Man page for prl2tse
[options] <file> <tse-target-out>
Writes a TSF EDIT instruction file to assemble
time series from an urtap solution, prl-file.
can do: produce ts- and mc-files with admittances and
BoxCar and
Slope and TsfEdi (the latter is the method for
- after June-July 2018 the prl format was changed to
show the column numbers with three decimals instead of two.
Use this option when older prl files are to be processed.
-o <outf>
- output tse-file, default tmp/prl2tse.tse
If the default is used, the file will be
printed to STDOUT.
With -FF, the -o or the -q option must be
Quiet; don't print the default result file.
Append to <outf>
- Skip the drift terms
-sym SYMB[,SYMB...]
- Select only these symbols (field 1 in prl-file)
Default is all.
- Add signals. Default is inverted signs, used to subtract
the synth series from a gravity series.
- Synthesize drift terms only. With tslist you can
* create a zero-ts
* set a suitable epoch and
* call tsfedit
- like -S, signs of coefficient as in prl-file
which means: drift subtraction
- " -S, invert the signs, however. Gives
the coefficients for drift prediction.
-TB tse[,trg]
- A command file [section] that will be placed first (Begin)
-TE tse[,trg]
- ... that will be appended to the output (End).
Uses bin/xtr-tse for the purpose.
If a section target is given, only this section is
listed, however with the section mark-up removed.
If a section target is not found, nothing will
be printed.
If no section target is specified but the file
contains sections, all will be printed (with the
markup intact, which is probably not what you want.
(with -TB there will be an END command before the
output of the converted prl-file).
-X<v> #factor
- Do variations, i.e. add factor × uncertainty to the
amplitude coefficient for the following parameters:
<v> = B
bias slope exponential
- a verbose-output option, shows the uncertainties
as they are retrieved from the prl-file.
-FF <fdir>[,<fdir>...]
- Concerning -D, if the prl refers to more than
one ts-file in subdirectories and there are ambiguities
as to which ones exactly, or if a file has a symbolic link,
do an interactive selection in the subdir(s) <fdir>
NOT SURE WHETHER -X and -V are working correctly.
Especially after the format change.
prl2tse -D
o/g090701-140131-1h-boa-bpfM6.prl SYNTH >! synth.tse
prl2tse -sym ATML,ALPW,BRAW,BHPW -D -A
o/g090615-OPNEND-1h-atm.prl ATBA
URTAPM, merging campaigns:
Assume you have a reliable result
in o/g090615-OPNEND-1h-nnt-ochy.prl from tide
analysis with urtap-openend-ochy.ins
cd ~/Ttide/SCG
prl2tse -S+ o/g090615-OPNEND-1h-nnt-ochy.prl SYNTH >
! tmp/synth-tmp.tse
Edit the tse-file, adjust dates FROM to some days
earlier (2009 06 29) and TO to very late.
tslist _75000 -r1 -B2009,6,29 -I -E
tmp/synth-tmp.tse,S -D -o o/synth-drift-ochy-nnt.ts
cd ~/TD/a/Allcamps
cd d
rm -f recent-urtap-ochy.ts
ln -s ~/Ttide/SCG/o/synth-drift-ochy-nnt.ts
This file is suitable for urtapm's
command D