Compiling Seiscomp under Cygwin

Don't despair! (Sysiphus)

We need xml2-config

For socket handling on the windows platform some definitions for gcc are needed during make.
However, they're probably not needed in all Makefiles.
First try make with the original files.
Where the make is failing, update the problematic Makefile.
This can be done with a script, e.g.
def-gcc-with-win32 acquisition/src/libslink/Makefile -DWIN32 -D__INSIDE_CYGWIN_NET_
(see Appendix for obtaining the script)

Might be advisable to use these two -Doptions together.
If you find another -D option that was missing, you might have to do the previous steps again.
make clean
(if problematic files remain, delete all files with the most recent time stamp, except the Makefiles)


The script

cd to seiscomp root and
chmod u+x def-gcc-with-win32

Required libraries

Install in cygwin using setup.exe
Category Python:     python-libxml2
Category Libs:         libxml2-devel
(we need xml2-config)