time,  uticaltime,  utenc,  utcvt, utfree, utcls - Unidata
       units library


       f77 -Iunidata_inc -Lunidata_lib -ludunits ...

       include udunits.inc

       integer function utopen     (character*(*) path)

       PTR function     utmake     ()

       integer function uttime     (PTR unit)

       integer function utorigin   (PTR unit)

       subroutine       utclr      (PTR unit)

       subroutine       utcpy      (PTR source, PTR dest)

       subroutine       utorig     (PTR source,
                                    doubleprecision amount,
                                    PTR result)

       subroutine       utscal     (PTR source,
                                    doubleprecision factor,
                                    PTR result)

       subroutine       utmult     (PTR term1, PTR term2,
                                    PTR result)

       subroutine       utinv      (PTR source, PTR result)

       subroutine       utdiv      (PTR numer, PTR denom,
                                    PTR result)

       subroutine       utexp      (PTR source, integer power,
                                    PTR result)

       integer function utdec      (character*(*) spec, PTR unit)

       integer function utcaltime  (doubleprecision value,
                                    PTR unit,
                                    integer year,
                                    integer month,
                                    integer day,
                                    integer hour,
                                    integer minute,
                                    real second)

       integer function uticaltime (integer year,
                                    integer month,

       subroutine       utcls      ()


       The Unidata units library, udunits, supports conversion of
       unit  specifications  between  formatted and binary forms,
       arithmetic manipulation of unit specifications,  and  con­
       version  of  values  between compatible scales of measure­

       A unit is the amount by which a physical quantity is  mea­
       sured.  For example:

       A  unit  can have an origin associated with it -- in which
       case the unit and origin together  define  a  scale.   For
       example,  the  phrase  "the temperature is 25 degrees Cel­
       sius" specifies a particular point on a measurement scale;
       whereas  the  phrase  "the  temperature  difference  is 25
       degrees Celsius" specifies a  unit  with  no  origin  and,
       hence,  no associated scale.  If not remembered, this sub­
       tle distinction can cause problems when handling units.

       Because the units library passes pointers to units  struc­
       tures  and FORTRAN 77 has no pointer type, the word PTR in
       the above synopsis stands for  whatever  FORTRAN  type  is
       appropriate  for holding a pointer to a C structure on the
       given platform.  This  is  necessarily  platform-dependent
       and, consequently, IT IS UP TO THE USER TO DECLARE AND USE

       utopen() initializes the units package.  If  path  is  not
       empty,  then it specifies a units file containing initial­
       izing unit definitions; otherwise, the  environment  vari­
       able  UDUNITS_PATH  is checked and, if it exits and is not
       empty, then it is assumed to contain the pathname  of  the
       units  file; otherwise, a compile-time default pathname is

       The definitions in the units file are  read  into  memory.
       This  function  returns  0  on  success, UT_ENOFILE if the
       units file doesn't exist, UT_ESYNTAX  if  the  units  file
       contains  a  syntax  error,  UT_EUNKNOWN if the units file
       contains an unknown specification, UT_EIO if an I/O  error
       occurred  while accessing the units file, and UT_EALLOC if
       a memory allocation failure occurred.

       utdec() decodes the formatted unit specification spec into
       a  binary  unit  representation  and  stores the result in
       unit.  The binary representation  is  used  for  algebraic
       manipulation.    This   function  returns  0  on  success,
       UT_ENOINIT if the package hasn't been initialized, UT_EUN­
       shall  be  a  time unit and have an origin.  This function
       returns 0 on success, UT_ENOINIT  if  the  package  hasn't
       been  initialized and UT_EINVALID if the unit structure is
       not a temporal one.

       utcvt() returns the coefficients of the Galilean transfor­
       mation  (i.e.  y  = a*x + b) necessary to convert the from
       unit into the to  unit.   The  units  must  be  compatible
       (i.e., their quotient must be dimensionless).  On success­
       ful return, slope and intercept will  contain  the  values
       for  the  slope  and intercept coefficients, respectively.
       This function returns 0  on  success,  UT_ENOINIT  if  the
       package hasn't been initialized, UT_EINVALID if one of the
       unit variables is invalid, and UT_ECONVERT  if  the  units
       are not convertable.

       utenc()  encodes the binary unit variable unit into a for­
       matted unit specification and stores the string  in  spec.
       This  function  returns  0  on  success, UT_ENOINIT if the
       package hasn't been initialized, UT_EINVALID if  the  unit
       variable  is invalid, and UT_ENOROOM if the supplied char­
       acter buffer is too small.

       utclr() clears a unit variable by setting it to the dimen­
       sionless scalar 1.

       uttime()  returns 1 if the given unit variable refers to a
       time unit; 0 otherwise.  This function ignores whether  or
       not the unit has an origin.

       utorigin()  returns  1  if  the given unit variable has an
       origin (i.e. defines a scale) and 0 otherwise.

       utcpy() copies the unit variable source to the unit  vari­
       able dest.  This function correctly handles the case where
       the same unit variable is referenced  by  the  source  and
       destination units.

       utscal()  scales  the  unit  variable source by the multi­
       plicative scalar factor, storing the result  in  the  unit
       variable result.  This function correctly handles the case
       where the same unit variable is referenced by  the  source
       and result units.

       utinv()  inverts  the  unit  variable  source, storing the
       result in unit variable result.  Multiplying a unit by its
       reciprocal  yields the dimensionless scalar 1.  This func­
       tion correctly handles  the  case  where  the  source  and
       result unit refer to the same variable.

       utdiv() divides unit variable numer by unit variable denom
       and stores the result in unit variable result.  This func­
       utcls()  terminates usage of this package.  In particular,
       it frees all allocated memory.  It should be  called  when
       the library is no longer needed.

       utmake()  Creates a new unit variable.  The value returned
       by this function may be used  in  subsequent  calls.   The
       unit variable is cleared by a call to utclr.

       utfree()  Frees  the unit variable unit which was returned
       by a previous call to utmake().


       The udunits(3) package uses a mixed Gregorian/Julian  cal­
       endar  system.   Dates  prior to 1582-10-15 are assumed to
       use the Julian calendar, which was  introduced  by  Julius
       Caesar  in  46  BCE and is based on a year that is exactly
       365.25 days long.   Dates  on  and  after  1582-10-15  are
       assumed  to  use  the Gregorian calendar, which was intro­
       duced on that date and is based on a year that is  exactly
       365.2425  days  long.   (A  year is actually approximately
       365.242198781 days long.)  Seemingly strange  behavior  of
       the  udunits(3)  package  can  result if a user-given time
       interval  includes  the  changeover  date.   For  example,
       utCalendar()  and utInvCalendar() can be used to show that
       1582-10-15 *preceeded* 1582-10-14 by 9 days.


       In the following, it is assumed  that  a  FORTRAN  INTEGER
       data  type  is  appropriate  for  storing a pointer to a C
       structure.  This  assumption  is  valid  for  most  32-bit
       architectures but is invalid for most 64-bit architectures
       that have 32-bit INTEGERs (e.g. a DEC Alpha).

       Convert two data sets to a common unit, subtract one  from
       the  other,  then  save the result in a (different) output

                 INTEGER   UTOPEN
                 IF (UTOPEN('') .NE. 0) THEN
           C         Handle initialization error
                     CHARACTER*80        UNITSTRING1, UNITSTRING2
                     CHARACTER*80        OUTPUTUNITSTRING
                     INTEGER             UNIT1, UNIT2, OUTPUTUNIT
                     INTEGER             UTMAKE, UTDEC
                     UNIT1       = UTMAKE()
                     UNIT2       = UTMAKE()
                     OUTPUTUNIT  = UTMAKE()
                     IF (UTDEC(UNITSTRING1, UNIT1) .NE. 0 .OR.
                *        UTDEC(UNITSTRING2, UNIT2) .NE. 0 .OR.
           C                 Process data using:
           C                     OUTPUTVALUE = OUTSLOPE*(DATA1VALUE
           C                                   - (INSLOPE*DATA2VALUE
                *                                 + ININTERCEPT))
           C                                   + OUTINTERCEPT
                         CALL UTFREE(UNIT1)
                         CALL UTFREE(UNIT2)
                         CALL UTFREE(OUTPUTUNIT)
                         CALL UTCLS

       the above example could be made more efficient by  testing
       the  returned  conversion  factors for nearness to 1 and 0
       and using  appropriately  streamlined  processing  expres­

       Compute  a  threshold value corresponding to an input data
       value plus a user-specified delta (the units of the  input
       data value and delta can differ):

                 INTEGER         INPUT_UNIT, DELTA_UNIT
                 INTEGER         UTOPEN, UTMAKE, UTDEC
                 INPUT_UNIT      = UTMAKE()
                 DELTA_UNIT      = UTMAKE()

                 CALL UTOPEN('udunits.dat')
                     UTDEC(DELTA_UNIT_STRING, DELTA_UNIT) .NE. 0) THEN
           C         Handle decode error
                     REAL                DELTA_VALUE
                *        .NE. 0) THEN
           C             Handle units incompatibility
                         REAL    INPUT_VALUE
                         REAL    THRESHOLD

                 INTEGER           REF_YEAR        / 1990 /
                 INTEGER           REF_MONTH       / 1 /
                 INTEGER           REF_DAY         / 1 /
                 INTEGER           REF_HOUR        / 1 /
                 INTEGER           REF_MINUTE      / 0 /
                 INTEGER           UTMAKE
                 INTEGER           TIMECENTERS_UNIT

                 STATUS = UTOPEN('udunits.dat')
                 IF (STATUS .NE. 0) THEN
                     PRINT *, 'Couldn''t open database: status =', STATUS
                     CALL ABORT

                 TIMECENTERS_UNIT = UTMAKE()

                 STATUS = UTDEC('2 minutes since 1990-1-1', TIMECENTERS_UNIT)
                 IF (STATUS .NE. 0)
                     PRINT *, 'UTDEC() =', STATUS
           C         Reference time is start time plus 1 hour.
                *                    REF_MINUTE, REF_SECOND, TIMECENTERS_UNIT,
                *                    REF_VALUE)
           C         Number of time intervals between start and reference times:
                     IF (STATUS .NE. 0) THEN
                         PRINT *, 'UTICALTIME() =', STATUS
                         IF (30 .NE. REF_VALUE) THEN
                             PRINT *, 'Incorrect result:', REF_VALUE
                             PRINT *, 'Correct result'


       The  following  are  examples of formatted unit specifica­
       tions that can be interpreted by the utScan() function:

           10 kilogram.meters/seconds2
           10 kg-m/sec2
           10 kg m/s^2
           (PI radian)2

       supported.   In  particular,  temperature and time conver­
       sions are correctly handled.  The specification:

              degF @ 32

       indicates a Fahrenheit scale with the  origin  shifted  to
       thirty-two  degrees  Fahrenheit (i.e. to zero degrees Cel­
       sius).  The Celsius scale is equivalent to  the  following

              1.8 degF @ 32

       Besides  the  character  `@',  the  words `after', `from',
       `ref', and `since' may also be used.  Note that  the  ori­
       gin-shift  operation takes precedence over multiplication.
       In order of  increasing  precedence,  the  operations  are
       division,  multiplication,  origin-shift,  and exponentia­

       Units of time are similarly handled.  The specification:

              seconds since 1992-10-8 15:15:42.5 -6:00

       indicates seconds since October 8th, 1992 at 3  hours,  15
       minutes and 42.5 seconds in the afternoon in the time zone
       which is six hours to the west  of  Coordinated  Universal
       Time  (i.e. Mountain Daylight Time).  The time zone speci­
       fication can also be written without a colon using one  or
       two-digits  (indicating  hours)  or  three  or four digits
       (indicating hours and minutes).

       utScan() understands most conventional prefixes and abbre­

       The function utPrint() always encodes a unit specification
       one way.  To reduce misunderstandings, it  is  recommended
       that  this encoding style be used as the default.  In gen­
       eral, a unit is printed in terms of basic units,  factors,
       and  exponents.   Basic units are separated by spaces; and
       any exponent directly appends its  associated  unit.   The
       above examples would be printed as follows:

           10 kilogram meter second-2
           9.8696044 radian2
           0.555556 kelvin @ 255.372
           10.471976 radian second-1
           9.80665 meter2 second-2
           98636.5 kilogram meter-1 second-2

       Note  that  the Fahrenheit unit is encoded as a deviation,
       in fractional kelvins, from an origin at 255.372 kelvin.


       UDUNITS_PATH     If utInit() is called without a  pathname
                        argument,  and  if this environment vari­
                        able is non-empty, then its  value  over­
                        rides  the default pathname for the units


       This package prints  (hopefully)  self-explanatory  error-
       messages to standard error.




       utScan()  is case-sensitive.  If this causes difficulties,
       you might try making appropriate additional entries to the
       units file.

       Some  unit  abbreviations  in the default units file might
       seem counter-intuitive.  In particular, note  the  follow­

           For       Use               Not     Which Instead Means

           Celsius   `Celsius'         `C'     coulomb
           gram      `gram'            `g'     <standard free fall>
           gallon    `gallon'          `gal'   <acceleration>
           radian    `radian'          `rad'   <absorbed dose>
           Newton    `newton' or `N'   `nt'    nit (unit of photometry)


       NIST Special Publication 811, 1995 Edition: "Guide for the
       Use of the International System of Units (SI)" by Barry N.
       Taylor.          URL        <http://physics.nist.gov/Divi­

       ANSI/IEEE Std 260-1978: "IEEE Standard Letter Symbols  for
       Units of Measurement".

       ASTM  Designation:  E 380 - 85: "Standard for METRIC PRAC­

       International Standard (ISO) 2955: "Information processing
       --  Representation  of  SI and other units in systems with
       limited character sets", Ref. No. ISO 2955-1983 (E).

Printed: 105.10.10          1997-04-25                UDUNITS(3f)

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