hms-plot [options] YYMMDD HH:MM:SS duration-expr
         Plot a segment of SCG data with HH:MM annotation.
         First try to find data in d/...ts
         If not found or insufficient duration, create the data
         using tsf2ts-decim
 YYMMDD HH:MM:SS     - start date and time.
 duration-expression -  (no blanks!)
         dh=hours  or  dm=minutes or  ds=seconds
        "dh=hours dm=minutes"  etc. is possible, e.g. "dh=1 dm=30".
 -f ft    -  ft = file type                                         [A2]
 -i ind   - ind = input directory                             [RAW_o054]
 -d r     -   r = sampling rate as part of file name                [1s]
 -c c,c.. -   c = channel numbers                                 [none]
 -n n,n.. -   n = channel names                                   [none]
 -u [u|c][[u|c]..  convert units (u), default is c, straight    [ccc...]
                  Volts. Position of symbol in string equals
                  channel number. u stands for (SI-) units,
                  c for channel (historic) (!)
                   -u cuuuc -c 9,13,14,21,41 

                  (disclaimer, GWR isn't consequent).
 -e e:e.. -   e = tsf edit options, either -- (dummy) or

                  a string  `file.tse,TRG´                   [--:--:...]
 -e f     -   f = the name of a file with lines containing
                  `-Efile.tse,TRG´ or in the order of
                  the channels.
 -N       - Prepare data, but do not plot.
 -C c,c.. -   c = color codes (triplets) or color names    [bla,red,blu]
                  Names: bla blu red yel pur cya tur
                  Additional colours must be defined in this
                  script; look for '# COLOR NAMES' .
                  If less colours are given than channels,
                  different grays will be used for the tail.
 -Y y,y.. -   y = curve offsets                                 [0,0...]
 -S s,s.. -   s = multipliers                                   [1,1...]
 -D b,b.. -   b = 1 to remove DC-level, 0 to retain             [1,1...]
 -YR ylo/yhi  Overrides the AUTO-detected Y-axis limits
 -YT t        t = tick interval, overrides the AUTO-devsied one.
 -LW w    -   w = legend box width                                 [1.2]
 -LP x/y  - legend position, 0 < x < 8, 0 < y < 1             [7.9/0.01]
            `'x-$legw/y-$legh'´ is possible.
            Obs the framed box has a 10% outer margin along each edge
 -PNG   - convert to png ( command = ps2png -rr -m -d d )
          -   d = density or `+´ for default 144x144
          - given a sampling interval and a duration,
            returns parameters for JDC to create a loop.
 (It needs care to get the time right)
 setenv HMSADDCURVE file
 where file is a csh source. Example file: ./seismogram4hmsplot
 which is a  tslist | ... | psxy  pipeline plus an
 set yloc = `echo legend-text | addlegend $yloc ...  command
 Prepare a file d/G1_3_$yymmdd-1s.ts
 Rename the file so that it fits the A2 or A1 type and devise
 a channel number beyond those of the A2 or A1, e.g. 77
 Exec this script and expect that a channel name is asked for.
 There is an option
 -xl [d=delimiter] 'name,name...'   default delimiter = ,
 so the name prompting is bypassed. Specify the names in the
 order of beyond-regular channels.
 hms-plot -c 9,21,41,77,78 -xl d=: 'Baro_[hPa]:Temp_[@+o@+C]' 120104 00:00:00 dh=48
 hms-plot -C red,tur -Y 0,0.5 -S 5,1 -c 9,10 120104 12:00:00 dh=1
 -c 2 channels, 9 and 10 (alt: -n channels by names)
 -C colours
 -S scales
 -Y offsets
 120104   = date 2012-01-04
 12:00:00 = start time
 dh=1     = 1h duration  ( alt: dm=value in minutes, ds=value in seconds)
 You might have to update ~/bin/hmsticktable.awk

The following example is from this command set:

The result first:

setenv HMSADDCURVE seismogram4hmsplot
hms-plot -c 5,12,20 -o -LP '8.03/0.03' -S 1,50,50 -Y 2,-2,-2 111023 20:50:00 dm=10

-c            Channels for Gravity and Tilt balance
-LP         legend position outside the diagram space
-S           scale tilts up with factor 50
-Y           move gravity up and tilt down by 2V
dm=10    for 10 min duration

The source script:
# Earthquake Turkey 2011 10 23 20:54
set eqd = ( 2011 10 23 20 50 00 )
set eqdur=60000
set eqdoy  = `cal2doy +d. +f%03.3i $eqd`
set eqdoyc = `cal2doy +d: +f%03.3i $eqd`
set eqdatt = `echo $eqd | awk '{gsub(/ /,",",$0);print $0}'`
set rm = `calc -f "%02i" "int($eqd[5]/10)*10"`

echo "tslist ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/GCF.${eqdoyc}:${eqd[4]}:${rm}:00.3U93Z2.ts \
        -BHc$eqdatt -Un$eqdur -Ediff.tse,DYDT -I \
        -o ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/tmp.ts"

tslist ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/GCF.${eqdoyc}:${eqd[4]}:${rm}:00.3U93Z2.ts \
        -BHc$eqdatt -Un$eqdur -Ediff.tse,DYDT -I \
        -o ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/tmp.ts

set juld = `JDC -d -m $eqd`
set juls = `JDC -d -m -S$juld -k2 $eqd`
set secs = `calc "86400*$juls"`

echo "tslist ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/tmp.ts -qqq -N -ns+$secs -D -S0.0025"

tslist ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/tmp.ts -qqq -N -ns+$secs -D -S0.0025 |\
 fgrep -v '<' | psxy -R -JX -m -W3/200/200/255 -K -O >> $psout

# low-pass filtered and decimated *100, filter length 2 * 600 samples ##################
#                                                                                      #

  set secs = `calc $secs+12`
  tslist ~/Seismo/gcf/G${eqdoy}/tmp.ts -qqq -N -ns+$secs -D -S0.02 -Elpf.tse,LPF600  |\
  fgrep -v '<' |  psxy -R -JX -m -W3/160 -K -O >> $psout
#                                                                                      #
# End low-pass filtered data ###########################################################

set yloc=`echo "Seis Z" | sed 's/_/ /' | addlegend -y$yloc -d1 -W8/160`

Notice that the script is quite general; define date, time and duration in the first two lines, and off you go.
The special part in it is the plotting of the low-pass filtered seismogram. We skip a legend entry for the unfiltered data.