This is the MARS request file ~/p/obs-rq:
class = od, stream = oper, expver = 1,
= 19930801/TO/20000731,
area = 65.0/19.0/63.0/22.0,
= ob,
duplicates = remove, target = "/scratch/ms/se/sub/"
is called by shell script (batch job on Fujitsu VPP) my-retobs . Edit this script for date and area. There may be several stations in the area. We will write both their WMO ID-number and longitude/latitude.
The binary packed data is stored on the user disk area, which is important (the file is scratched immediately when the script is finished).
cd $SCRATCHWhen the job is ready, file must be unpacked.
cd $SCRATCHDialog:
ln -s input_datafile
ln -s obs.dat time_series
Remember: compile by
f77 bfpress.f $EMOSLIB
Finally, move the output obs.dat to your
local computer, divide the different sites (and data columns if
more than one)
and create bin ts files with tslist
A request issued at ECMWF on 2011-11-25:
class = od,4
stream = oper,
expver = 1,
date = 20100927/TO/20101231,
time = 0000,
range = 1440,
area = 58.0/10.0/56.0/13.0,
type = ob,
obstype = Land surface data,
duplicates = remove,
target = "/scratch/ms/se/sub/"
One of the interesting stations is Göteborg, harbour site,
IMO station code 2.513
note the -S0.01 to
obtain hPa units