How to assemble time series of observed air pressure

use code generator for password

This is the MARS request file ~/p/obs-rq:
                class   = od,
                stream  = oper,
                expver  = 1,

                date    = 19930801/TO/20000731,
                time    = 0000,
                range   = 1440,

                area    = 65.0/19.0/63.0/22.0,

                type    = ob,
                obstype = Land surface data,

                duplicates = remove,

                target  = "/scratch/ms/se/sub/"


is called by shell script (batch job on Fujitsu VPP) my-retobs . Edit this script for date and area. There may be several stations in the area. We will write both their WMO ID-number and longitude/latitude.

The binary packed data is stored on the user disk area, which is important (the file is scratched immediately when the script is finished).

When the job is ready, file must be unpacked.
ln -s input_datafile
ln -s obs.dat time_series
     Retrieve ? (y/n) y
     Your choice : (enter the name of a variable that should be added to the standard set)
     Press Return
The standard set is Pressure  `PRESSURE´

The output can first be inspected on the terminal by piping it through more.

Remember: compile by

f77 bfpress.f $EMOSLIB

Finally, move the output  obs.dat  to your local computer, divide the different sites (and data columns if more than one)
and create bin ts files with tslist

Example:  froste:/home/hgs/ECMWF/time_series

A request issued at ECMWF on 2011-11-25:

                class   = od,4
                stream  = oper,
                expver  = 1,

                date    = 20100927/TO/20101231,
                time    = 0000,
                range   = 1440,

                area    = 58.0/10.0/56.0/13.0,

                type    = ob,
                obstype = Land surface data,

                duplicates = remove,

                target  = "/scratch/ms/se/sub/"

One of the interesting stations is Göteborg, harbour site, IMO station code 2.513

awk '($3$4 == "2.513."){print substr($0,40)}' obs-wcse-100101.dat > obs-2.513-100101.dat
tslist obs-2.513-100101.dat -g'i4,4(1x,i5),t30,f10.0' -k2 -I -r1. -S0.01 -o ap-2.513-100101-1h.ts

note the -S0.01 to obtain hPa units
