LaTeX hosts.allow sendmail fetchmail Find out IP-number Printing on etc.
Packages Syslogs remote X login Outlook attachments: TNEF sudo
Settings G77 services: font emacs åÄö[{}]\\
keys and bash bindings
mount nfs, mount in general
F77 linefeed
From the linux system (quartz, bixbin at
Get a security ticket (valid for 10 hours): kinit

kinit hgs@CHALMERS.SE

Print on mars:

lp -h -d mars

Print on color laser in mail room:

lp -h -d rss-ed-4340-color1 [file]

List the printer options:
lpoptions -h -l -x rss-ed-4429-color1


Configuration editing:



rpm -q package
rpm -q sendmail
Automatic update:
I have recently installed a package successfully from
(the rar / unrar archive utilities) in the following way:
Log in as root, start yast2, ->"install new software", and delete the old unrar package.
Exit from "install..."
rpm -i
Next time yast2 ->"install..." is run, the package is shown as registered (and protected). I guess I will need rpm -? to remove it.

Distribution Linux 8.2



edit /etc/rc.config
run yast2


edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
/etc/init.d/sshd restart

rcinitd restart

to set the date, log in as root and issue

date 082609312003.00
This does set the clock! The man page for date is misleading, -s or --set are not applicable.

The printer scanning process uses tcp_wrappers, which need permission to connect to the local machine (!).
Therefore the /etc/hosts.allow file has to permit


After changes involving inetd, the demon must be restarted. From SuSE Linux 8.2 on this is done using

rcinetd restart

Surveying logfiles

more /var/log/messages
to see practically everything
to monitor actual connections

g77 documentation

start emacs, then inside emacs launch

Meta-x info
goto node g77


This object is needed when you want to use getarg to return command line parameters.
If your main program is called mainprog.fyou need to compile it using
   g77 main.o mainprog.f

The code is found for instance in /usr/lib/libf2c.a
   ar xv /usr/lib/libf2c.a main.o


restart using the YAST2 GUI, choose "advanced network..." and "configure sendmail"

From ascii terminal, login as root and

rcsendmail restart
Because of hecatombs of spam we need to make the process of mail transport from the server's inbox to the final destination machine more safe while keeping manual interaction as convenient as possible. The following process will keep the road to the final destination clean. We employ fetchmail, despam, mail editing on unix using elm on a linux system, and finally request Get Msg from a Windows platform.

(1) fetchmail needs a configuration file ~/.fetchmailrc 

set no spambounce
set properties ""
poll with proto POP3
       user 'xyz' there with password 'denkste' is 'xyz' here
<empty line>

(2) despam
... is a shell script with the main duty to run a perl script  It will discriminate on the basis of the string  {Spam?}
at the beginning of the subject line.  You'll get a temporary copy of the inbox, all spam moved into ~/Mail/spam, and the /var/mail/user file will only retain the ham mail.
Wipe the spambox clean from time to time using RMSPAM ( alias RMSPAM='rm Mail/spam; touch Mail/spam' )

(3) The spam not indentified yet as such can (ought to!) be weeded out using elm or pine.

If mail gets marked "read" on the server but reading is interrupted, the mail will potentially indefinitely reside on the server. In that case use 

   fetchmail -a

Remote X login:
You must update
and change to


Restart using the sequence

init 3
init 5

Also see

Font server
(This is very very incomplete)
Font service is on tcp port 7100
On a SUN a font server would be called/usr/openwin/lib/
The file /etc/services assigns ports and protocols to nicely named services.
Whether it's active or not depends on /etc/inetd.config
fs            stream  tcp     wait   nobody /usr/openwin/lib/    fs
(that's from a SUN). It's supposed to be much different on SuSE Linux.

Making changes to inetd.config the inetd can be reactivated with the new settings on the fly by

    % ps -ef | grep inetd         ! find the process id of inetd
    % kill -1 <pid-of-inetd>      ! and get it to reload the config.

We have a font display and design program: pfaedit (/usr/bin/)

Find out computer's ip-number
Login as root, issue



The TNEF degenerator
Some Outlook emails have attachments that remain hidden under Mozilla. Nor does PINE or ELM know how to extract them. For this purpose there is the
tnef degenerator installed on linux (ore: /usr/local/bin/tnef)

Save the mail attachment (Part1.2) to a file, copy to the linux machine, and

tnef -f file -v -C directory

tnef --help

There is a web-service at

Emacs font and encoding
Without exactly knowing the reasons, here is a method to run emacs in X/windows over Exceed
and get all those characters to print.

ef is aliased to  ~hgs/bin/emacs-wrap
by which an ISO-8859-1 font encoding is loaded

In emacs the input methods must be toggled (C-\) to either create  $ @ and other AltGr characters or the \ sign.
Some irregular rewsponse and temporary hang-ups have been observed, but with some stubbornnes the characters will be
shown on the screen.


Change a uid:
usermod -u 3001 loading

will also change the uids on all files that the user owns

Key bindings under bash

The following bindings map keyboard keys to special characters, avoiding the compose-key keystrokes:

bind '"\xc2\xa3"':'"\x5e"'     #  "£"-key  generates "^"-character
bind '"\xc2\xa7"':'"\x7e"'     #  "§"-key  generates "~"-character
bind '"\xc2\xbd"':'"\x60"'     #  "½"-key  generates "`"-character

The keycodes can be found using (on ore: bin/keys -> perlproc/

mount nfs
this has become really simple recently (May 2009):

    mount beisla:/xxxx/yyyy/ /net_mnt/hgs/

    sudo tcsh
    mount /net_mnt/loading/
mount /net_mnt/hgs/

Froste's second disk /data1
    mount /dev/sda1 /data1

Roger says.

Line feed in xterm, f77 Absoft:
You can control linefeed behaviour with a runtime option:
         setenv ABSOFT_RT_FLAGS '-defaultcarriage'
See chapter on Porting Code in Absoft Fortran User's Guide
However, setting this variable in the login shell will interfer with what output shell scripts may expect from running Fortran programs.
Thus, setenv and unsetenv only around program executions that are uncritical. Be careful!
