MiniSeed data on shuttle and Elder's Seisarchive

Shuttle:  $home  is  /home/hgs is  `~´
Elder and Utter:  $home  is  /home/HGS is  `~´

On the shuttle ( from time to time, hands-on, miniseed files should be copied from
~/earthworm/mseedfiles/SG/OSO/   to   ~/earthworm/mseedsafe/safe<yymmdd>/
Copy all files except the ones of the current day. Find out the day-of-the-year:
date +%j
Since the Shuttle has only limited disk space, the files from the mseedsafe must be moved to a bigger disk.
On both Elder and Utter there is a Seisarchive:
Elder:  ~/Seisarchive/earthworm/mseedfiles/SG/OSO/
Utter: ~/Seisdata/earthworm/mseedfiles/SG/OSO/

The miniseed data destination on Elder is
The miniseed data destination on Utter is
