The Free-Oscillation band during the last 30 days

Click on respective image to view it in original size.
Want to see older spectrograms? Explore subdirectories for the years
20222021202020192018201720162015 starting in June.
URL model:<year>/<month>/<day>-last-30-days.f<C>.png  
where <C> is a mark for the frequency range; in earlier years  o  or  w , in later years  m  or  n
For 2020, spectrograms are missing for Jan 1 to July 12.
  0 - 5 mHz
0 - 20 mHz

The white curve shows air pressure frequency with
the frequency of the almost ever persistent oscillation
the Heater Current control loop.
this current has a noticeable

(not drawn to any scale). You might notice covariation
near 2 mHz, which we believe originates in
The OSG 054 seems to be a rare case where
effect on the gravity sensor.