c c I. From Oload/p/m/olfg.f c program global_loading c c Main program to call RSLOAD. Tides or air pressure loading. c c Tides: A variety of tide models can be processed. All are defined c on spherical equi-angular grids. These models are termed GLOBAL if their c grid covers the entire longitude cycle. Special reading procedures are c called to input e.g. the CSR or a Schwiderski model, alternately the c simple GETZM procedure is used. c c Air pressure: Use subroutine GETRM to read pressure grid (GETIM to read c the associated flag file). c c Run-time instructions are input from file olfg.ins; see below. c c In the following text frequent reference is made to the all-important c namelist &forms. Much of the program behaviour is controlled this way c while commands steer it through a set of partial tide models, a set c of Greens functions etc. Both the namelist and the command descriptions c must be read with care. I'm looking forward to complaints and suggestions c (really!). c c c The domain of convolution can be limited by c =========================================== c (a) a user-window (Namelist variables UWINDO(1..4) and QUWIND). c Loading effects due to tides either inside or outside this region c may be computed. c (b) the declaration of a plane grid regional model. This mode is entered c if a file on unit 33 is opened (Open File block in file olfg.ins). c (c) the declaration of a plane grid regional model with overlap weights; c the loading effects of the exterior or of the interior can be computed c (c.f. Namelist variable Inverse_Weight). This mode is entered if c files on units 33 and 34 are opened. Program \OLOAD\OLSTM computes c the overlap weights. c (d) The user window (a) can be forced to superimpose the area of (b) or (c) c (Namelist variables UWINDOW(1..4) and QFWIND). c Local coastline refinement. c =========================== c A local window can be excepted in the load computation at each site. OLFG c will produce XCPT exception table output equivalent to \OLOAD\OLM61* c This data can subsequently be post-processed with \OLOAD\OLMPP. c The TOPO data processing, however, is deferred to OLMPP. c The loading effects of an ocean tide model on a plane grid (stereographic c projection can be computed with program \OTEQ\OTEM07. c If you used \OTEQ\OTEM07 with Keep_Global_Ocean and want to compute c the global loading effects remaining: c Declare these areas in the job that computes area weights: OLSTM.exp c c CMC c === c Olfg.f also contains code to compute Centre of Mass Coefficients (CMC). c The call is to subroutine deg1c (olcmc.f) c c _____________________________________________________________________________ c c =========================++\ c Input from olfg.ins: |||> c =========================++/ c C (1) Namelist &FORMS C ===================== C C Parameter type use [default] C _________________________________________________________________________ C C C s Can be changed from site file (unit 11); C c.f. (3) below. C c Can be changed by command option; C c.f. (4) below. C C Storage C ------- C MAX_SITES integer Trading off MAX_SITES vs MAX_XCPT helps C MAX_XCPT integer space conservative allocation. The product C of MAX_SITES*MAX_XCPT is to be within the C limits of NUSITES*NUXCPT as allocated in C BLOCK DATA BXCPT (Oload/p/ols05.f). C MAX_SITES and MAX_XCPT will override C [NUSITES,NUXCPT] only if reasonable values C are expressly specified. [-1,-1] C C C Physical parameters C ------------------- C Q_CMIB logical Correct tide mass imbalance [.true.] C OTSCALE real Factor [1] C ZOTADD complex Add ZOTADD*FACTOR at sea flags [0] C OTSCALE and ZOTADD are applied at C ACTIVE_FLAGS, see below. C C ZCMC1(3) complex Result of ocean function degree-1. C Useful for air pressure since mass conservation C over the oceans is more subtle to implement. C Decent values (real parts): (1.06,0.76,0.50) C [3*0] C C C Formats, sites, distance control C -------------------------------- C FMTIN s char*48 Site record input format. C READ (4,fmtin) Sitename, coordinates(1..3) C ['(a16,3f10.0)'] C QXYZ s logical Site coordinates = geocentric XYZ. C If .false., X=longitude, Y=latitude. [.F.] C QDMS s logical Site coordinates are integer deg min sec. C If .false., fractional degrees. [.F.] C QHGHT s logical Site coordinates include height. [.F.] C C CRTDIS c real Distance below which Green's fct is inte- C grated [deg]. [10.0] C N_HIRES c integer High resolution load "integration" [10] C C DISMAX real Maximum distance for expansion of Green's C function. Area diagonal might override this C value [-1.0 = area diagonal] C C XOFF(100) s real Offset of site (lon,lat) [deg] in the case C YOFF(100) s that the site is "in water"; is applied only C to the one ocean cell that encloses the site. C [100*0.0, 100*0.0] C QSKIPW(100) s logical Skip account of load effect of a local ocean C cell where the site is "in water". [100*.T.] C C C QCOMSG s logical Print messages about site coordinates [.T.] C C CRTALT real Critical altitude (m). Gravity sites at greater C altitude: Height effect will be included. C [10.0] C OLCMNT char*77 Comment about pgm and user; for BLQ-output. C C C Output C ------ C BLQAMF real Amplitude factor for BLQ-output files. Suggest C 10.0 for GRAVITY, yielding units of 0.1 mGal. C C BLQOPT char*8 Option for Put_OL_Rec. 'R' to output Real and C Imaginary part rather than Amp and Pha. [' '] C C TIDES char*80 Tide symbols (maximum: 11) controlling the C order of appearance in the *.blq and *.xtb C output files. C [' M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 Mf Mm Ssa $'] C 12345678123412341234 C C ORTHOS char*80 Like TIDE, Orthotide symbols however C [' A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 $'] C 12345678123412341234 C C IOUT integer File unit for printed results. [6] C C QRE logical Results are real valued. Use shorter C formats where possible [.F.] C C QSAM logical OLF output file 41: C Show Site name and Monument number. C If false, the "Long site name" is used C for sites with no Monu number. [.T.] C C FMTAPL char*72 Format for air pressure loading output on C unit IUAPL. C IUAPL integer Unit number for air pressure loading [42] C NB: Air pressure loading will not produce C BLQ-style output since the problem is non C CMPLX. Instead, one file per site is opened C (for append) and the #-D displacement is C written: C #1 date+time r e n C OUTSPATH char*64 Prepending string for internally generated C file names under the OUTS command ['./'] C C C Regional windows C ---------------- C UWINDO(4) real Area window, limits convolution, C West North East South, [deg] [global] C QUWIND logical Apply window. [.F.] C Load_In_Window logical Submode to QUWIND or QFWIND or opened file C unit 33 [.T.] C If .F., loads outside window are used. C QFWIND logical Force window, superimpose plane grid window. C A submode under opened file unit 33 [.F.] C If .TRUE., QUWIND should be .FALSE. C These options should only be used if C (1) loads are inside window, and {Inverse_Weight=.true. C or no file opened on unit 34} C (2) loads are outside window, no file opened on 34. C I.e. Inverse_Weight = .false. is incompatible with a window. C INVERSE_WEIGHT logical Use 1.0 - overlap_weight. [.F.] C Inverse_Weight = .true. results in loading C effects from the INTERIOR of the overlapping C areas. A submode under opened file unit 34. C C Picture C ------- C WEST,NORTH real*4 Upper left corner of the screen display C (deg) [0.0, 90.0] C IPXX,IPXY integer Pixel resolution (#/deg) [1, 1] C C QPIC logical Set these parameters (else: use subroutine's C defaults = extent of tide map) [.false.] C C COLFAC c real*4 Amplification factor for colors (1.0 expands C 1 m into 16 colors) [1.0] C Flather tides / global tides C ---------------------------- C OTMODEL c char*32 'Flather' - files units 21, 22 are used. C 'CSR' 'Eanes' - files units 23, 24 are used. C C 'Global ...' - file unit 23 is used. C C All 'Global' models define their own land-sea C mask with a missing-record data value. C Non-'Global' models must be accompanied by C flag files. C ['Global Schwiderski'] C COMMNT c char*32 Annotation of result on file unit 41. Recomm- C ended: Short form characterizing ocean model C and windowing, C e.g. SoF - "Schwiderski outside Flather" C [COMMNT=OTMODEL] C C OTPATH c char*32 for Schwiderski: '/vlbi/hgs/Otide/schw]' C for Seiler: '/vlbi/hgs/Otide/seil]' C for Le Provost: '/vlbi/hgs/Otide]' C Specify OTMODEL='Global...' C C QPHF logical Read tidal phases from separate unit 24 C Q_OTFORM logical Read Schwiderski formatted, using ... C OTFORM_A _P char*64 formats for amplitudes and phases C [.false.,.false.,'.','.'] C C QTR logical Trace-option for RSLOAD (olsr01.f) [.false.] C C Q_LFL logical Read LOG1 flags [.true.] C Q_FLF logical Flag file is formatted (else: binary)[.false.] C Q_FLGFLIP logical Flip flags 0 <-> 1 [.false.] C FLIP_FLAGS(4) integer flip strategy for flgflip (oteu013B.f): C if FLIP_FLAGS(1) <= flag <= FLIP_FLAGS(2) C then flag = FLIP_FLAGS(3) C else flag = FLIP_FLAGS(4) endif. C Default is for inversion: [1,1,0,1] C ACTIVE_FLAGS char*9 Target flags for OTSCALE and ZOTADD C Meaningful: S A L, right delimiter ] ['SA]'] C Q_RWD c logical Rewind before array input under C GETZM/GETRM(23,...) [.false.] C Q_REVO c logical Reverse order (North-to-south) C loading array. [.false.] C C Special for CSR / EANES tides: C CSR_OPT c char*8 String passed as the Option in call GETCSR, C 'S' - subtract the loading field (since it's C a geocentric tide). C CSR_TV char*8 Version number for tide file ['_2.0]'] C CSR_LV char*8 Version number for load file ['_2.0]'] C C _____________________________________________________________________________ C C (2) Open File block: C ====================== C C Unit Use C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C 11 Site records. Instructions c.f. ols06.f or II. below C C (21) (optional) Flather tides (CALL PACKED_GETZM), C e.g. C:\BIGDATA\FLATM2.DAT C This file unit will be automatically opened and closed C if commands like TIDE O1 M=Flather X=.dat are given. C (22) (conditional) Flather land/sea flags e.g. Bigdata/Otide/Flat.flg C C (23) Case &forms OTMODEL='Global...' (Schwiderski, Seiler,...) C equivalent command M='Global...' (Schwiderski, Seiler,...): C Unit 23 is opened from within subroutine GETGOT. C Don't open unit 23 here ! C C 24 Case &forms OTMODEL='...CSR'|'GETZM'|'GETRM' C equivalent command M='...CSR'|'GETZM'|'GETRM' C Land/sea flags for CSR tides or accompanying array input. C C 33 (optional) Flag array for a plane grid model and Common /CAREA/ C (e.g. D:\OTEQ\MDL08\FLZU.DAT) C Do not open 34 ! C 34 (optional) Overlap weights for the primary ocean model C due to overlay of the regional model area. E.g.: C D:\OLOAD\M8FGWA.DAT for MDL08 overlay Flather C D:\OLOAD\M8GWA.DAT for MDL08 overlay Schwiderski C Do not open 33 ! C C 41 (optional) output of results, same format as OTEQ\OTEM07.f C C 42 (optional) collects results in the BLQ-format, complete. C C 43 (optional) like 42, results marked "Yet incomplete", C i.e. an XCPT table was produced. C C 44 (optional) XCPT = exception table C C 48 (optional) Output. Interpolated load field values at the sites C and their gradients. Meaningful only in cases C where sites are in water or in air pressure loading. C Available only under GETZM/GETRM input. C C 49 Used under CMC command. Centre of mass corrections. C C IOUT Site results for the protocol. [Default 6], IOUT can be changed in C Namelist &forms to an unused file unit not listed C above (like 45). C C (You see from the MS-DOS formats that some features haven't been that C important; we've been on the unix for almost four years now.) C _____________________________________________________________________________ C C (3) Site records if file 11 is not opened. C ============================================ C (c.f. instructions in ols06.f) C C _____________________________________________________________________________ C C (4) Command and parameters etc.[defaults]: C ============================================ C C GREEN C=comp[RADI] F=Greens_file C C TEST N_test_areas, Msize[360] ,Nsize[180] C Following N_test_areas records of area corners and tide value: C I1,J1, I2,J2, Z C C ORTHO C to process CSR OrthoWeight file (R.Eanes). C The 6 "tides" are A1 B1 C1 (diurnal) A2 B2 C2 (semidiurnal) C C [default] C TIDE symb F=OTpath / [&forms otpath ['Bigdata/Otide/schw]']] C M=OTmodel / [Global Schwiderski] C S=OTscale / [1.0] C O=OTopt / [' '] C X=OTfext / [?] C C=OTcode / [&forms OTmodel ['Global Schwiderski']] C V=OTversion / C A=SCLvalue [colfac] C G=gridcode / [&forms gcode [' ']] C HR=resolution / [&forms n_hires [10]] C HRD=HR-distance / [&forms crtdis [10.0]] C +Rwd -Rwd / [&forms q_rwd [.false.]] C +REVO -REVO / [&forms q_revo [.false.]] C +NZR -NZR C -XCPT C C C Example: C C TIDE M2 F=/vlbi/hgs/Otide/lepr] / C M=Global_LeProvost X=.dat / C C=LEPR C C Explanations: C C Item Recognized Req. Explanation C __________________________________________________________________ C symb always String, 4 chars. C ?? for test C M2 C S2 etc., Darwin symbols C C A1 C B1 etc., orthoweight symbols (CSR, Eanes) C C OTpath String. Invariable part of file name or C complete file name case OTmodel=GETZM C C OTfext String. File name extension, '?' to C obtain reading routine's default. C Flather To access Flather's models, X=.dat C C OTmodel String. Model input options. C Global Schwiderski uses GETGOT for reading C Global Seiler " C Global Ocean " C Global LeProvost GETLEP C CSR GETCSR requires flag file C Eanes " " " " C Flather GETFLA " " " C GETZM LGETZM " " " C GETRM GETRM " " " C C OTcode String, max 30 characters. C Annotation printed on unit 41 result list: C If unspecified, OTmodel is used. C System will append _X if an exception C table was produced. C C OTopt String. Options, to be passed to ocean tide C reading routine. Presently used only in C the case of the CSR models. See CSR_opt C below. C C OTscale Scale factor multiplied with ocean tide C amplitudes. C C OTversion Integer. Version number for input under C OTmodel = GETZM C C SCLvalue Real. Amplitude factor for color screen C display. C 1.0 is good for M2, N2 would need 3.0. C C gridcode SCHW LEPR FLAT SMHI C C A long line can be broken between options. Put - or / in the C right-most position C C resolution The number of intervals along each C direction used for near-load C integration (standard is 10 meaning 10x10 C intervals). C C -XCPT Set off exception processing for the C currently defined partial tide. C This option applies primarily in the case C when different grids are processed in C the same job and post-processing of only C one of the grids is sufficient. C (Preparation of exception tables for C different grids must be done in different C jobs.) Post-processing of LEPR or CSR C tides and rough fill-in of Schwiderski C long-period tides would be an example. C C +NZR -NZR Near zone report. Equivalent to an C exception table. Loads will not be skipped, C however. C C +REVO Arrays read in by GETIM, GETZM or GETRM C are ordered north to south. Standard is C south to north with these routines. C C +WRN -WRN Enable/disable warning messages. C C CSR_opt Options for reading the CSR tide models. C The following text comes from p/oteu524n.f c - 'I': Init, open file c 'F': Init and refresh (read file again) c 'S': Retrieve tide and subtract loading field c at the same calling instance. c 'U': Open file, refresh, subtract field from c supplied array z. c 'L': Retrieve loading field. c Two calls, first with 'FI', second with 'LU', c should accomplish the same result as 'FIS'. cc '-1': Read file "Not one chunk". c Is set automatically with Version 3 files, since c the buffer space that is allocated by this c procedure is notsufficient for these large files. c Version 2 files can be read "one chunk", which c is faster. c 'O': Ignore flags; let data file availability decide c whether a point is land or sea. c 'N': Nice orthoweight values: divide Z by 100. c (Large values will be rejected by ocean loading c programs since they assume data unit is metre.) c Applies to the ortho-partials (A1 B1 etc.) only. c Divide amplitudes by 10 in conjunction with admit2 c when processing results based on this mode. c (We cannot divide by 1000 here since this c yields too small values in c the ocean loading output file.) c C N.B. The following options should never C be specified in the OTopt string C C C C DO TIDE C with the options above = GO + TIDE on the same line. C C AIRP number [D=date+time] F=filename / C / additional options like TIDE. C C Evaluate air pressure loading. C Number: store results in specified C column (in place for a tide symbol) C C NAMELIST C followed by a namelist block &FORMS to &END. C C OPEN C followed by a file opening block. C C C OUT [C=comment] [ONLY_NZR=m [REAL]] C TIDE: Output BLQ records using put_ol_rec C on file unit 42 and 43. The results C written to file 43 are "incomplete", C i.e. they require post-processing. C Exception table will be output to C file unit 44. C C C=comment Comment is written on the blq-records C ONLY_NZR=m Output only the Near Zone Report (file C unit 44 = the unit for the exception C table). m = number of tide fields. C In the case of daily processing of air C pressure fields at six hours interval C m=4. C REAL to process real-valued results, as in the C case of air pressure. C C C OUTS [F=[format]] [P=path] [REAL|CMPX] C also OUTTS AIRP: Output time series results C (air pressure loading effects) C to files with internally generated C names. Formatted output to C outspath//site//'_apl.tsf' C Unformatted output to C outspath//site//'_apl.tsu' C File unit number is taken from C &forms iuapl [42] C C F=format [REAL|CMPX] Format for a short (tide-)symbol (string), C a date string, and three real (three C complex) values C [&forms fmtapl] C [data fmtapl/'(a4,1x,a,3(2x,2f10.5))'/] C F= For binary output. [&forms qfm] C P=path Prepending string for internally C generated file names. [&forms outspath] C C REAL CMPX Type of output data [&forms qre] C C N.B.: Neither OUTS under TIDE nor OUT under AIRP is particularly meaningfull. C C CMC C do the CMC-computations. Output on file unit 49. C Preferably to be opened with append (OPENF option A) C The output consists of the spherical harmonic coefficients C of degree one (math normalisation), spherical harmonic order is C column number minus one (order 0,1,2) C C GO C do the load computations C GO #number C do the load computations and store results in the C specified column. In the case of tides this is done C according to the &forms TIDES (or ORTHOS) string. C C CLOSE iun [+E] Close. Option '+E': Issue endfile before. C REWIND iun C C STOP C C End olfg.ins C ___________________________________________________________________________ C C Site records Site specific options C ============ ===================== C Site specific processing options may be entered in the site file (unit 11). C Typically, a record may read C C -/ LN=50103S010 CANBERRA, VLBI] / C -/ -WS +H GH=15.0 C 0004 CANBERRA 1545 -4460935.2500 2682765.7100 -3674381.4020 -> XC C C where -/ or -> mark the beginning of the option part of the site record(s) C and a terminating / designates a continuation line. C C In the example, C the LN= option designates a long site name. It is right-delimited by ]. C The XC option enables exception table processing; i.e. the local coastline C can be refined in a post-processing step, using program OLMPP. C The -WS option would cause an ocean cell to be skipped if were too close to C the site. (This would only have an effect without the XC option, so you C wouldn't choose these two options together.) C The +H option will request site altitude determination. C The GH= option specifies the local geoid height. C C Most options in the site file deal with format matters. The following options C however, set parameters for the load convolution part: C C +H -H - Enable / disable site altitudes C Must be set in order to obtain site coordinates C with altitude. This is significant for ocean C loading effects in gravity. It is considered to have C no effect on displacement components. C N.B.: Namelist parameter crtalt sets the critical C height. C C GH=geoid - Specify geoid height above ellipsoid for this site. C Together with +H and ellipsoidal heights / XYZ C coordinates and gravity component, command C GREEN C=GRAV. C C +WS -WS WS=x,y - "Wet sites". Include (+) or skip (-) wet site ocean C cell. C Or include, but shift the site lon (x) lat (y). C C +XC -XC XC_ON XC_OFF Exception processing enable (+) disable (-) this site C or all sites (_ON _OFF) C C If you want to preamble site records with a common header, you can open the C site file on unit 12, code the preamble after the Open file block and C redirect input using -/ INPUT=12 C C Example ------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL> &forms qxyz=.true. iout=6 crtdis=10. otpath='Otide/schw] ' otmodel='schw] ' commnt=' ' &end 12 B ~/Calc/CONT94-95.xyz 41 B schw/schw_l.rsl 42 B schw/schw_l_c.blq 43 B schw/schw_l_i.blq 44 B schw/schw_l.xtb 123C5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Q -/ +P XYZ XC_ON / -/ FMT '(4x,a8,t5,a4,t14,3d16.3)' / -/ INPUT=12 GREEN C=RADIAL F=~/mc00egbc DO TIDE M2 M=Global_Schwiderski C=Schw A=.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ End Example C where a line of ~/Calc/CONT94-95.xyz looks as follows WESTFORD +1492206.765D0 -4458130.522D0 +4296015.481D0 3 0.318 7.8 NOAM C ___________________________________________________________________________ C ___________________________________________________________________________ C C C II. From Oload/p/ols06.f C subroutine get_sites (ius,fmtin,qxyz,qdms,qh,siten,monu,sitel &, slon,slat,salt,qxcpt,nsites,mxs) C C C Calling parameters: C ------------------- C ius - integer - file unit number for input. C OBS! This parameter might be changed in the course of C get_sites. Supply a variable in the call parameter C list rather than a constant ! C C fmtin + char*72 - format for reading site name and coordinates. C Special codes: C fmtin='stacov' - process gipsy file. C 'ssc' - process IGS itrf??.ssc file for GPS. C 'ssc-v' - process IGS itrf??.ssc file for VLBI. C qxyz + logical - input coordinates are geocentric xyz C qdms + logical - coordinates are long lat, integer degrees, minutes, C seconds C .not.(qxyz.or.qdms): coords are long lat, floating C point degrees. C qh + logical - with qxyz=.false.: long lat height records; C in any case: return altitudes in array salt. C nsites + integer - actual number of sites to be read. Specify nsites C equal to mxs if data file is to determine nsites. C nsites=1 for single sites; coordinate record is saved C in common /ccsitr/ and xyz coordinates in /csitrc/ C mxs - integer - maximum nuber of sites = array size in calling pgm. C C siten(mxs) = char*24 - site name. Usually, the first 8 (4) chars are C significant. C monu(mxs) = char*6 - monument code. C sitel(mxs) = char*48 - long site name. C slon(mxs) = real - longitudes (deg). C slat(mxs) = real - latitudes (deg). C salt(mxs) = real - altitudes (m). C qxcpt(mxs) = logical - a flag. Main olfg.f uses them to mark sites C eligible for exception table processing. C C + Input/Output parameters. C They can be changed due to data file. The calling C program may suggest defaults. C C = Output. C C Common areas: C ------------- C /ccsitr/ ccom - char*100 - reading single records (nsites=1), C save the record most recently read. C C /csitrc/ x,y,z - real*8 - reading single records (nsites=1), C save the recent XYZ coordinates. C C C Input file, log.unit iun: C ========================= C First site record may contain word "sites" after a number: C C N sites C C Obs! lower case C C Description of site records and options C --------------------------------------- C OBS! MAXIMUM TEXT WIDTH = 100 ! C C alt.1 Name Monu Longitude Latitude [Altitude] -> options C C alt.2 Name Monu X Y Z -> options C C alt.3 -/ options C -/ options C -/ ... C -/ options C Zero or some lines of comment / C comment / C Name Monu X Y Z C -> STOP C C The parts Name-Monu-X-Y-Z resp. Name-Monu-Longitude-Latitude... are C read under format FMTIN. C C The symbol -/ designates a pure option line, and the trailing C symbol / designates that a continuation line follows. C C More comments (not copied to protocol): Columns 1,2 contain $$ $/ or // C C The symbol -> on a site information record designates options trailing C to the right. C C Options: C +ERR -ERR - Allow / don't allow read errors C C INPUT=n - Change input to file unit n. C C SKIP n - skip n site records (n integer) C All other options on this line will be ignored. C SKIP -1 - Skip to a record containing '>>' C SKIP - Skip the current site record. C C In alt.3 any SKIP option must occur on the last option C line. C C LOC=text - Immediately locate the read-"head" behind the record C starting with text. Right delimiters: $ ] blank C OBS! Locate will occur before SKIP C C LOCOPT=option - Search options for locate (c.f. /util/p/qlocf.f), C a character string. Right delimiters: $ ] blank C C STOP=text - Stop after the site whose name contains text. C Right delimiters: $ ] blank C C XYZ - treat coordinates as XYZ, meters C C EN - coordinates are East North angles ... C NE - .. North East ... C LL - ... Lon Lat (=EN). Two data fields are significant. C C ENH - coordinates are East North [deg] Height [m] ... C NEH - ... North East Height C LLH - ... Lon Lat Height (=ENH). C Three data fields are significant. C Height is always read last; use T format code C if data appears in a different order. C +H -H - Enable / disable site altitudes C C DMS - Under EN ENH LL LLH: C Read X Y as integer degrees minutes seconds, i.e. C Name Monu IX JX KX IY JY KY {Z} C DMS.S - Like DMS, fractional (real*4) seconds, however. C C DD - Under EN ENH LL LLH: C Read X Y as decimal degrees. C C GH=geoid - Specify geoid height above ellipsoid for this site. C Meaningful only together with +H. C In that case, site records must show ellipsoidal C heights or XYZ coordinates. C C XC - Exception table processing enabled for this site. C XC_ON - Enable exception table processing for this and all C following sites. C -XC - Disable for this site during XC_ON C XC_OFF - Disable XC_ON. C C +M -M - Activate/deactivate geo-coordinate messages. C C WS=xoff,yoff - Wet site action: If this site is located in a wet C cell of the ocean grid, offset it in longitude=x, C latitude=y, when accounting the nearest load. C +WS - Wet site: Account the load if the site is in a C wet grid cell, no offset. C -WS - Wet site: Skip the load if the site is in a C wet grid cell. C C FMT '(format_code)' - change site record format FMTIN C LN=text$ - specify long site name, max 48 chars. C Scope: Only the current site. C LN+text$ - add to XL-extracted name, max 16 chars. C LN+$ - to reset. C XL i j - point out where long site name is C found: record columns i..j C XL 0 -1 - to reset. Then, a long site name must C be assigned explicitly (LN). C The scope of XL and LN+ lasts until reset C but is set aside if an intervening C LN= is encountered. C C +P -P - On/off excessive printing to protocol. C C -> STOP - alone on a line: no more sites C C FMTIN applies to the items Name, Monu, and Coordinates. C C_ c c Prepare module with graphics. Program needs the following libraries c /pgplot/libgrex.a = /usr/local/pgplot/libgrex.a c /pgplot/libpgplot.a = /usr/local/pgplot/libpgplot.a c /Oload/p/gra/libgra.a c The source file needs the include file c /pgplot/4mw/grex.fh = /usr/local/pgplot/grex.fh c c All graphic routines are called from subroutine rsload (olsrg01.f) c when compiled with $include-files ./gra/olsrg01_gra[1-7].fi c (using the compiler option -Igra). c c To obtain a module without graphics, c (1) compile olsrg01.f with option -Inogra and dummy $include c files ./nogra/olsrg01_gra[1-7].fi c (2) compile olfg with dummy files 'olfg_gra1.fi' and 'olfg_gra2.fi' c in the ./ directory. Easy: move olfg.f from Oload/p/mpp to c Oload/p/m and compile it there using fcm olfg.