CYGWIN 1.7.5-1 installed 2010-05-19

Problem:  /etc/man.conf was missing.

Created one from
(slight changes after scanning for man catalogues, find /usr -name man -type d )

bash initialisation without a correct $PATH.
Made two symbolic links in /etc:
cd /etc
ln -s defaults/etc/profile .
ln -s defaults/etc/profile bash.bashrc

The keys for § ½ and £ cannot be mapped to ~ ` ^ any more.
          No idea: UTF-8? Locale? Fonts? .Xdefaults?

The following command starts up the X-windows system and an xterm:
(cd /home/hgs)
. sx
sx is:
export LANG=C
export USER=hgs
export USERNAME=hgs
export HOME=/home/hgs
export XFILESEARCHPATH=/usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%S:/etc/X11/%T/%N%S
export XUSERFILESEARCHPATH=/home/hgs/%T/N%S:/usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%S:/etc/X11/%T/%N%S

If the X-server is already active, open a new xterm from the console using
    . st
export DISPLAY=
export PATH=/usr/bin:"$PATH"
export LANG=C
xterm  +vb +mb -cu -sb -sl 1024 -fn '-adobe-Courier-medium-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' -e /usr/bin/bash -l &

If you wonder about something, consult the experts.

NB! LANG=C avoids the "missing charsets" warning in xterm, xclock etc.

Problem:   Console won't prompt.

An infinite loop when bash (Cygwin via the desktop icon) was started <=> /etc/bash.bashrc was a symbolic link
/etc/profile invokes bash.bashrc and the activated default/... sourced file /etc/bash.bashrc over and over again.
default/etc/bash.bashrc would better be a model for /etc/profile. Some thing got mixed up in the cygwin release of 2011-late-March.
Here's what I did
cd /etc
rm bash.bashrc
cp default/etc/bash.bashrc .
There is a copy in ~/etc/ of new profile and bash.bashrc

Let Ore ( in my home network) be an Xwin server

(1) activate sshd on Ore
ssh-host-config -y
cygrunsrv -S sshd

(2) open ports
The port 6010 will be used for X traffic. The port must be excepted at the firewall (probably a wireless router will have to be programmed accordingly)
In the /etc/sshd_config file the following values should be set: (remove ^# and edit). Observe the X11DisplayOffset!
Port 22
Protocol 2
HostKey /etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
StrictModes no
X11DisplayOffset 10
TCPKeepAlive yes
KeepAlive yes
UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
Subsystem       sftp    /usr/sbin/sftp-server
X11Forwarding yes

In /etc/ssh_config on the client side (Yggdrasil)
ForwardX11 yes
Tunnel yes

(3) You should be able to login
On Yggdrasil
ssh -Y 'Hans Georg Scherneck'@
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
$ xclock &

However (disappointment), scp does not accept a user name with blanks.
(Maybe the  -o User user option allows it)

Install ssh service on Elder (windows7):

Run cygwin as an administrator: startbutton => all programs => CYGWIN => Cygwin Bash Shell <= right-click
    cygrunsrv -S cygserver
    ssh-host-config -y
    cygrunsrv -I sshd -p /usr/sbin/sshd.exe
    ps -all
    cygrunsrv -S sshd
    net start sshd
    ps -all
Windows => Control Panel => Security => Firewall exceptions => allow sshd

Despite some error messages during service configuration and install, it worked out! Not only sshd is shown on the ps list, also remote ssh login works. Use
    ps -ef

The -y option in ssh-host-config ("yes to all") implies that a user "cyg_server" is created. This is needed in order to launch the sshd service with the euid of the owner of the service; this owner has the required rights to start jobs. We've learned that Administrator has not the required privileges.

Install ssh service on Yggdrasil (vista):

Run cygwin as an administrator: startbutton => all programs => CYGWIN => Cygwin Bash Shell <= right-click
    chmod ugo+x /var
    cygrunsrv -S cygserver
ssh-host-config -y

          This might not be appropriate any more:

    ssh-host-config (without -y)
    > Answer "no" to "Should privilege separation be used ?"
    > Answer "no" to "This script plans to use 'cyg_server' ... different name?
    > else "yes"
    > The program will install sshd
    cygrunsrv -S sshd

Debugging/monitoring sshd

cygrunsrv -E sshd
cygrunsrv --remove sshd
cygrunsrv --install sshd --path /usr/sbin/sshd.exe --args -d -1 /var/log/sshd-1.log -2 /var/log/sshd-2.log
cygrunsrv -S sshd

Passwordless login

On host machines,
mkdir .ssh/client-machine

On client machines,
cd .ssh
ssh-keygen -t keytype
mkdir save
mv id_* save
cd save
scp id*.pub user@host-machine:.ssh/client-machine/

On host machine,
cd .ssh
cat */client-machine/id_*.pub >! authorized keys

On client machine
cd .ssh
cp save/id_* .

Now, try login. Use  ssh -vvv user@host-machine  to debug on client side. On host side, see above.

If the sshd on the other side is the problem, it may look as if there are problems with keys.
In the -vvv debug output it can say "We've sent a key and now we are waiting for a response" (not verbatim cited) but the login sequence gets interrupted at this point. There may be violations of some settings, inappropriate file access settings (/var/empty is such a candidate), other kinds of things.

Re-installing the sshd service on the host side may be the best method.
To re-install the sshd service correctly follow the advice from Brian Dessent. In short:
Delete everything you've done:

$ cygrunsrv --remove sshd
$ rm -rf /var/log/sshd* /etc/ssh_host* /etc/sshd_config /var/empty

Now run just "ssh-host-config -y", followed by "cygrunsrv --start
sshd".  Everything should work fine.  If it does not, send the contents
of /var/log/sshd.log as well as all the entries in the Windows Event Log
from sshd.

Also, consider creating a proper group file with mkgroup -l -d or
similar (in the case you have a domain account /HGS)

You will have to remove the line associated with this server in the hosts'
.ssh/known_hosts file before you can login again.

Logging to /var/log/messages
René Berber wrote:

> On Sep 25, 9:06 pm, Skylive! wrote:
> > I have set SSH up on my Windows XP Home Edition computer some time
> > ago. I wanted to be able to log all incoming and outgoing SSH
> > traffic / commands issued to the server to a file. Currently, SSH is
> > logging to Windows and the log can be view from Windows Event Viewer.
> > This is not what I want and I was hoping to sort of 're-direct' the
> > data to a log file somewhere (like say the sshd.log file which isn't
> > being used at the moment). I am unable to find a guide on it at all on
> > this, nor did I find a solution that solved my problem in this group,
> > and I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!

> First install syslog-ng (or syslog which comes with inet-utils).

This means:
- Install syslog-ng by the cygwin setup. It is in group "Admin".
- run the script /bin/syslog-ng-config

> Second, change sshd_config to use "SyslogFacility LOCAL5" or similar
> instead of AUTH.

Then, make syslog-ng start automatically at each system boot by issuing
the commands
cygrunsrv --install syslog-ng --path /usr/sbin/syslog-ng
cygrunsrv -S syslog-ng

> Last, configure syslog-ng.conf creating a filter for local5 and
> directing the log to whatever file you want.

I did not need this. Logging goes into /var/log/messages

Wilfried Hennings
