tsd [options] filename {headline|-} [namelist_param=value]


Time-series display using /sas/p/mg/sasm01.f

in a mode with reduced interactivity.
Input file must be binary, written with the OUTTS procedure.
Instruction input is included in this script. If data editing is needed
a forerunning  'tslist ...tsfedit,option] -o tmp.ts'  is recommended.

Graphic display and prompt is available; text prompts are removed.
Changing the screen setup must be done through a T command in the
graphic window.

filename  - binary file with time-series (usually.ts),
            may also be a multi-column file (then use option -L)
            or a netcdf-file (then use option -N to select a column).

headline  - Comment on plot head. Default = file name. and/or column


 -l mc-target
         - For multi-component time-series, process the

           targetted segment.

 -L mc-target
         - ignore character case.

 -N cdf-target
         - for reading time series from ncd-file

 -E filename { target] | - }
         - will call tsfedit.
           If target is not specified, reading will start at SPEC in the
           body of tsd before control is passed to the specified file.
           With a target specified, this option can be repeated;
           tsf-edit commands will be copied into a temporary file in
           the order of -E commands. Be sure to specify the setenv
           commands as needed before launching tsd. 
 -e ...  - same as -E

 -diff   - Precludes -E. Use this option i you only want
           a running differencing on the data.

 -b #n   - begin at this sample number.

 -n msg 
         - response to the second display-prompter, a string:

           #Nspf = Samples per frame,
           #Nf   = number of sub-frames,
           $c    = connection code

 -p #npal
         - Palette number [99]

 -P palfile[,#npal
         - Palette file and number

 -O filename[,target]
 -A filename
         - catch records written in graphics cursor mode
           in this file, -O to replace, -A to append.
           These are usually tsfedit DEL commands. File unit 7 is
           used. Without this option the output is found in fort.7
           -A - default target is TSDhhmm where hhmm = hour and minute
                when the program was launched.
           -O - default target is TSD

 -S #scl - Amplification, a scale factor, default=1.0

Namelist parameters in sasm01.f: 
      namelist  /param/ fmt,xmrs,xtst,trg,rec_mrs,date,itz,hdl
     &,         qdot,qpin,dt,nrcut, iutse
     &,         alfa,beta,units,khms,qtsf_edit,tsf_edit_name,nz
     &,         limerr,time,exactd,qcut_at_epoch,qdecd,iyear_ref
     &,         scl,qremdc,qbatch,q_orthodox_jd,file_position,file_eof
     &,         label_mc_out,qdbg,q_f_reopen,k_f_reopen,qpr
     &,         q_date_format, fmtd, q_brx, q_mwchars, mxsf
     &,         pal_file, upal, npal, ymin,ymax, qdt,dtr, qprompt
     &,         qstop, pstr,qstr,q_interactive,mjd, qdbg_tm
     &,         qpause_tm, q_shut_graphics, q_keep_graphics, cont_mc
     &,         q_many_xwindows, tselab_out, q_tse_out
     &,         cdfn,cdfl

Of these, the following parameters may be interesting/useful
 q_many_xwindows, q_shut_graphics, q_keep_graphics
Line connection, pins, and additional rendering options:
 C      - connected line
 +P -P  - draw pins yes | no, disables connected line
 +D -D  - draw dots yes | no
 +Y#v   - max Y, clipping level
 -Y#v   - min Y, clipping level. -Y must be specified after +Y
 +T -T  - mark time ticks also at the auxiliary grid lines.
 +M -M  - emphasize missing values yes | no

Graphic window (not the complete set of options):

  The standard prompter:
    r     - repeat without question
    R     - repeat, prompting for the sample number for start and the msg string
    t T   - tick mark color
    < >   - move backward | forward with one length of window
    c C   - start the cursor prompter
    p P   - go to the palette prompter
  o w W   - write the visible data to unit 9, o for binary;
            if the file is not open yet, a prompter will ask whether binary
            or ascii output. With ascii, the user can choose among a few
            date-formats (subroutine write_fmd (9,dopt(i),...)
            (never tried out).
  Cursor prompter:
    move the mouse pointer to a place and press ...
    <ESC> - back to the standard prompter 
    s     - will show time and ordinate in the lower right corner
    t     - will set a time mark and show time as vertical text next to the mark
    m     - will set a time mark and show time and ordinate in the lower right corner
    b e z - define selection: b for begin, e for End. Hit z to zoom up the selection.
            Instead of z you may press
            C for drawing a connected line or
            +P for pins.
    D     - will write a DEL command line for the selected interval;
            output on unit 7 (fort.7). Cf tsd command line options -O -A
            The command word can be edited at a prompter.
    W     - prompts for a comment, which will be written to unit 7 after info
            about file and selected interval. With D and W you can compose a series of
            TsfEdit commands.
    y       The curser's vertical position at the time of hitting y will be used
            for plotting markers and time labels.
    x       prompts for a horizontal offset between markers and labels (on Barre only)