Libraries  libgrex.a libtexx.a

(and the corresponding dummy libraries  libnogrex.a  libnotexx.a )

Install pgplot so you have a lib area in /usr/local/pgplot containing
grfont.dat libpgplot.a  pgxwin_server.exe rgb.txt

mkdir ~/pgplot522
cp pgplot522h.tar.gz ~/pgplot522
cd ~/pgplot522
gunzip pgplot522h.tar.gz
tar xfv pgplot522h.tar
cd pgplot

Follow the instructions in install-unix.txt
The installation starts from pgplot
Reconfiguration might be necessary; however, the current makefile has been made for a cygwin platform

If you scan for files that contain an editing stamp 'HGS'
fgrep HGS */*.f */*.c
you will see some pgplot routines and the xwdriver that have been changed for some enhanced functionality.

There is a catalog 4mw in the distribution  pgplot522h. The catalog is located under pgplot/. Purpose and explanations are found in an html document.

You need a compilation script gfs - it's in the helpers.tar under bin
setenv G77OPT '-fno-backslash -fdollar-ok'
setenv G77MOPT '-fno-backslash -fdollar-ok'

A suite of  fcs compilations can be carried out with the gfs4lib script, provided there is a file lib*.files with a list of the lib contents.
cd 4mw
source compile-all.env
cp lib*.a  /usr/local/pgplot
cp *.fh *.fc /usr/local/pgplot

A suite of  fcs compilations can be carried out with the gfs4lib script, provided there is a file lib*.files with a list of the lib contents.

More programs:
In the helpers.tar there is also a catalog util/ with a lot of f and a few c subroutines, that will go into four libs.

libcurse.a  libtexx.a  libutil.a  libutilc.a

The source codes are in util/p and util/c
There are a few fortran programs in util/c
Who's going where can be seen in the lib*.files
Special rule: the resulting libs should be moved to util/
The foillowing commands create the four libs:

cd ~/util/c
gfs4lib ../ texx
gcc -O2 -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE t_iniscr.c
ar rv ../libcurse.a getcch.o t_iniscr.o
gcc -O2 -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE fileopen.c
gcc -O2 -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE getints2.c
gcc -O2 -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE getints3.c
ar rv ../libutilc.a fileopen.o getints2.o getints3.o rbinf.o

cd ~/
gfs4lib ../ util