Reads binary time-series data (even MC) and lists to stdout,
time by default given
in decimal years.
Alt. reads ASCII time series using ReadFmD
Can call tsfedit
-S# - multiply
time series with scale value.
-Fcode - format code
for numeric field, used for output.
-Tcode - format code
for time field, used for output.
If code(1:1) needs to be Z, use \Z
-N[code] - Out time record is
ordinal number. Format code
may indicate integer or floating point real.
-Y# - offset
by this value.
-M# - define
missing record symbol.
-B[s]date - set beginning epoch. Default=first
date on file.
fix against epoch (s=f), cut at epoch (s=c).
Default=no fix, no cut.
Format for date is yyyy,mm,dd
-H# - fix
or cut against number of hours from epoch.
-Un# - truncate
after this many samples.
[at EOF]
-U#,#,#[,#]- truncate at this date
+ hour.
-D[fmt] - remove DC-level.
The value is printed with
format fmt
-i[y00] - Out time record
is t0+n*dt (from file) instead
of decimal year. Subtract y00 from time.
-J[fmt] - time record is
Mod.Julian date. fmt format code.
-JX[fmt] - Exact (mod.) Julian
dates; they start at noon.
-C[#] - add
date in Calendar form, -k# determines output khms
- Fail if an error is encountered, else continue.
(Not fully implemented yet, but works with -E)
-ofilename - binary output file.
-O[:label ]filename -
binary output file, append.
-ffilename - A way to specify a file name
late on the line.
-f filename will also work.
- no file; input ascii from STDIN
-Lcode - Process MC-data.
Code specifies location string.
Specify -L' ' to obtain a list of the location codes
of the file. More explanations in ~/sas/p/ufios.f
integer function loc_getts_mc
-Rp,t0,dt - Resample. p is interpolation
polynomial order,
t0 is time-shift [h], dt is new time step [h].
- tsf-edit commands are read from file.
cf ~/sas/p/tsfedit.f
- ascii data.
-Acode - target string
(cf /sas/readfmd.f parameter trg).
- skip the first #n records of an ascii file
-atarget - initial move to a file
location; target may occur
anywhere on the line.
-ecode - end-of-file
target string.
-gcode - format code
for input.
-dcode - date format
for converted string (months 3-letter code
converted to numeric form), after conversion.
- The ITZ (time-zone) parameter. Floating-point values can
be specified.
- read_fm_d parameter khms (1..4) indicating
hour minute second frac.sec. record depth.
- For input=decimal years, -g'(f...,)' needed.
- Time duplicates are dropped. Default is that they replace the
sample previously read in.
-0t0 -rdt - t0
(first sample time offset) and dt (sampling interval)
-r is ident. -1
-zmrs - missing-record
(1) formatted data, decimal years (*.ep):
tslist $DDIR/ -g'(1x,f11.6,t13,f10.3)Y:1992'
-k0 -C1 -Ff12.2 -012 -r24
the last two options -0time
and -rrate may be necessary if some of the first three
samples are missing. The -C1
option requests printing of calendar form width+1, i.e.
year month day hour
(2) formatted data, (nearly-)free format input of records
1997 sep 17 14 00 00 1.23456
tslist data.tsf -A -k3 -g'*a11)' -J -Etest.tse,TEST]
while test.tse may look like
DELETE At 1997 09 17 15 0 0 0