ols06.fBack to olfg
subroutine get_sites (ius,fmtin,qxyz,qdms,qh,siten,monu,sitel
entry get_sites_xyz (ius,fmtin,qxyz,qdms,qh,siten,monu,sitel
entry back_sites (nsites)
entry get_sites_msg (qq)
Some instructions how to read this manual page:
Red text = invariable codewords
Purple text = examples
fmtin + char*72 - format for
reading site name monum. coordinates
Something like '(a8,1x,a6,t20,3f15.0)'
Special formats:
fmtin='stacov' - process gipsy file.
'ssc' - process IGS itrf??.ssc file for GPS.
'ssc-v' - process IGS itrf??.ssc file for VLBI.
'blokq' - process VLBI BLOKQ-file.
Files read with other than these special, predefined
formats must have one site record per line.
fmtin can be redefined from within the site file, except
in the cases of the special formats.
BLOKQ should be combined with IUS file unit of
the blokq.dat file.
BLOKQ mode implies an immediate file location
operation, searching for the string 'STATION CATALOG'.
One can start reading Get_Sites instructions from
the *.ins file and switch to the blokq-file using
the INPUT= command. Then one needs to enter the
qxyz + logical - input
coordinates are geocentric xyz
qdms + logical - coordinates
are long lat, integer degrees, minutes,
.not.(qxyz.or.qdms): coords are long lat, floating
point degrees.
qh + logical
- with qxyz=.false.: long lat height records;
in any case: return altitudes in array salt.
nsites + integer - actual number
of sites to be read. Specify nsites
equal to mxs if data file is to determine nsites.
nsites=1 for single sites; coordinate record is saved
in common /ccsitr/ and xyz coordinates in /csitrc/
mxs - integer -
maximum nuber of sites = array size in calling pgm.
siten(mxs) = char*24 - site name. Usually, the first 8 (4)
chars are
monu(mxs) = char*6 - monument code.
sitel(mxs) = char*48 - long site name.
slon(mxs) = real - longitudes (deg).
slat(mxs) = real - latitudes
salt(mxs) = real - altitudes
sclf(mxs) = real - auxiliary variable,
assigned by SCF=value command.
qxcpt(mxs) = logical - a flag. Main olfg.f uses them to mark
eligible for exception table processing.
+ Input/Output
They can be changed due to data file. The calling
program may suggest defaults.
= Output parameters.
Alternative entry:
entry get_sites_xyz (ius,fmtin,qxyz,qdms,qh,siten,monu,sitel
Only difference:
returns XYZ coordinates in a real*8 array.
get_sites_msg (qq)
Set message option, extensive print, if qq=.true.
back_sites (n)
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Common areas:
/ccsitr/ ccom
- char*100 - reading single records (nsites=1),
save the record most recently read.
/csitrc/ x,y,z
- real*8 - reading single records (nsites=1),
save the recent XYZ coordinates.
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Input file, log.unit iun:
First site record may contain word "sites" after a number:
N sites
Obs! lower case
Description of site records, comments, and options
100 ! -----------------
alt.1 Name Monu Longitude Latitude [Altitude] -> options
alt.2 Name Monu X Y Z -> options
____________ column 1 compulsory for -/ and // marks!
alt.3 -/
-/ options
-/ ...
-/ options
// comment /
Zero or some lines of comment /
// comment
Name Monu X Y Z
The site records, i.e. the parts
Name Monu X Y Z
resp. Name Monu Longitude Latitude [Height]
are read under format FMTIN.
The symbol -/ designates a pure
option line, and the trailing
symbol / designates that a continuation
line follows.
However, observe that the Name Monu ... records cannot be continued.
The symbol -> on a site information
record designates options trailing
to the right.
Many strings can be right-delimited with ]
or $ if they are to contain
blanks or if the string would touch the end of the line.
-/ CONT=itrf96_gps_o.xyz]
as the last line of a site file in order to chain in another.
In some
cases $ is not a convenient delimiter, and the system will
accept it
first as a normal character. Then the possibility is tested
whether a
word that starts with a $-sign can be interpreted as an environment
INPUT=n - Change input to file
unit n.
CONT=filename - Continue input from this file
CLOSE n - Close this file unitSKIP n - skip n site records (n integer)
Other options on the same line as SKIP will be ignored, except
In alt.3 any SKIP must occur immediately before
site record.
+ERR -ERR - Allow / don't allow read errors
- Immediately locate reading at the record starting with
text. Right delimiters: $ ] blank
OBS! Locate will occur before SKIP
- Search options for locate (c.f. /util/p/qlocf.f or below).
A string. Right delimiters: $ ] blank
A backspace is issued from this routine, so please
be careful when including option B --- it
might be
one too many!
Add > to options to prohibit this backspace.
- Specify geoid height above ellipsoid for this site.
Meaningful only together with +H.
In that case, site records must specify ellipsoidal
heights or XYZ coordinates.
XYZ - treat coordinates as XYZ, meters
EN - coordinates are East North
angles ...
NE - .. North East ...
LL - ... Lon Lat (=EN).
Two data fields are significant.
ENH - coordinates are East North [deg]
Height [m] ...
NEH - ... North East Height
LLH - ... Lon Lat Height (=ENH).
Three data fields are significant.
Height is always read last; use T format code
if data appears in a different order.
+H -H - Enable / disable site
DMS - Under EN
Read X Y as integer degrees minutes seconds, i.e.
Name Monu IX JX KX IY JY KY {Z}
DMS.S - Like DMS,
fractional (real*4) seconds, however.
DMSFF - Free-format Degrees Minutes Seconds
Name Monu group1 group2 {Z}
The numeric fields in each group are end-delimited
by a degree-character, a quote ' for the minute and
a double-quote " for the second. The degree character
should be declared using the command D=c
If a group contains any of the characters NnSs it is
interpreted as latitude, if EeWw, longitude. If a
minus sign is found (anywhere in the group), the
whole, composed value changes sign.
Thus, N3£15'30" is equivalent to S-3£15'30"
and N-3£15'30" is equivalent to S3£15'30"
The first character of a group must be in the set
D=c - specifies the character
that designates degrees in DMSFF
type coordinates. Default: £
DD - Under EN
Read X Y as decimal degrees.
XC - Exception table
processing enabled for this site.
XC_ON - Enable exception table processing
for this and all
following sites.
-XC - Disable for
this site during XC_ON
XC_OFF - Disable XC_ON.
- Wet site action: If this site is located in a wet
cell of the ocean grid, offset it in longitude=xoff,
latitude=yoff, when accounting the nearest load.
+WS - Wet site: Account the load if
the site is in a
wet grid cell, no offset.
-WS - Wet site: Skip the load if the
site is in a
wet grid cell.
FMT (format_code)
- change site record format FMTIN
- specify long site name, max 48 chars.
Scope: Only the current site.
- add to XL-extracted name, max 16 chars.
LN+$ - to reset.
i j - point out where long site name is
found: columns i..j in the site record.
0 -1 - to reset. Then, a long site name must be assigned
explicitly (LN).
The scope of XL and LN+
lasts until reset but is
set aside if an intervening LN= is encountered.
+M -M - Activate/deactivate geo-coordinate
M=nmsg - Set maximum number of
geo-coordinate messages.
+P -P - On/off excessive printing to
+S -S - On/off mild printing to protocol.
STOP=text] - define a
string where to stop file reading.
Two things are checked:
* Site name
* Record start (column 1..)
Reading will stop immediately.
-> STOP - alone on a line: no more sites
Example from an itrf-file (itrf96_gps_c.xyz):
// CONTINENTAL SITES from itrf96_vlbi.xyz
-/ XYZ FMT (t7,a8,a6,t38,3f15.3) /
-/ LOCOPT=' >]' /
-/ LOC=00003]
00001 TOULOUSE 7608
4627949.964 119843.760 4372863.102
00002 HOEFN
2679650.258 -727916.435 5722807.238
-> XC
00003 TROMSO 7602
2102904.058 721602.508 5958201.318
-> XC
00004 NY-ALESU 7331
1202462.764 252734.408 6237766.020
-> XC
will jump to next line after '00003 TROMSO'
Example to continue with stacov input after any other kind of input.
End of the site file has the
following two lines
-/ CONT=/home/hgs/gps/comb/all_plus_KUUS_itrf93.stacov]
Declare format of another file that has already been opened on unit
12 and skip into it, straddling
a number of sites:
-/ +S XYZ FMT (5x,a,t21,a6,t30,3f15.3)
-/ INPUT=12 SKIP 200
Could be CONT=filename
instead of INPUT=unit
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Location options to qloc.fN - No rewind.
- Text may occur anywhere on the line
(not A: text starts
from column 1)
- Convert input string to Upper case before
B - Backspace to relocate for
reading at that line.
(Obs! ols06/get_sites does a backspace
P - for debug: Print a lot.
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