urtipgt - predicting tides from an urtap solution
run_urtip - a wrapper script (csh)
urtipgt.f is a Fortran program. It is
controlled with an instruction file, urtip.ins, and it needs a file
containing a response spectrum.
The most straight-forward response file is found in the output of
urtapt, file unit 13, typically named urtap.trs
It is also possible to compose a trs-file from a table of delta
factors and station-specific data.
Two modes are distinguished concerning the output. With a regular
sampling interval or using a time-tie file as input.
If you want a theoretical tide series, use urtapt's .pt.ts file.
urtipgt.f is found in ~/tap/t/m with subroutines
in ~/tap/t/p
run_urtip is found in ~/TD; it has help-text
(switch -h). It has a manual
page too.
The ins-file
Produce an ins-file
using run_urtip -e ...
Urtap wavegroup example:
cd ~/tap/t
13 R t/urtap.trs
31 B o/pt.tsf
date=2014,11,09, hms=00,00,00
dt=1.0000000E+00, tscale=3600.
Delta-parameters example
13 R t/delta.trs
31 B o/pt.tsf
date=2009,7,1, hms=00,00,00,00
dt=1.0000000E+00, tscale=1.
Time tie with Julian dates:
13 R
38 R tmp/${CAMPAIGN}.ttie
31 B o/${CAMPAIGN}.pt.tsf
date=0,0,0, hms=0,0,0
dt=1.0d0, tscale=1.d0
The trs-file:
Note that the coefficients are with respect to the
potential (NDR spectrum can be applied for a number
of Love-number
schemes); however, a gravimetric delta factor option
is not available.
The coefficients may be rescaled; the CALFACTOR in
the trs-file, however,
is ignored (it's only a comment from urtap's side).
An alternative is to specify delta factors in the same way
as tabled
in Absolute Gravity g-soft project files.
There are two examples in ~/tap/t/t
tap/t/t/urtap.trs - Wavegroups as
urtapt produces them
tap/t/t/delta.trs - Delta factors
from an Absolute gravity project file.
Other important features:
The DUT leap seconds are processed. If you convert
the ASCII output
with tslist, use the -TLS option
Pre-filter (*_prf) parameters can be used if a prediction
is to match a downsampled
or filtered series of observations.
Namelist parameters:
character parameters are indicated with
`- char*n -ยด
logical parameters start with q
complex*16 parameters start with z
integer parameters start with a character in
else: real*8 unless expressly declared.
- not used
qspec,wadd - stubs or experiments; don't use in
regular jobs!
- wadd>0 AND open file on unit 22:
See ~/TD/run_urtip how to
control tide synth using a
template ts-file.
Issue run_urtip -h
parameters to open a file on unit 22 and process it
with read_fuf
Defaults: 'BIN','U',-9999.9d0,1,0.0d0,0.0d0,0
cause - char*3 - TGP or SRT
qdudt - logical - if
.true., compute the time derivative
iun - output
file unit (ASCII, YYYY MM DD hh mm ss and format
is still fixed - we might need an update for dt <
usecal - output calibration
factor, default=1.0. See q_volt!
thd_file - harmonic tide potential
(Tamura). Default='/home/hgs/tap/d/etcpot.dat'
utc_file - leap seconds. Default='/home/hgs/tap/d/ttutcf.dat'
To keep it up-to-date this file must be
maintained manually!
- start time = date + t0[h] or date+hms if hms(1) > -1
date(3) - integer - yyyy,mm,dd
hms(4) - integer - hh,mm,ss,fff
nout,dt - length
and rate [h] of output.
qmodelf - if .true., use file
opened on unit 22 to obtain the
Parameters that must have been set to special values
in the namelist block:
(hms(1) < 1 and date(1) < 1) or t0 > 9999.9
tscale - rate =
dt/tscale [1.0d0 = 1 hour]
qleapsecs - if .true., take account of leap
seconds, which is the default.
OBS! If tslist is going to convert o/pt.tsf
and leap seconds
ignored there, gaps will appear - unless there's a bug.
iutt - as
an alternative to timing above, read a time tie
from file unit iutt
List-directed format, YY MM DD [hh mm ss ff] or
Julian dates if ...
qymdhms_tt - logical - is not .true.
iujtt - time-tie is
taken from am MC-BIN-file with Julian dates
in the first column; it ought to be labeled.
Program will add an MC-column to this file,
labeled 'GRAV________PRED' (needs an option to make
label user-controlled).
zfacl2 - effective
factor on Love no. l in NDR-combination for
strain, default (6.0,0.0).
- NDR parameters, quality factor and resonance frequency
cfc -
char*9 - core model, see ~/tap/p/ndrfs.f for applicable strings.
q_abs - the
trs-file contains absolute in-phase,cross-phase
coefficients. Standard is factors w.r.t. tide
q_volt - .true.: If
trs-file contains a CALFACTOR record,
divide the output by the calfactor. The function
of this option is, if the tide analysis has been
done on a time series in units of nm/s^2
then this procedure will generate the corresponding
predictions in the original "Volt" units.
The factor for the output is usecal/calfactor
q_ocean - (under
q_abs=.true.) ... oceanographer's phase convention
(c.conjugation is
applied to the input.
See *) below.)
iun_trs - file unit for trs-file
locstr - char*64 -
location string, needed if iun_trs is 4 = ins-file, since
the trs-file is rewound before reading.
locstr='WAVE GROUPS'
scans for such a line heading the
wave groups
segment. An empty locstr will skip the
search of a wave group header line.
locstr='Delta' signals that a
file section with delta factors
is to be read.
iun_prf, trg_prf, dt_prf, o_prf, thresh_prf
- Pre-filter declaration.
Subroutine GETFS is found in ~/sas/p/filterios.f
In effect only if iun_prf > 0
thresh_prf - An amplitude threshold to restrict
printing to the greatest
trg_prf - char*64 - location
target in the filter file. Can be ' ' if
there is only one set of filter coefficients.
o_prg - char*8 - option
string to GETFS.
dt_prf - The sampling
interval of the series on which the filter
originally applied.
f9003 - output format, default
qfjd - if .true., write out the
full Julian date. Default is MJD,
always in
double precision floating point. A f12.6 in f9003
automatically replaced with f15.6.
khms - the width of hms
default is
4. If changed, f9003 must be changed.
(One day we'll make this automatic, but there's
little need,
and the
program's speed would suffer. )
msglevel - In the time-series part,
diagnostic printing is in effect
with a low level number.
0 - most excessive printing
3 - no printing
You can set this parameter in the runtime environment:
setenv URTIP_MSGLEVEL msglevel
maxmiss - print
missing tides, those that escape the trs-wavegroup setup.
Default is all [1200].
You can set this parameter in the runtime environment:
setenv SYNTHB_MAXMISS maxmiss
modprt - Monitor the tide synthesis at
every time step i for which
MOD(i,modprt)=0 [1000]
You can set this parameter in the runtime environment:
setenv URTIP_MODPRT modprt
You have cos and sin components from a tide gauge and
want to compute
a time series of ocean tide height.
You need the wavegroup setup corresponding to the
analysis' tide band setup
= 2N2 452 ; #cos #sin
= 2N2 452 ; #cos #sin
(first line for a minimum resolution, second for a
high resolution)
etc etc
Use core model (cfc) 'OT_EFFEC'