q OUT BLQ DO TIDE MF P=Otide M=GOT00- C=GOT0 G=LEPR STORE 9 DO TIDE MM STORE 10 DO TIDE SS STORE 11 DO TIDE M2 STORE 1 DO TIDE S2 STORE 2 DO TIDE N2 STORE 3 DO TIDE K2 STORE 4 DO TIDE K1 STORE 5 DO TIDE O1 STORE 6 DO TIDE P1 STORE 7 DO TIDE Q1 STORE 8 STOP 1S> &forms fmtin='(t6,a9,a5,t27,3f15.4)' zqopt='+C+T' nmsg=-1 comp='radi','ptan' ocomp='RADI','TANG' &end 40 O GOT00/header.blq 31 B GOT00/olmg_t1s.blq Q 1 sites for test -/ XYZ FMT (5x,a,t21,a6,t30,3f15.3) / -/ LN=MANILLE 22006S001 DORIS] 0087 MANILLE MANA -3184357.592 5291042.183 1590419.452 OUT BLQ DO TIDE MF P=Otide M=GOT00- C=GOT0 G=LEPR STORE 9 DO TIDE MM STORE 10 DO TIDE SS STORE 11 DO TIDE M2 STORE 1 DO TIDE S2 STORE 2 DO TIDE N2 STORE 3 DO TIDE K2 STORE 4 DO TIDE K1 STORE 5 DO TIDE O1 STORE 6 DO TIDE P1 STORE 7 DO TIDE Q1 STORE 8 STOP |
location flag &namelist site record input format zquint options geogr messsages input file components -> names output blq component labels &end input file unit 11: sites, O = old ascii file * means commented out B means output file ascii c means printable comment q means end of openf block instructions to the main program P= to specify file path, M= model code, G= grid code, C= comment on the output, STORE= column in blq file |
The site records are either read in from unit 11 or, if the unit is not referenced in the instruction block in the olmg.ins file, read between the file block and the command block ("1 sites for test"). If you need "manual pages", see my pages on the get_sites subroutine. There are also manual pages on the openf and open_ins subroutines.
The output of the first test job is in csr/olmg_t.blq