Add and analyze another AG campaign

Copy all txt files to  /home/hgs/TD/a/<name
e.g. /home/hgs/TD/a/LM-2019

cd ~/TD/a/Allsets/
ln -s ~/TD/a/LM-2019/* . 

cd ~/TD/a
add-campaign 201908a FG5-233 LM-2019
source script-201908a.csh
add-campaign -OK 201908a

cd ~/TD
scgts4ag -new 201908a -O a/Allsmp -sigma -S %.smp.tse -n a/Alldrops/Onsala_??_201908*.drop.txt

cd ~/TD/a
add-campaign -D 201908a
add-campaign -OK 201908a

cd ~/TD
lpf-unbessel -n 4 -N -GO 2019 08 07
scgts4ag -new 201908a -O a/Allsmp-s -L NONE -sigma -SCG lpfu/G1_g_%%%%%%-1s.ts -S %.smp.tse -n a/Alldrops/Onsala_??_201908*.drop.txt

lpf-unbessel -n 4 -N -GO 2020 06 22

cd ~/TD/a/Allsmp-s
setenv DSYNTH_TSI /home/hgs/TD/DSYNTH-drift.tsi
set nhours=`tsld2p +N 2020,06,30 ~/Ttide/SCG/o/g090615-OPNEND-1h-lap.ra.ts`
tslist _$nhours -B2009,06,15 -r1 -Emake-drift-tsf,DSYNTH    -I -o ~/TD/a/Allcamps/d/synth-drift-simp.ts
ln -s
~/TD/a/Allcamps/d/synth-drift-simp.ts .

cd ~/TD/a/Allcamps/d
ln -s  

cd ~/TD/a/Allsmp-s
make-drift-tsf -DY -CY -from synth-drift-simp.ts -O ../Allcamps/d/DSYN/ `the-dropfiles -x .smp.tse 202006a`
agsmp2mc -C 202006a -dt 5    -o AGSG_202006a_%I -O ../Allcamps/d/
`the-dropfiles -x .smp.tse 202006a`
agsmp2mc -C 202006a -dt 5 -J -o AGSG_202006a_%I -O ../Allcamps/d/ `the-dropfiles -x .smp.tse 202006a`
-C 202006a -rp -dt 5 -GO -O ../Allcamps/d/ -o AGSG_202006a_%I \
         -upd -DY DSYN -DD ../Allcamps/d/DSYN/
`the-dropfiles -x .smp.tse 202006a`