HOW TO evaluate AbsGrav

cd ~/TD/a
set agsetfiles = ( `find /home/hgs/TD/ ~/Seismo/gcf/AG/ -name '*.set.txt'` )
set agprjfiles = ( `find /home/hgs/TD/ ~/Seismo/gcf/AG/ -name '*.project.txt'` ) $agsetfiles >! allsets.tsf -u $agsetfiles >! allsets-u.tsf
First one generates reduced, second one unreduced data. ("Unreduced" = with tides and the whole bunch).
(there was a duplicate in ~/TD/cal/ with AA-AC tie applied (?). Now renamed
 Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.txt -> Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.asc )

To list the result with time in decimal years:
cat allsets.tsf | JDC -dy -m -i -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' | m

To list the result with time in MJD:
cat allsets.tsf | JDC -d -m -i -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' | m

We can create an mc-file (there''l be a limit since the data is sparse but must be sampled at least at 5 min interval)
cat allsets.tsf | JDC -d -m -i1 -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' |\
 sort -n -k1 | tslist - -gt14,i4,i3,i4,3i3,t37,f10.0 -k3 -rs300 -C3 | m

cat allsets.tsf   | JDC -d -m -i1 -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' | sort -n -k1 |\
 tslist - -gt14,i4,i3,i4,3i3,t37,f10.0 -k3 -rs300 -C3 -I -O:`label AG,RVAL`

cat allsets-u.tsf | JDC -d -m -i1 -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' | sort -n -k1 |\
 tslist - -gt14,i4,i3,i4,3i3,t37,f10.0 -k3 -rs300 -C3 -I -O:`label AG,UVAL`

cat allsets-u.tsf | JDC -d -m -i1 -k3 -F'(i4,i3,i4,3i3),22' | sort -n -k1 |\
 tslist - -gt14,i4,i3,i4,3i3,t48,f10.0 -k3 -rs300 -C3 -I -O:`label AG,SIG`

Some ties should be applied:

grep -e '^Name: ' $agprjfiles > ! platforms.txt

rm -f settimes.txt
touch settimes.txt
foreach s ( $agsetfiles )
   awk '/^ /{q++;if(q==1){print $4,"0",$3,$2,FILENAME,"START"};y=$4;d=$3;h=$2} END{print y,"0",d,h,FILENAME,"STOP"}' $s >> settimes.txt

How to get a file for TSF EDIT with ADD commands for the different projects on the different platforms:
(1) You need a tie file:


2009-07-02 Onsala_AS 981716220.7 +- 2     323.65
2009-07-03 Onsala_AA 981715898.2 +- 2       0.00  1.05
2009-07-04 ONSALA_AA 981715896.1 +- 2       0.00 -1.05
2009-07-05 Onsala_AC 981715903.4 +- 2       6.35

(2) With the two scripts agset-from-to and ag-add-ties ( in ~/bin/ ):

ag-add-ties $agprjfiles > allties

; /home/hgs/Seismo/gcf/AG/agdata/2011Jun11b.project.txt Onsala_AA -0
ADD -0  From 2011   0 162 22 22 02 00 To 2011   0 163 10 07 02 00
; /home/hgs/Seismo/gcf/AG/agdata/2011Jun12a.project.txt Onsala_AA -0
ADD -0  From 2011   0 163 23 02 02 00 To 2011   0 164 10 47 02 00
