Program ttimm - How to use

Running ttimm
Namelist runtime parameters
Opening files - coding instructions
DUT - The UTC file

If nsites=1, computes tide displacement (alt. other components)
time series at a location along components Radial East North (REN).

If nsites=2, computes baseline changes along geocentric XYZ components.
or, alt., baseline LTU components

Can compute displacement tides
            strain tides
            gravity tides (rigid earth)
            gravity tides (elastic earth and liquid core)
            inertial accelerations due to displacements
            coriolis       "        "  "       "

Instruction file ['ttimms.ins']:
Consists of one NAMELIST and one OPEN FILE BLOCK
That's a minimum (uses the default
   * A quiet comment: Openf - block
21 B ttimm.tsf                   Output time series

processes default instruction file ./ttimm.ins
after a confirming prompter (where an alternative ins-file can be entered)

ttimm \!mylib/ttimm-xyz.ins '>LABEL>'   
obsolete form
ttimm @
mylib/ttimm-xyz.ins :LABEL

processes ./mylib/ttimm-xyz.ins
from a label

onward without prompting the user for the instruction file.

Namelist &param       parameters                                 [defaults]

tpath     - char64  - Path/filename of the harmonic tide development      
                                                   ['./etgtab/etcpot.dat ']

utc_file  - char64  - A file with the DUT events   ['./etgtab/ttutcf.dat ']

idate(3)  - integer - year, month, day  (e.g. idate=1993,12,6 
                      for Dec 6, 1993)                         [1994,01,01]

          - logical - If .true., leap seconds are injected into
                      the resulting tsf-file                      [.false.]

Defining the site(s):
nsites    - integer  - 1 or 2 for single site or baseline mode,
                       respectively.                                    [1]
zsite(2)  - real*8  - coordinates for sites 1 and 2
q_xyz     - logical - .true.  -  coordinates are geocentric XYZ
in meters.                       [.false.]
q_lola    - logical - .true.  -  coordinates are longitude latitude height
                                 in degrees                       [.false.]

Defining the component:
q_se_tide - logical - compute solid earth tide.                    [.true.]
q_ol_tide - logical - compute ocean loading tide.                  [.true.]
q_gravity - logical - gravity tides elast earth w core            [.false.]
q_re_grav - logical - gravity tides rigid earth                   [.false.]
q_strain  - logical - strain components                           [.false.]
q_permanent_tide    - logical -                                   [.false.]
q_acc     - logical - compute linear accelerations                [.false.]
q_corio   - logical - compute coriolis accelerations              [.false.]

q_acc and q_corio cannot be combined with q_gravity, q_re_grav or q_strain

The sites and their coordinates can be taken from the ocean loading table:
snm_opt(2)- char*4  - option for finding site by name (call ocean_load_site):
                      'Q'     - quiet
                      'X'     - return next site
                      'S'     - find by site name
                      'M'     - find by monument code
                      'N'     - find by site name AND monument code
                      'U'     - character case of site name (upper or
                                lower) is not significant.
                      'L' ' ' - character case is significant
                      'R'     - one rewind will be done per site
                      'F'     - fail if the site cannot be found
                      ' ' - don't call ocean_load_site
                            (q_lola or q_xyz and the coordinates must
                            be given explicitly.)
site_name(2) - char*16 - For searching by site name
monu_code(2) - char*6  - For searching by monument code
pmt_opt   - char*4  - options for print_major_tides
                      'H' - show relative phase w.r.t. astronomical potential

Ocean loading options:
ol_opt    - char*4  - option parameter for subroutine Ocean_Load_tide,
                      composed of
                      'I' - interpolate spectrum
                      'P' - extended print:  loading parameters
                      'R' - even more print: response parameters
                      'Q' - quiet, 'q' - nearly quiet
                      '.' - use default.
                      Opposed to 'I'-option, the sparse loading spectrum
                      is returned, consisting only of the tabelled data.

The output time series:
nt        - integer  - requested length of time series output.        [300]
dt        - real*8   - time interval in seconds.                  [3600.d0]
t0        - real*8   - time from midnight in seconds                [0.0d0]

out       - char*3   -          default =                           ['UEN']
                       'LTU'  - baseline tides:  Length Transverse Up
                       'XYZ'  - baseline or single site, geocentric tides.

                       For gravity or potential 'UEN' must be used. 
                       'UEN'  - single site tides:  Up East North
                                'REN' can be used as a synonym.

                       'UEN'  - baseline tides: Up East North;
                                you can select the reference site:
n_refsite - integer  - 1 or 2 - the site to which the unit vectors UEN
                       other  - the point above the baseline center
                                is used.                                [0]

fmtout    - char*64  - Fortran format code  
                       Inspect the default:
                         i6,f6.5 is for a fractional Julian date
                         i4,2i3.2 is for  year, month, day
                         # will become the number khms
                         the remainder is for the ordinate values.

khms      - integer  - time tag width in output, 
hour(1) minute(2) second(3)                      [1]

sco(3)    - real*8   - scale factor for each output component       [1.0d0]

Files to open (subroutine openf)

11 - input, ASCII: Loading coefficients file (BLQ)
     Optional in the sense that you might like to compute solid earth
     tides only.

21 - output, ASCII, time series:
     Time [h]  radial east north.

22 - output, ASCII, optional
     horizontal vs vertical ("Lissajous" a.k.a. "Bowditch")

31 - input, optional
     A previous output file, in order to produce differences.

32 - input, optional
     First component (radial), added to this procedure's output

33,34 second and third component

Files that are opened in addition to 11 will change the behaviour of the


Here's a section from an ins-file with comments. Download an instruction file for some examples and the necessary BLQ-files (you will have to prune the file paths and move the files into a folder of your choice; be consistent with the file references in the instruction file!).

 dt=300.d0, t0=0.d0                    300 s interval, start at 00:00:00 on idate
 nt=600                                600 samples
 khms=3                                Output time tag: hours, minutes and seconds
 site_name(1)='3JADE]'                 Locate this site in the BLQ-file
 snm_opt(1)='SRF'                      Locate by site name, one rewind of BLQ-file
                                       fail if the site cannot be found.

 ol_opt='IPR.'                         Interpolate the spectrum to (almost) all
                                       degree-2 tides, diagnostic Print,
include the Response parameters
 Q_ol_tide=.true.                      Ocean loading tide: yes
 Q_se_tide=.false.                     Solid earth tide: no
 out='REN'                             Output in Radial (=vertical), East, North
 tpath='/home/hgs/Ttide/etgtab/etcpot.dat '
 sco=1000.,1000.,1000.                 Output scaling to millimetres
11 R tk.blq                            Input
21 B                         Output

... with the BLQ-file tk.blq:
$$ Ocean loading displacement
$$ GOT00.2_PP ID: 2010-09-30 20:02:37
$$ Computed by OLCMC/OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2010
$$ 3JADE,                               lon/lat:    7.7170   53.8790    0.00
  .00423 .00256 .00051 .00064 .00181 .00160 .00059 .00041 .00051 .00021 .00035
  .00299 .00065 .00061 .00016 .00213 .00126 .00069 .00027 .00006 .00005 .00001
  .00290 .00051 .00055 .00019 .00358 .00210 .00117 .00052 .00040 .00016 .00029
   157.7 -104.4 -167.1  -89.6  155.7  106.1  151.8  118.3   45.0   34.3    5.4
   148.0 -156.1  113.4 -163.3   72.0   47.5   70.6   19.1  -79.6  178.1   14.9
   108.7  160.0   83.8  105.1 -102.2 -112.0 -102.9 -107.3   59.3   31.8    5.6

In tcsh you would issue the job for this case with
ttimm \!ttimm.ins '>TK>'

And an example for gravity:
$$ Ocean loading gravity
$$ FES2004_PP ID: Mar  15, 2006 22:17
$$ Computed by OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2006
$$ Andoya,                                   GRAV lon/lat:   16.0086   69.2783
  .00521 .00179 .00122 .00041 .00081 .00056 .00026 .00022 .00030 .00019 .00018
   162.5 -156.5  145.1 -155.8   14.2 -133.3   12.4  177.3   29.7   19.7    3.5
$$ FES2004_PP ID: 2009-05-05 15:13:55
$$ Computed by OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2009
$$ Onsala,                              lon/lat:   11.9264   57.3958    0.00
  .00062 .00026 .00017 .00006 .00026 .00024 .00008 .00006 .00015 .00009 .00009
   -71.9  -49.8 -117.4  -58.8  -33.3 -166.8  -38.1  145.6   26.3   18.9    3.2

ttimm.ins section:
 Q_se_tide=.false.             No solid earth tide
 q_re_grav=.false.             No rigid earth (=astronomical attraction) tide
 tpath='/home/hgs/Ttide/etgtab/etcpot.dat '
 fmtout='(i5,f8.7,i5,2i3.2,#i3.2,3f10.3)', sco=10.,10.,10.
11 O /home/hgs/Oload/grav.blq GRAV ocean loading coefficients table
21 B ANDOYA_OL_grav.tsf   The output time series

ttimm \!ttimm.ins '>ANDG>'
will compute more than one year hourly ocean loading tides, gravity component.

The utc_file:

1999 01 01 +1
2006 01 01 +1
2009 01 01 +1
2012 06 30 +1
2999 12 31 00
