Common variables in olfg.f / olsrg01.f / olssg01.f

! - compulsory. Must be set before rsload is called.
+ - to be set before rsload is called if feature enabled.
= - computed by rsload.
% - data must eventually be supplied. This can occur after
    rsload is completed.
o - optional; default exists.

Include file is: csite.fca

/CSITE/ and /CCSIT/: Site information
                     The Block data section is in olsr11.f
mxs - number of sites

      common /csite/ nsites,slon(mxs),slat(mxs),salt(mxs)
     &,              rlon(mxs),rlat(mxs)
     &,              xoff(mxs),yoff(mxs)
     &,              qskipw(mxs)
      common /ccsit/ siten(mxs),sitel(mxs)
! nsites   - integer - number of sites currently supplied.
                       mxs is the upper limit of nsites.
! slon()   - real*4  - longitudes [deg]
! slat()   -         - latitudes [deg]
+ salt()   -         - heights (above geoid to be exact) [m],
                       needed for gravity at altitude.
= rlon()   - real*4  - rounded longitudes to nearest grid node [deg].
= rlat()   -         - rounded latitudes ... [deg] .
+ xoff()   - real*4  - longitude offset [deg]. Needed if qskipw()=.false.
+ yoff()   - real*4  - latitude  offset [deg]. Needed if qskipw()=.false.
+ qskipw() - logical - meaning 'SKIP load at Wet site'.
                       If a site happens to be located inside a wet grid
                       cell (a resolution problem), the location can be moved
                       by xoff,yoff when the loading effect of that one
                       grid cell is accounted for. This does not happen under
                       exception processing.
+ siten()  - char*24 - Site names.
+ sitel()  - char*48 - Long site names.

Geographic description of array z.
This common block is supposed to be filled by the specific subroutine that
reads a specific ocean tide file. See programs in oteu52*.f
Also see Subroutine set_got_ar_for, oteu54.f.
Block data is in oteu54.f, defining a "standard" (Schwiderski) 1x1 degree
global grid.
      common /crsar/ xw,yn,xe,ys,uresx,uresy,rndx,rndy,global

! xw,yn,xe,ys - real*4  - west,north,east,south limits of the grid.
! uresx,uresy - real*4  - resolution, number of nodes per degree, longitude
                          latitude, respectively.
! rndx,rndy   - real*4  - the node is at rndx,-rndy degrees offset from
                          the grid cell corner.
! global      - logical - the grid is circular connected.
For Schwiderski, xw,yn,xe,ys = 0., 90., 360., -90.
                 uresx,uresy = 1., 1.
                 rndx,rndy   = 0.5, 0.5
The first grid node is at xw+rndx = 0.5, yn-rndy = 89.5 degrees long/lat.

Local load exception processing.
Block data in olsr05.f
mxt   - maximum number of tides [11].
mxs   - maximum number of sites [100].
mxcpt - maximum number of load cells for which refined coastline information
        may be required [105].
      common /cxcpt/ cmbk(mxt),zxcpt(mxt,mxs*mxcpt)
     &,              xcpt(2,mxs*mxcpt),nxcpt(mxs),itide
     &,              nusite,nuxcpt
     &,              qxcpt(mxs),qxcpt_exist(mxs),qot(mxt),ot(mxt)
% cmbk()  - complex - Tide mass imbalance, expressed in meter water level.
                      Values can be entered after the call to conserve_mass.
                      The results are to be passed to the exception table
                      output procedure. cmbk() is not used in rsload.
= zxcpt() - complex - Tide values of the excepted grid cells. To be passed
                      to the exception table output procedure.
= xcpt()  - real    - Location of these grid cells (degrees, long, lat).
= nxcpt() - integer - Number of exception cells.
! itide   - integer - The (column) index to the tide.
                      In olfg.f the character string  tides  determines
                      the order the partial tides appear in the
                      output file. To set itide accordingly,
o nusite  - integer - allocated maximum number of sites [default=mxs].
o nuxcpt  - integer - allocated maximum number of exceptions [default=mxcpt].
! qxcpt() - logical - true:  Enable exception processing for this site.
                      false: Prevent ...
= qxcpt_exist()- log- true:  Exceptions hvae been found at these site, post-
                             processing is indicated.
                      false: No exceptions have been found, post-processing
                             is not applicable for this site.
% qot()   - logical - qot(itide) is to be set true if exception comprises
                      tide itide.
% ot()    - char*4  - ot(itide) is to be set to the Darwin symbol.


/CGWA/ and /CUGWA/
Clipping regional area feature, overlap weights for stereographic projection
of a plane onto the sphere. That's for combining loading effects due to
a regional, plane model grid with those due to the remaining global ocean.
The common area /cgwa/ can be loaded with Subroutine getgwa (ols02.f).
The information is originally computed and stored by Main OLSTM.
The parameters in common area /cugwa/ are to be set before rsload is called.
      common /cgwa/  mgwa,ngwa,gwa(2500)
      common /cugwa/ qgwa,qigwa
+ mgwa,ngwa,gwa()      returned from call getgwa (iungwa, gwa,mgwa,ngwa)
                       Dimension gwa(ndim) where ndim=mgwa*ngwa. Common blocks
                       must appear in the procedure which calls getgwa.
                       Common blocks must appear in Main if ndim>2500.
                       gwa is real*4. mgwa,ngwa are integer.
                       Array gwa contains the regional weights according to
                       the overlap of a regional plane grid with a clipped-
                       away spherical quadrangle.
! qgwa     - logical - true:  Use the clipping feature with the gwa weights.
                       false: Skip this feature.
+ qiqwa    - logical - Inverse weights:
                       true:  compute the loading effect of the area of array z
                              that is clipped-away. Useful to compare with
                              the loading effect of the plane grid, which
                              must be computed with another program, e.g.
                              \OTEQ\OTEM07.exp (still only on the PC).
                       false: compute the loading effect outside the clipped-
                              away area. This is the usual case.
Block data is not necessary if only qgwa=.false. is ascertained.
Regional window, spherical quadrangle. When feature is activated (qwin=.true.),
optionally, the loading effect of the tidal array z inside the specified window
or outside can be computed (qiwin=.true. or .false., respectively).
Using this feature, different ocean models can be combined.
      common /crswi/ window(4),qwin,qiwin

+ window(4) - real*4  - west,north,east,south limit of the area.
! qwin      - logical - true:  activate window option.
                        false: use entire array z.
+ qiwin     - logical - true:  load inside window.
                        false: load outside window (usual case).

Block data is not necessary if only qwin=.false. is ascertained.