How to URTAP with Wiener filters

Gravity, Atmacs, Sea level

These notes are an  excerpt from  C.\Users\HGs\_Present_\NKG\GA2014\tap-results.txt

Wf-predicted series using Atmacs and the g-residual: hampered by low coherence at high frequency,
which could be a consequence of earthquakes/record gaps.
(There is little to be expected from a partial approach in the
three-set of RIOS BARL and residual. But we should give it a try.)

First, set environment parameters
cd ~/Ttide/SCG
source urtap-openend-iwf.ins
Make a backup copy:
cp o/g100202-OPNEND-1h.ra.ts tmp/g100202-OPNEND-1h.ra.ts
Two runs:
sasm06 @ sasm06-rios-atmacs.ins :BARI
     sasm06 @ sasm06-rios-atmacs.ins :RIBA
with the input swapped
and two runs
     sasm06 @ sasm06-atmacs-ra+wwfs.ins :RIOS
sasm06 @ sasm06-atmacs-ra+wwfs.ins :ATMACS

[ -l 24,24,24,24 ]

urtapt @ urtap-openend-iwf.ins :U > ! urtap.log  
with   dff -0.95 to produce a new PEF,
then one more with diff=0.9 applying the new PEF:
cp o/gr-1h-new-150409.pef tmp/wwf.ra-1h.pef
make-wwf-links $WDATE RCNT
urtapt @ urtap-openend-wwf.ins :U > ! urtap.log

Experience from late summer 2014:

Still, we don't get the residual RMS below 8:
 tslq o/g100202-OPNEND-1h-wwf.ra.ts
 RMS-dev=   8.0138D+00
and POLI remains low (regular value not inside error bounds)
 RIBA 65 <o/RIOS-from-Barlap.wwf.ts>                       -0.11182 +- 0.00719  1)          5)
 BARI 66 <o/Barlap-from-RIOS.wwf.ts>                        0.01367 +- 0.00463     2)
 RIOS 67 <d/bp-rin-oso.ra.ts>                               0.06670 +- 0.00142  1)
 BAWF 68 <d/atmacs-ReLo-1h.wwf.ts>                          0.28042 +- 0.01346        3)
 BAGL 69 <d/bag100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>                        -0.12471 +- 0.01805           4)
 BARL 70 <d/barlap100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>                     -0.81094 +- 0.00269        3)
 POLX 71 <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|X>                  -0.00010 +- 0.00020
 POLI 72 <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|I>                   0.80790 +- 0.01719

1) complement each other
3) complement each other
4) now with the sign right, still rather small
5) SURPRISINGLY BIG, delayed response of water level (perhaps distance Onsala Ringhals?)
   While rel.accy BARL = 0.33%, accy. RIBA 6.4%
2) contribution is small, the others are equal rank:

        TsStatus  Band x      SolP         RMS      SolP*RMS   Fraction

 65  33 RAW_SGNL  RIBA .  -1.1182E-01  1.4433E+01  1.6139E+00  0.003495     :: <o/RIOS-from-Barlap.wwf.ts>
 66  34 RAW_SGNL  BARI .   1.3672E-02  7.3570E+00  1.0059E-01  0.000218     :: <o/Barlap-from-RIOS.wwf.ts>
 67  35 RAW_SGNL  RIOS .   6.6703E-02  2.2300E+01  1.4875E+00  0.003221     :: <d/bp-rin-oso.ra.ts>
 68  36 RAW_SGNL  BAWF .   2.8042E-01  4.2039E+00  1.1789E+00  0.002553     :: <d/atmacs-ReLo-1h.wwf.ts>
 69  37 RAW_SGNL  BAGL .  -1.2471E-01  7.4172E+00  9.2499E-01  0.002003     :: <d/bag100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>
 70  38 RAW_SGNL  BARL .  -8.1094E-01  4.1555E+01  3.3699E+01  0.072968     :: <d/barlap100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>
 71  39 RAW_SGNL  POLX .  -1.0313E-04  1.1979E+01  1.2354E-03      2.67E-06 :: <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|X>
 72  40 RAW_SGNL  POLI .   8.0790E-01  1.1592E+01  9.3648E+00  0.020278     :: <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|I>

The last run (2014-06-30) of urtap-openend-wwf.ins was made with dff=(1,-0.8)
Saved in o-Atm-new-wwf-1h/   keyword "-new-wwf"
Predictions using Wiener filters: 
  source predict-with-wwf
      tmp-Barlap-RIOS-1h.wwf (input: d/bp-rin-oso.ra.ts )
      tmp-RIOS-Barlap-1h.wwf (input: d/barlap100202-OPNEND-1h.ts )

 RIBA 65 <o/RIOS-from-Barlap.wwf.ts>                       -0.15135 +- 0.00601
 BARI 66 <o/Barlap-from-RIOS.wwf.ts>                        0.05906 +- 0.00491
 RIWF 67 <d/>                             1.45573 +- 0.01587
 BAWF 68 <d/>                      1.80533 +- 0.04812
 RIOS 69 <d/bp-rin-oso.ra.ts>                               0.08764 +- 0.00157
 BAGL 70 <d/bag100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>                        -0.21237 +- 0.01389
 BARL 71 <d/barlap100202-OPNEND-1h.ts>                     -0.84472 +- 0.00251
 POLX 72 <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|X>                  -0.00034 +- 0.00045
 POLI 73 <d/PMG100202-OPNEND-1h.ts -LP|I>                   0.87296 +- 0.01011

 tslq o/g100202-OPNEND-1h-new-wwf.ra.ts
RMS-dev=   5.4817D+00

The coefficients moved closer to expected values
The uncertainties became smaller at long-periods (POLI e.g. down from 0.01719) (owing to dff)
The RMS of the ra-residual became smaller (down from 8.0138D+00 !!!)

 psp-plot -> 4me/wwf_psp.png  wwf_psp_lin.png  wwf_pdg.png
shows major residual signal ~ M6

 plot-vcv -O ~/www/4me/ -o 1,999 tt/g100202-OPNEND-1h-new-wwf.vcv
shows major parameter correlations for M4 & Sqa   POLI & Sa,I
The residual shows bad disturbances in June 2014  ( _Present_\NKG\GA2014\g100202-OPNEND-1h-new-wwf.ra.png )
which the tide-press-plot does not reveal. Mended by more careful closure of data gaps
(basis for the wwf-predicted series). There are problems with the Bubbler end of June, 2014.

There is a jump Oct. 23, 2013  ( _Present_\NKG\GA2014\g100202-OPNEND-1h-new-wwf.ra-jump.png )
We changed the coldhead on Oct. 25 after failure Oct. 24, see log files in ~/TD/RAW_o054/L11310*.054
With a BoxCar (coeff = 17.54 +- 0.22) we arrive at
    RMS-dev= 4.6570D+00

2014-07-01 Results saved in  o-Atm-new-wwf-1h/
Better selection of OSO-bubbler time period and repairing the series;
reviewing the tide gauge analysis and make it run through to the open-end;
recalculating the Wiener filters
=> the lowest and smoothest residual ever: 2.28 nm/s^2
=> the expected POLI amplitude: 1.163 +- 0.007
Now we need a hell of a lot of plots.
