Loading components
Gravity at height
Here is the code fragment used to compute the extra newtonian
attraction in the vertical due to topographic height near a tidal
Starting with height above ellipsoid of station IS
= salt(is)/re
= 1.d0+hh
= hh*(2-hh/h1)
= hh*hh
= 4*sthq
= h1+hq/sthq
= dsqrt(dshq)
= (1/h1+h2/sthq/dshq)/dsh
= ( V_NEWTON + G(ITAB) )/sthu
where RE is earth radius, STHQ = STH2 at entry, STH =
sin(θ/2), θ the distance angle between the field point on the sphere
and the
load point, and G() is the Greens function table
Spheroidal potential of tangential displacement
Rather than preparing two data set for horizontal (=tangential)
displacement, a spheroidal potential suffices. The gridded PTAN, as
it's named, is interpolated together with the gradient operator.
Since we interpolate scalar fields with a quadratic algorithm, the
first derivatives are simple to incorporate. The associated function is
zquint ( zquint.f ). There are parameter-setting entries. There is a
real-valued equivalent in rquint.f with the same parameter-setting
calls to quint_opt. Here is the
description of zquint.
complex function zquint
Interpolation * 2-D Quadratic polyn.,
full array.
real function rquint (r,m,n,x,y,rdx,rdy)
And yet another interpolation routine. We describe the complex routine.
This time the complex array
z(m,n) has data everywhere.
Returned value is interpolated
quadratically at 1 < x < m, 1
< y < n.
Additionally returned: The
gradient at (x,y), (zdx,zdy)
GEO mode:
zdx and zdy are in physical
units; length unit=rad.
If this is not desired, call
Quint_Opt ('+G-P')
GEO mode activation and parameter-setting calls:
Reading a global tide model
should set common area /crsar/.
/crsar/ parameters can
alternately be set using
Set_Got_Ar (...)
c.f. oteu54.f If /crsar/ thus
describes the geography of Z(M,N),
Call Quint_Opt ('+G')
signifies GEO mode. Zquint will
interpret X,Y as longitude,latitude.
Circular connection is determined
by the GLOBAL parameter in common
N.B. in GEO mode Z(.,1) is the northernmost row of data.
N.B. there is no automatic /crsar/
validation; default values fit
the Schwiderski grid.
In non-GEO mode,
Call Quint_Opt
will declare Z(M,N) as circularly
connected in the first array
Default option is '-C-G'.
To process Catesian arrays with north row first
Call Quint_Opt
To process spherical grids with the south row first:
Call Quint_Opt
To enter Trace mode,
Call Quint_Opt
Parameter-setting subroutine QUINT_OPT
subroutine quint_opt (opt)
Options: The system wakes up with -G
-S -P -C -R -T, ER=6.371e6 [m]
+C - Assume array is circular connected.
+I - Ignore flags, eventhough zquint_f
is called
-G - Assume plane grid, Cartesian
relation between array row and y
That means the first array row is south of the rest.
+G - Assume circular connection
according to "/crsar/ ...,global".
northernmost row has number 1, and
use area
bounds according to "/crsar/..."
Imply +P
(qphys=.true.), i.e. gradients are per radian.
To set
common /crsar/ use Set_Got_Ar (...) or read a tide
with a global reading routine.
+S:Z or +S:M Stereographic grid. Specify grid kind Z or M
+SGZ or +SGM Stereographic grid, calling with coordinates on
the grid
point, 0<=X<=M, 0<=Y<=N)
can code "=" or "g" for "G".
+R - Reverse order north/south. Obs!
Question: What's normal ?
With -G,
+R means that the first row of the array is the north
of the
others. With +G, +R means that the first row of the
array is
south of the others.
-P - Gradients are per unit step in the
Cartesian grid.
- Physical units of the gradients ON
+Punit - The following units can be given:
- gradient per 1000 km
- gradient per km
- gradient per m
- gradient per degree
+T - Switch on trace option = extensive
ER=val, - Numeric value of the
planet radius in m.
Entry QUINT_ER (r)
- real - New earth radius if r>0
If called after setting option +T, quint_er will
print the new (or old) radius in the protocol.
Spherical grid from
implicit complex (z)
dimension zolm(3), zra(1440,720), zpt(1440,720)
character gotar*4, opt_quint*8
C read two global loading maps with RADI=radial and PTAN components
call getsiz (31,m,n)
call getzm
call getzm
call set_got_ar_for
call zquint_opt ('+C+G'//opt_quint)
C xi,yo = longitude,latitude in degrees
zdummy =zquint(zpt,m,n,xi,yi,zolm(2),zolm(3))
Plane grid from
dimension el(m,n,2)
C The array EL is regional and on the tangential plane.
C Stereographic projection is initialised.
call zquint_opt
C xi,yo = longitude,latitude in degrees