XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      xfig - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11

      xfig [options] [file]

      Xfig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate
      objects interactively under the X Window System.  It runs under X
      version 11 release 4 or higher and requires a two- or three-button
      mouse.  file specifies the name of a file to be edited.  The
      description of objects in the file will be read at the start of xfig.

      When using a two-button mouse use the <Meta> key and the right button
      at the same time to effect the action of the middle button.

      Xfig is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.x.org in

      The TransFig package is used when printing or exporting the output
      from xfig.  It is automatically called by xfig as a back-end processor
      to produce various types of output:

      LaTeX         fig2dev -L latex translates xfig to LaTeX picture
                    environment commands which can be processed along with
                    other LaTeX commands.

      Metafont      fig2dev -L mf produces Metafont output.

      PostScript    fig2dev -L ps produces an Encapsulated PostScript

      IBM-GL        fig2dev -L ibmgl produces a IBM-GL (HP/GL) output.

      Pic           fig2dev -L pic produces a pic output.

      PiCTeX        fig2dev -L pictex produces PiCTeX output.  This contains
                    macros that can be used with the PiCTeX environment
                    under TeX or LaTeX.

      Others        fig2dev has options for these other languages: box,
                    epic, eepic, and eepicemu.

      The TransFig package is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.x.org in

           Print all command-line options for xfig and quit.

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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Make xfig come up in landscape mode (10.5" x 8").  This is the
           default; however as the orientation is stored with Fig files,
           when you load a Fig file the orientation will change as required.
           This is only true for files of version 3.0 or higher.

           Make xfig come up in portrait mode (8.5" x 9").  See note about
           landscape mode.

      -bol[d] font
           Cause the font used for displaying the file name and confirmation
           messages to be font (default = 8x13bold).

      -butt[on] font
           Cause the font used for most buttons to be font (default = 6x13).

      -but_[per_row] number
           Specify the number of buttons wide the mode panel should be.
           This is useful in conjunction with the -pheight parameter to
           reduce the canvas height for small screens.

      -cbg color
           Use color as the background color for the canvas.  If you want to
           set the background of everything in xfig (e.g. menus, etc.) use
           the general -bg option.

      -cfg color
           Use color as the default color for objects.  If you want to set
           the foreground of everything in xfig (e.g. menus, etc.) use the
           general -fg option.

           Turn on debugging mode.  Prints various debugging messages like
           font names etc.

           Choose depth of visual desired.  Your server must support the
           desired visual and depth chosen.  Use xdpyinfo to see what
           visuals and depths are supported.  See also the -visual option.

           Prevents xfig from switching to a private colormap if there
           aren't enough colors available in the default colormap.  See also

      -e[xportLanguage] language
           Specifies the language to be used for when exporting a fig file.
           Choices are:

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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Name        Language
           box         LaTeX box (figure boundary)
           latex       LaTeX picture
           epic        LaTeX picture + epic macros
           eepic       LaTeX picture + eepic macros
           eepicemu    LaTeX picture + eepicemu macros
           pictex      PiCTeX macros
           ibmgl       IBMGL (or HPGL)
           eps         Encapuslated PostScript
           ps          PostScript
           pstex       Combined PS/LaTeX (both PS and LaTeX parts)
           textyl      Textyl special commands
           tpic        TPIC
           pic         PIC
           mf          MF (MetaFont)
           acad        ACAD (AutoCad slide)
           pcx         PCX
           png         PNG
           gif         GIF*
           jpeg        JPEG (JFIF)
           tiff        TIFF
           ppm         PPM (portable pixmap package)
           xbm         X11 Bitmap
           xpm         X11 Pixmap (XPM3 package)

           *xfig must be compiled with USEGIF to have GIF export.
           See README file for patent warning.

           Set the print option to print the figure flush left.  The default
           is to center the figure on the page.

      -geom[etry] +X+Y
           Do not use the -geometry option or resource to size xfig. It may
           only be used to position the xfig window.  Use -pwidth and/or
           -pheight to specify the canvas size in inches or centimeters.

      -iconG[eometry] +X+Y
           Specifies the position for the icon.

           Make inches the unit of choice (default).

      -internalBW width
           Use lines of width width between all buttons and panels (default
           = 1).


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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Use inverse video (white on black).

      -k[eyFile] compose-key-file
           Use compose-key-file instead of CompKeyDB for compose (meta) key
           database.  If there are no ``/''s in the name, the file must
           reside in the xfig library directory, $XFIGLIBDIR, usually
           /usr/local/lib/X11/xfig.  If there are any ``/''s in the name it
           is taken as is (not relative to $XFIGLIBDIR).  If there is a
           leading ``~/'' in the string then the ``~'' is expanded to the
           user's home directory.

           Start xfig with LaTeX font selection.  Normally, the PostScript
           fonts are available as the default.  This flag selects the LaTeX
           fonts to start.

           Change the position of the side panel window to the left of the
           canvas window.  This is the default.

      -mag[nification] mag
           Set export and print magnification in %.

      -max[_image_colors] numcols
           Limit the number of colors used for EPS, GIF, JPEG, PCX or XPM
           images to numcols (default 64).

           Make centimeters the unit of choice.

           After xfig is started you may change the units from metric to
           imperial or vice versa from a popup menu available by pressing
           mouse button 3 in the units box where the two rulers meet.

           Use black and white only.

           Sets multiple page mode for print or export. See also -single.

      -nor[mal] font
           Cause the font used for the message window to be font.  This font
           is also used on the canvas when the selected font is not
           available in an X11 font (default = 6x13).

           Disables use of the X11R5 or OpenWindows scalable fonts.  You
           might want to use this for debugging.


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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Turn off cursor (mouse) tracking arrows.

      -pa[per_size] size
           Set the initial paper size for Export and Print.  Choices are
                Letter (8.5" x 11"),
                Legal (8.5" x 14"),
                Ledger ( 17" x 11"),
                Tabloid ( 11" x 17"),
                A (8.5" x 11"),
                B ( 11" x 17"),
                C ( 17" x 22"),
                D ( 22" x 34"),
                E ( 34" x 44"),
                A4 (21 cm x 29.7cm),
                A3 (29.7cm x 42 cm),
                A2 (42 cm x 59.4cm),
                A1 (59.4cm x 84.1 cm),
                A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9cm),
                B5 (18.2cm x 25.7cm)

           Note that this doesn't affect the size of the drawing canvas. Use
           the -pheight and -pwidth options for that.

      -ph[eight] height
           Make the xfig canvas height high (where height is either cm or
           in, depending on the -metric setting).

      -pw[idth] width
           Make the xfig canvas width wide (where width is either cm or in,
           depending on the -metric setting).

           Change the position of the side panel window to the right of the
           canvas window (default: left).

           Allows use of the X11R5 or OpenWindows scalable fonts (this is
           the default).  If the scalable fonts aren't available xfig will
           automatically switch to non-scaling fonts.

           Show all the xfig indicator buttons instead of only those
           relevant to the current drawing mode.  Normally, the buttons line
           width, area-fill, grid mode, text size, etc. are only visible
           when they are relevant to the current drawing mode.  The
           -showallbuttons option makes all of the indicator buttons visible
           at all times.  This takes up more screen real estate, but allows
           the user to see all settable parameters.


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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Sets single page mode for print or export. This is the default.
           See also -multiple.

           Start xfig with the special text mode for text objects.  Special
           text means that special characters in the string are not
           specially processed but are passed directly to LaTeX.  This is
           most useful for writing LaTeX equations.  If this flag is not
           set, then the backslash character '\' is changed to the
           \backslash command, a brace '{' is turned into a brace command
           \{, etc.

      -spel[lcheckcommand] command
           Use command for the external spell checking program when using
           the spell check/search/replace popup. The string command should
           include the string ``%s'' which is replaced by a temporary
           filename.  Default is ``spell %s''.

      -startfi[llstyle] stylenumber
           Set the starting fill style for area fill (-1 to 21).

      -startfo[ntsize] pointsize
           Set the default font size for text objects (default = 12pt).

      -startg[ridmode] modenumber
           Set the starting grid mode (0 to 3).  Mode 0 is no grid.  In
           imperial (inches) mode, grid mode 1 is 1/4 inch, mode 2 is 1/2
           inch and mode 3 is 1 inch.  In metric mode, grid mode 1 is 5mm,
           mode 2 is 1cm and mode 3 is 2cm.

      -startla[texFont] font
           Set the starting font name for LaTeX fonts.

      -startli[newidth] width
           Set the starting line width.

      -startpo[snmode] modenumber
           Set the starting point positioning mode (0 to 4) In imperial
           (inches) mode, positioning mode 0 is ``any'', mode 1 is 1/16
           inch, mode 2 is 1/4 inch, mode 3 is 1/2 inch and mode 4 is 1
           inch.  In metric mode, mode 0 is ``any'', mode 1 is 1mm, mode 2
           is 5mm, mode 3 is 10mm and mode 4 is 20mm.

      -startp[sFont] font
           Set the starting font name for PostScript fonts.

      -startt[extstep] stepsize
           Set the starting text step.


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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Specifies that xfig should use the input tablet instead of the
           mouse for drawing.  You must have the XInputExtension in your X
           server and an input tablet for this to work.  Also, you must
           modify the Imakefile to include the USETAB and TABLIB variables.

           Turn on cursor (mouse) tracking arrows (default).

      -users[cale] scale
           Set the multiplier for displayed line lengths etc.  This factor
           is multiplied by the actual length, radius or diameter of the
           object currently being drawn on the canvas.  It is useful for
           making scale drawings, where e.g. 1 inch = 1 foot (userscale =
           12.0) or 1cm = 1m (userscale = 100.0).

      -useru[nit] units
           The units string is printed with the length information when
           drawing objects.  For example if the userscale = 1.0 and the
           userunit = ft then a line which is 3 inches long on the canvas
           would be displayed as ``length = 3 ft'' when it is being drawn.

           After xfig is started you may change the userscale and the
           userunit from a popup menu available by pressing mouse button 3
           in the units box where the two rulers meet.

      -visual visualname
           Use visualname as the visual for xfig.  The names are TrueColor
           (case is not important), StaticColor, DirectColor, StaticGray,
           GrayScale and PseudoColor.  xfig uses the default visual unless
           this is specified.  Your server must support the desired visual.
           Use xdpyinfo to see what visuals and depths are supported.  See
           also the -depth option.

      -zoom zoomscale
           Set the starting zoom scale.

      The objects in xfig are divided into primitive objects and compound
      objects.  The primitive objects are: ARC, CIRCLE, ELLIPSE, POLYLINE,

      A primitive object can be moved, rotated, flipped vertically or
      horizontally, scaled, copied, aligned within a compound object or
      erased.  The TEXT primitive may not be flipped.  The attributes of any
      primitive object can be edited using a popup panel (discussed below),
      so you can, for instance, set the position of an object manually.

      A compound object is composed of primitive objects.  The primitive
      objects that constitute a compound can not be individually modified,
      but they can be manipulated as an entity; a compound can be moved,
      rotated, flipped vertically or horizontally, scaled, copied or erased.

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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      A compound that contains any boxes or arc-boxes may only be rotated by
      90 degrees.

      Objects may overlap other objects according to their ``depth''.
      Objects with larger depth number are obscured by objects with smaller

      Regular polygons may be created using a special drawing mode, but a
      general POLYGON is created as a result, which may then be modified,
      i.e.  the individual vertices may be moved if desired. Conversions
      between POLYLINE , POLYGON , OPENSPLINE and CLOSEDSPLINE are achieved
      by the CONVERT tool.

      There are ten regions in the xfig window: the command region, top
      ruler, side ruler, drawing mode, editing mode, filename, message,
      mouse function indicator, canvas (drawing area), and indicator region
      with buttons to show and change settings such as line thickness, line
      style, color, etc.  (The mouse function indicator region was inspired
      by the UPS debugger from the University of Kent.) The drawing and
      editing mode regions may be placed (together) to the left or right of
      the the canvas region (default: left).

      In addition, when the mouse passes over certain buttons or regions
      there are ``balloons'' (messages) which popup to indicate the function
      of the area under the mouse.  These may be turned on and off by
      clicking on the button labelled ``Balloons'', to the right of the
      message region.  There is a check mark indicating their state.

      Quit Exit from xfig, discarding the figure.  If the figure has been
           modified and not saved, the user will be asked to confirm the
           action, by clicking mouse button 1 on a confirm/cancel popup
           menu.  The accelerator <Meta>q will also perform this function.
           This and all other accelerators are defined in the app-defaults
           file and may be changed if desired.

           Change shape of xfig canvas from/to portrait/landscape.  Note:
           the canvas will automatically change to the portrait/landscape
           configuration specified in Fig files of version 3.0 or higher
           when loading those files.

      New  Delete all objects from the canvas window and erase current file
           name to make a new drawing (may be undone).  The accelerator
           <Meta>n will also perform this function.  If you attempt to save
           the new figure using the keyboard accelerator <Meta>s or with
           mouse button 3 on the File button the popup file menu will appear
           for you to enter a file name.

           You may use the accelerator <Meta>d to delete all the objects

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                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           from the canvas and retain the current file name.

      Undo Undo the last object creation, deletion or modification.  The
           accelerator <Meta>u will also perform this function.  If an undo
           of a Paste or file Merge is done, any user-defined colors in the
           figure pasted in or the file just merged will NOT be undefined.

           Redraw the canvas.  There are also two accelerators which do a
           redraw - <Meta>r and <Ctrl>l.

           Paste the object previously copied into the cut/paste file into
           the current figure (at its original position).  The accelerator
           <Meta>t will also perform this function.

      File Pressing mouse button 3 on this button invokes Save function
           without popping up the file panel.  Before the figure is saved
           the original file is first renamed with the suffix ``.bak''
           appended.  This provides a backup file.

           Mouse button 1 or <Meta>f pops up a panel which contains several
           file-related functions.  Do not use this function for importing
           images (picture objects).  See the ``IMPORTING PICTURE OBJECTS''

           Current Filename
                This is read-only AsciiTextWidget which contains
                the filename that will be used to write output to
                a file if there is no name specified in the
                Filename panel.

                This is an editable AsciiTextWidget which contains
                the filename selected either by clicking on a
                filename from the Alternatives list or by typing a
                name in directly.  Pressing return in the Filename
                window will Load the file and copy the name to the
                Current Filename widget.

                Note that xfig will automatically uncompress or
                gunzip any files that have .Z, .z or .gz as the

           (File) Alternatives
                Pressing mouse button 1 on a filename in the file
                alternatives window will select that file by
                copying the filename into Filename window.
                Pressing return in this window will Load the file
                specified in the Filename window (if any) or the
                Current Filename widget.

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                      Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Filename Mask
                A wildcard mask may be typed into this editable
                AsciiTextWidget to restrict the search of
                filenames to a subset ala the ls command.
                Pressing return in this window will automatically
                rescan the current directory.  This string may be
                set by setting the X toolkit resource

           Current Directory
                This is an editable AsciiTextWidget which shows
                the current directory.  It may be modified by the
                user to manually set a directory name.  When
                return is pressed in this window the directory
                specified is scanned for files matching the
                Filenamemask, if any.

                The ~ (tilde) character may be used to specify a
                user's home directory, ala unix shell tilde

           (Directory) Alternatives
                Pressing mouse button 1 on a directory name in the
                directory alternatives list will do a ``change
                directory'' to that directory.

                Pressing mouse button 3 in either the file or
                Directory Alternatives window will do a ``change
                directory'' to the parent directory.

           Load/Merge figure offset
                These two editable AsciiTextWidgets allow one to
                load or merge a figure with an offset on the
                canvas.  The figure will be offset by the amounts
                specified (in Fig units) in the X and Y panels.  A
                negative value in the X offset will shift the
                figure to the left, and a negative value in the Y
                offset will shift the figure up.

           Home Pressing this button will change the directory to
                the $HOME directory of the user.

                Pressing this button or <Meta>r will rescan the
                current directory.

                Pressing this button or <Meta>c will pop down the
                File panel without making any changes to the
                directory or file name.

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                      Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

           Save Pressing this button or <Meta>s will save the
                current contents of the canvas in the file
                specified in the Filename window if any, or the
                name specified in the Current Filename if the
                former is empty.  If the filename being saved is
                different from the current figure name and that
                file already exists a confirmation popup menu will
                appear asking the user to confirm or cancel the
                save.  If there is a filename in the Filename
                window it is copied to the Current Filename

                The current Export directory is updated to the
                current File directory when Save is pressed.

                Before the figure is saved the original file is
                first renamed with the suffix ``.bak'' appended.
                This provides a backup file.

           Load Pressing this button or <Meta>l will clear the
                canvas of any current figure and read the figure
                from the filename specified in the Filename menu
                item if any, or the name specified in the Current
                Filename if the former is empty.  The figure will
                be offset by the amounts specified (Fig units) in
                the X and Y load/merge offset widgets.  If there
                is a figure currently on the canvas and any
                modifications have been made to it and not saved,
                a popup query window will first appear asking if
                the user wishes to discard the current figure or
                cancel the Load operation.

                The current Export directory is updated to the
                current File directory when Load is pressed.

                Note that xfig will automatically uncompress or
                gunzip any files that have .Z, .z or .gz as the

                A popup message window will appear and diagnostic
                messages will be written if xfig changes any
                ``illegal'' object values to legal values.  For
                example, older versions of xfig were lax about
                initializing unused parts such as depth, and would
                produce very large, random values.  Xfig now will
                ``clean up'' bad values and inform you when it
                does so.  Also, if you read in an older file
                format, xfig will inform you that it is converting
                it to the current format for that version of xfig.
                This window can be popped down by clicking the
                mouse button on the Dismiss button.

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           Merge Read
                Pressing this button or <Meta>r will read the
                figure from the filename specified in the Filename
                window if any, or the name specified in the
                Current Filename if the former is empty, and merge
                it with the figure already shown on the canvas.
                The figure will be offset by the amounts specified
                (Fig units) in the X and Y load/merge offset
                widgets.  Any user-defined colors in the file
                being merged will be renumbered if necessary to
                unique values so as not to conflict with any
                user-defined colors already defined.  There is no
                comparison of the color values of the existing
                user-defined colors with the colors being merged
                in so there may be identical colors with different

                See Load above for a description of the popup
                message window.

           Will let you export the figure to an output file in one
           of several formats.  Pressing mouse button 3 on this
           button invokes Export function without popping up the
           export panel.
           Mouse button 1 or <Meta>e pops up a directory browser
           widget and a menu with several export-related

                This is an editable AsciiTextWidget which contains
                the magnification to use when translating figure
                to the output language.  The default is 100%.

           Fit to Page
                Pressing this button will set the magnification so
                that the figure will just fit the current paper
                size with no less than a 1/2 inch margin.

           Fig Size:
                This label shows the figure size at the current
                magnification. It is updated when the panel is
                popped up and when the user changes the
                magnification and shows the size in inches or cm
                depending on the current units.

           Paper Size
                This is a pulldown menu which allows you to select
                the paper size for printing.  The choices are:
                     Letter (8.5" x 11"),
                     Legal (8.5" x 14"),

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                     Ledger ( 17" x 11"),
                     Tabloid ( 11" x 17"),
                     A (8.5" x 11"),
                     B ( 11" x 17"),
                     C ( 17" x 22"),
                     D ( 22" x 34"),
                     E ( 34" x 44"),
                     A4 (21 cm x 29.7cm),
                     A3 (29.7cm x 42 cm),
                     A2 (42 cm x 59.4cm),
                     A1 (59.4cm x 84.1 cm),
                     A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9cm),
                     B5 (18.2cm x 25.7cm)

                This button will toggle the output orientation
                between Landscape (horizontal) and Portrait
                (vertical).  The default orientation is the same
                as the mode that xfig was started with, or the
                orientation in the Fig file when loading a Fig
                file of version 3.0 or higher.

                This window will only be sensitive when the
                language selected is ``ps'' (PostScript).  You may
                choose that the figure is flush left or centered
                in the output file.

                With this pulldown menu you can select whether the
                figure should be exported as a single page or
                multiple pages.  The multiple page option would
                only be useful if the figure is larger than the
                current physical paper size.

           Export Offset
                These two editable AsciiTextWidgets allow one to
                export a figure with an offset.  The figure will
                be offset by the amounts specified (in inches or
                cm) in the X and Y panels.  A negative value in
                the X offset will shift the figure to the left,
                and a negative value in the Y offset will shift
                the figure up.  These offsets are in addition to
                any centering done with the centering option.

           Margin Width
                For the bitmap type export languages such as GIF,
                JPEG, etc. an optional white border may be added
                around the figure by specifying the margin width
                (in pixels).

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                      Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

                The translation language to use for xfig output.
                The default is specified in the resource
                Fig.exportLanguage and is Encapsulated PostScript
                as xfig is distributed.
                Several languages are available; PostScript,
                Encapsulated PostScript, LaTeX, TPIC, PIC, Textyl,
                IBM/GL (HP/GL), MetaFont, and serveral bitmap
                formats; GIF, JPEG (JFIF), PNG, PCX (PC
                Paintbrush), ACAD (AutoCad slide), TIFF (no
                compression), PPM (Portable Pixmap package), XBM
                (X11 monochrome bitmap) and XPM (XPM3 package,
                producing color pixmaps).

           Image quality (%)
                For JPEG(JFIF) export, this entry will appear, and
                you may select the quality factor for the JPEG
                image. Valid values are 1 to 100%.  The default
                quality of 75% seems to be fine for figures
                containing only solid objects (no images) and
                adequate for figures containing imported images
                (GIF, JPEG, etc.).

           Transparent Color
                For GIF export, this menu button will appear and
                you may choose that one of the colors in the
                figure is ``transparent'', meaning that for those
                GIF viewers that support transparent color
                (Netscape, for example) that color will not appear
                in the figure. Instead, the background of the
                viewer will show through in place of that color
                The default is ``None'' (no transparent color).

           Default Output Filename
                This is read-only AsciiTextWidget which contains
                the filename that will be used to write output to
                a file if there is no name specified in Output
                File.  The default is the figure name plus an
                extension that reflects the output language used,
                e.g.  myfigure.ps if PostScript is the current
                language used.  If the file already exists a
                confirmation popup menu will appear asking the
                user to confirm or cancel the save.

           Output Filename
                This is an editable AsciiTextWidget which contains
                the filename to use to write output to a file.
                Pressing return in this window will Export the
                file and copy the name to the Default Output
                Filename widget.  If the file already exists a
                confirmation popup menu will appear asking the

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                user to confirm or cancel the save.

           (File) Alternatives
                Pressing mouse button 1 on a filename in the file
                alternatives window will select that file by
                copying the filename into Filename window.
                Pressing return in this window will Export the
                file and copy the name to the Default Output
                Filename widget.

           Filename Mask
                A wildcard mask may be typed into this editable
                AsciiTextWidget to restrict the search of
                filenames to a subset ala the ls command.
                Pressing return in this window will automatically
                rescan the current directory.  This string may be
                set by setting the X toolkit resource

           Current Directory
                This is an editable AsciiTextWidget which shows
                the current directory.  It may be modified by the
                user to manually set a directory name.  When
                return is pressed in this window the directory
                specified is scanned for files matching the
                Filenamemask, if any.

                It is automatically updated to follow the current
                File directory when a File Load or Save is done.

                The ~ (tilde) character may be used to specify a
                user's home directory, ala unix shell tilde

           (Directory) Alternatives
                Pressing mouse button 1 on a directory name in the
                directory alternatives list will do a ``change
                directory'' to that directory.

                Pressing mouse button 3 in either the file or
                Directory Alternatives window will do a ``change
                directory'' to the parent directory.

           Home Pressing this button will change the directory to
                the $HOME directory of the user.

                Pressing this button or <Meta>r will rescan the
                current directory.

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                Pressing this button or <Meta>c will pop down the
                Export menu without doing any print operation.

                Pressing this button or <Meta>e will write
                (export) the figure to the file using the selected
                language.  If the file already exists, a
                confirmation window will popup to ask the user to
                confirm the write or cancel.  Pressing return in
                the Output Filename window will also Export the

           Pressing mouse button 3 on this button invokes Print to
           Printer function without popping up the print panel.
           Pressing the Shift key and mouse button 3 invokes the
           Print to Batch function.  Pressing mouse button 1 or
           <Meta>p pops up a menu with several print-related

                This is an AsciiTextWidget which contains the
                magnification to use when translating figure to
                the output language.

           Fit to Page
                Pressing this button will set the magnification so
                that the figure will just fit the current paper
                size with no less than a 1/2 inch margin.

           Fig Size:
                This label shows the figure size at the current
                magnification. It is updated when the panel is
                popped up and when the user changes the
                magnification and shows the size in inches or cm
                depending on the current units.

           Paper Size
                This is a pulldown menu which allows you to select
                the paper size for printing.  See the Export menu
                for the paper sizes.

                This button will toggle the output orientation
                between Landscape (horizontal) and Portrait
                (vertical).  The default orientation is the same
                as the mode that xfig was started with, or the
                orientation in the Fig file when loading a Fig
                file of version 3.0 or higher.

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                This button will bring up a sub-menu from which
                you may choose center or flush left to justify the
                figure on the page.  The default is flush left.

                With this pulldown menu you can select whether the
                figure should be printed as a single page or
                multiple pages.  The multiple page option would
                only be useful if the figure is larger than the
                current physical paper size.

                This is an AsciiTextWidget which contains the
                printer to use if output is directed to a printer.
                The name of the printer may be set setting the X
                toolkit resource Fig*printer*string.  If no
                resource is set, the environment variable PRINTER
                is used.

           Print Job Params
                This is an AsciiTextWidget which into which you
                may put any extra command-line parameters that
                your lpr or lp program needs for printing.  If the
                meta sequence %f appears in the string the current
                figure name will be substituted.  It may appear
                more than once.  This may be set using the
                resource Fig*job_params*string.

           Figures in batch
                This indicator shows how many figures have been
                put in the batch file for printing

                Pressing this button or <Meta>c will pop down the
                Print menu.

           Print FIGURE/BATCH to Printer
                Pressing this button or <Meta>p will send the
                current figure (or the batch file if it is has any
                figures in it) to the printer, by passing it
                through fig2dev to convert it to PostScript then
                to the unix lpr (on BSD equivalent Unixes) or lp
                (on SYSV systems) program.  If the batch file is
                printed by this button then it is removed after
                printing.  The message in the button changes to

                reflect whether the batch file will be printed
                (when there are any figures in the batch file) or
                the current figure.

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                Note that the figure that is printed is what you
                see on the canvas, not necessarily the figure
                file.  I.e., if you haven't saved the figure since
                the last changes, the figure from the canvas is
                printed.  Xfig writes the figure to a temporary
                file to do this.  The name of the file is
                XFIGTMPDIR/xfig-printPID, where XFIGTMPDIR is the
                value of the environment variable by that name and
                PID is the process ID of xfig.  If the environment
                variable XFIGTMPDIR is empty or not set, the /tmp
                directory is used.  Print FIGURE to Batch Pressing
                this button or <Meta>b will append the figure (in
                PostScript form) to a batch file.  The Print to
                Printer button will send the batch file to the

           Clear Batch
                Pressing this button or <Meta>x will erase the
                accumulated figures from the batch file.

      The indicator panel contains buttons to set certain drawing parameters
      such as line thickness, canvas grid, rotation angle etc.  All of the
      buttons use the same mouse buttons for setting values.  Pressing mouse
      button 1 on the indicator will pop up a panel in which either a value
      may be typed (e.g. for a line thickness) or the mouse may be clicked
      on one of several buttons (e.g. for grid style or font name).  For
      those that expect a value, pressing return in the value part of the
      window will set the new value and pop down the menu.

      Pressing mouse button 2 on an indicator will decrement the value (e.g.
      for line thickness) or cycle through the options in one direction
      (e.g. font names), while pressing mouse button 3 will increment the
      value or cycle through the options in the other direction.

           The canvas zoom scale may be set/increased/decreased with this
           button.  The zoom scale is displayed within the zoom button.
           Ruler, grid and linewidth are scaled, too.  Pressing mouse button
           2 will decrease the zoom factor by 1.0 unless it is less than 1.0
           already in which case it will reduce to the nearest 0.25.
           Pressing mouse button 3 will increase the zoom factor by 1.0
           unless it is less than 1.0 in which case it will increase it to
           the nearest 0.25.  Pressing the control key and mouse button 3
           together will set the zoom scale to 1.

           The figure may also be zoomed by defining a zoom rectangle by
           pressing the Control key and mouse button 1 together.  This will
           define one corner of the zoom rectangle.  Move the mouse and
           click mouse button 1 again to define the opposite corner of the
           zoom rectangle.

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           With this button the user may select no grid, 1/4 inch (5mm in
           metric mode) grid 1/2 inch (10mm) grid, or 1 inch (20mm).

           This button controls the coarseness of object placement on the
           canvas.  The options are exact (on pixel) placement, 1/16 inch
           (1mm in metric mode), 1/4 inch (5mm), 1/2 inch (10mm) or 1 inch
           (20mm).  This allows the user to easily place objects in
           horizontal or vertical alignment.

           This also restricts which objects may be ``picked up'' by the
           mouse when editing.  If a corner of an object is not positioned
           on the canvas on a multiple of the point positioning resolution
           you may not be able to pick it.  If this happens, a black square
           will temporarily appear above the mouse cursor.  This square will
           also appear anytime the user tries to pick a nonexistent object.

           The rotation angle for rotating objects may be
           set/increased/decreased with this button.  Note that not all
           objects may be rotated, and certain objects may only be rotated
           by certain angles.  Pressing mouse button 2 will decrease the
           angle in steps of 15 degrees, while mouse button 3 will increase
           the angle the same amount.  To select other angles, press mouse
           button 1 and enter the angle in the popup menu.

           The depth at which new objects will be created may be
           set/increased/decreased with this button.

           The number of sides used in creating a REGULAR POLYGON is set
           with this button.

           The number of copies to make when doing a COPY & ROTATE function
           on an object.  Each copy will be rotated an additional ROTATION
           ANGLE angle from the previous.

           The number of copies to make in the X (or Y) direction when doing
           a COPY function on an object.

           This button controls the smart-links mode.  When turned on, lines
           which link box-like objects together (henceforth called links)
           are treated specially when one of the box-like objects is moved
           or copied.  For a copy, the link is also copied.  When set to
           MOVE mode, the end point of the link which touches (or is very
           near) the perimeter of the box is moved with the box so that the

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           box and the end point remain linked.  When set to SLIDE mode, the
           end segment of the link slides so that the box remains linked and
           the angle of the end segment is maintained.  This is useful for
           keeping the last segment of a link horizontal or vertical.

           (At the moment, smart-links only work for the MOVE and COPY
           functions and only works for POLYLINE links and box-like objects.
           Another limitation at the moment is that if both ends of a link
           touch the box being operated on, only one end of the link will be

           This sets the vertical alignment mode for the ALIGN button in the
           editing mode panel.  The choices are no vertical alignment, align
           to top edge, middle or bottom edge of compound, distribute the
           centres or edges evenly, or abut the vertical edges together.
           The HORIZONTAL ALIGN and VERTICAL ALIGN indicator settings are
           used together to align objects inside a compound or in canvas.

           This sets the horizontal alignment mode for the ALIGN button in
           the editing mode panel.  The choices are no horizontal alignment,
           align to left edge, middle or right edge of compound, distribute
           the centres or edges evenly, or abut the horizonaal edges
           together.  The HORIZONTAL ALIGN and VERTICAL ALIGN indicator
           settings are used together to align objects inside a compound or
           in canvas.

           The following settings are available to restrict the drawing
                angle of line segments in POLYLINES, POLYGONS and SPLINES.

                Allow lines to be drawn with any slope.  This is
                the default setting.

           LATEX LINE
                Allow lines to be drawn only at slopes which can
                be handled by LaTeX picture environment lines:
                slope = x/y, where x,y are integers in the range

           LATEX VECTOR
                Allow lines to be drawn only at slopes which can
                be handled by LaTeX picture environment vectors:
                slope = x/y, where x,y are integers in the range

                Allow lines to be drawn in the horizontal,
                vertical or diagonal direction only.

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                Enforce drawing of lines in the horizontal and
                vertical direction only.  The name Manhattan comes
                from the horizontal/vertical look of the Manhattan
                (New York City) skyline.

                Enforce drawing of only diagonal lines.  The name
                comes from the pointed shape of mountains.

           This button allows the user to select the area fill
           darkness (grey scale or color intensity) or fill
           patterns for all objects except TEXT and PICTURE, or to
           turn off area fill altogether.

           There are 21 ``shades'' going from black to full
           saturation of the fill color, and 21 more ``tints''
           from full saturation + 1 to white.  In addition, there
           are 16 patterns (currently only available for
           PostScript, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PCX, ACAD, TIFF, PPM, XPM
           and XBM output):
                30 degree left-leaning diagonal lines,
                30 degree right-leaning diagonal lines,
                30 degree crosshatch,
                45 degree left-leaning diagonal lines,
                45 degree right-leaning diagonal lines,
                45 degree crosshatch,
                horizontal lines,
                vertical lines,
                90 degree crosshatch,
                small fishscales,
                horizontal ``sawtooth'' and
                vertical ``sawtooth''.

           This button is used to select one of 32 standard colors
           for the borders of objects, or one of the user-defined

           This button is used to select one of 32 standard colors
           or user-defined color to fill objects with if they have
           a fill style.

           Pressing mouse button 1 on either the fill or pen color
           buttons will popup an extended color panel, allowing

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           the user to select either a standard color or a user-
           defined color from menus.

           The 32 standard colors are black, yellow, white, gold,
           five shades of blue, four shades of green, four shades
           of cyan, four shades of red, five shades of magenta,
           four shades of brown, and four shades of pink.

           To select one of the standard colors either click mouse
           button 1 on the desired color and either press Return
           or click mouse button 1 on the ``Ok'' button.  The
           latter step will pop down the color panel.  You may
           also double click mouse button 1 on the desired color
           to select it and pop down the color panel in one step.

           To add a user-defined color press mouse button on the
           ``Add Color'' button in the ``User Defined Colors''
           section.  User defined colors are assigned values
           sequentially starting from 32 for a maximum of 512

           A user color may be deleted by pressing mouse button 1
           on the color box to select it and then pressing the
           ``Del Color'' button.

           The last color deleted may be undeleted by pressing the
           ``UnDel Color'' button.

           To edit a user color first select the color square by
           pressing mouse button 1 on the desired square. A solid
           or dashed line will be drawn around the box to show
           that it is selected.  Then choose the color either by
           using the RGB (red, green, blue) or the HSV (hue,
           saturation, value) sliders or by typing a hexadecimal
           value into the window under the pen or fill color boxes
           representing the red, green and blue components (00 to
           FF).  If the latter is used, typing carriage return in
           the hexadecimal window will set the color.

           Additionally, there is a button above each of the RGB
           sliders which when activated will ``lock'' two or more
           sliders together at their current setting and allow you
           to increase or decrease their values together with the
           ``lock'' slider.

           If the user color being edited was just created, a
           dashed line will be drawn around the box instead of a
           solid line to indicate that it is new.  The color that
           is currently in the pen or fill boxes will be copied
           into the user color cell for modification.  In this way
           you may start with a standard color or other user color

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           and modify it from there.

           The user color is said to be ``defined'' when any of
           the sliders is moved or a carriage return is typed into
           the hexadecimal window.  This will be shown by a solid
           line being drawn around the square instead of dashed.

           The pen or fill color choice is activated when the
           panel is popped up by the respective button in the
           indicator panel, but you may switch to editing the
           other color by pressing either the ``Edit Pen'' or
           ``Edit Fill'' button.

           Note that TransFig supports color output for
           PostScript.  On monochrome screens the objects are
           created with the selected color, but black (or white)
           is used to draw the objects on the canvas.

           The width of lines may be selected with this button.
           Zero width lines may be drawn for the purpose of having
           filled areas without outlines.

           The choices for line style are solid, dash, dot, dash-
           dot, dash-dot-dot and dash-dot-dot-dot.  Once created,
           a dashed or dotted line may be edited to change the
           length of dashes or the spacing of dots respectively.
           The dash length and dot gap can be changed from the
           default using the popup menu.

           Lines may be joined with a miter, rounded or bevel
           joint.  This is only used for POLYLINE or POLYGON

           The ends of lines may be capped with butt, round or
           projecting cap.  This is only used for POLYLINE, SPLINE
           or OPEN ARC objects.

           This button selects the auto-arrow mode for drawing
           lines.  The options are no arrow heads, backward-
           pointing arrow head, forward-pointing arrow head or
           both.  If one or both arrow head modes are turned on,
           then arrow heads are automatically drawn when drawing
           POLYLINE, OPEN SPLINE or OPEN ARC objects.

           There are four types of arrows which may be filled with

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           white or the object color.

           The radius of the corners on ARC-BOX objects may be set
           with this button.

           The adjustment of text may be set to left, center or
           right justification.

           The text size may be set/increased/decreased with this
           button.  The default is 12 points.

           The interline spacing of text may be
           set/increased/decreased with this button.  The number
           displayed gives the multiple of the font height that
           will be placed between lines on hitting <return>.  The
           default is a factor of 1.2 times the current font size.

           This button allows a selection of 35 fonts available
           for most Apple PostScript printers.  There are two
           buttons at the top of the menu.  The cancel button pops
           down the menu without changing the current font.  The
           use latex fonts will switch the menu to the LaTeX font
           choices.  When the LaTeX font menu is up, besides a
           cancel button there is a button to switch back to the
           PostScript fonts.

           The name of the font is printed in the font itself so
           that one may see what that font looks like.  If a
           corresponding X11 font exists, new text is created on
           the canvas using that font.  xfig uses the size of X11
           font closest to that selected by the font size button.
           If the X11 font doesn't exist, xfig uses the font
           selected by the -normal option.  To abort selection of
           a font, click mouse button 1 on cancel.

           This button displays the current setting of the text
           flags.  You may use mouse buttons 2 and 3 to step back
           and forth through the three flag settings: Hidden,
           Rigid and Special.  To change any of the flags you must
           use mouse button 1 to popup a menu from which you may
           change any or all of the flags.

           The Hidden flag is used for figures that will be used
           with LaTeX and is applicable only to the display of the
           document in xfig.  It means that the text itself is not

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           shown onscreen, but only the string ``''.  This
           is to keep long sequences of LaTeX formatting commands
           from making the screen messy and hard to read.  The
           default for the Hidden flag is off.

           The Special Special flag means that special characters
           in the string are not specially processed but are
           passed directly to LaTeX.  If this flag is not set,
           then the backslash character '\' is changed to the
           \backslash command, a brace '{' is turned into a brace
           command \{, etc.  The default for the Special flag is
           off unless xfig is started with the command-line
           parameter -specialtext (resource specialtext).

           The Rigid attribute forces text to remain the same size
           even if inside a compound object that is scaled up or
           down.  The default is off.

      Icons in the drawing and editing mode panel windows represent object
      manipulation functions, modes and other drawing or modification aids.
      Manipulation functions are selected by positioning the cursor over the
      icon representing the desired drawing/editing function and clicking
      mouse button 1.  The selected icon is highlighted, and a message
      describing its function appears in the message window.  The hilighting
      remains on until another function is selected.

      The drawing mode panel contains buttons used to create the various
      xfig objects.  Once the drawing mode is selected, the object is
      created by moving the mouse to the point on the canvas where the
      object is to be placed and pressing and releasing mouse button 1.
      After that the mouse is moved to the second point and mouse button 1
      is again pressed for the next point.  For those objects which may have
      more than two points (e.g. a line), mouse button 1 may be pressed for
      each successive point, and mouse button 2 must be pressed to finish
      the object.  To create a single point using the POLYLINE button, press
      and release mouse button 2.  If the cap style is rounded, the point
      object will be a filled circle.  Newly created points may be deleted
      by pressing the shift key and mouse button 1.  For the ARC object,
      which requires exactly three points mouse button 1 is used for all
      three points.

      At any time mouse button 3 may be pressed to cancel the creation of
      the object.

      ARC  Create an arc.  Specify three points using mouse button 1.  The
           first and last points will form the endpoints of the arc and the
           second specifies any point on the arc.  There are two types of
           arcs, open and pie-wedge.

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      BOX  Create rectangular boxes.  Start by clicking mouse button 1 on
           any corner of the desired box and finish with the same mouse
           button on the diagonally opposite corner of the box.

           Create rectangular boxes with rounded corners.  Start and finish
           with mouse button 1 in the same way as BOX.  The radius of the
           corners is selected by the BOX CURVE button.

           Create circles by specifying their radii or diameters.  Click
           mouse button 1 on the center of the circle and drag the mouse
           until the desired radius or diameter is attained.  Click mouse
           button 1 again to finish the circle.

           Create ellipses using the same procedure as for the drawing of

           This has been changed from the previous (2.1) version to be more
           generic, allowing GIF files, JPEG (JFIF) files, PCX (PC
           Paintbrush), X11 bitmap (monochrome) files and X11 pixmap (XPM3)
           color files in addition to Encapsulated PostScript files to be
           imported.  Compressed (.Z) and gzipped (.z or .gz) files are also
           handled.  You must have the XPM3 libraries installed to use the
           XPM import/export features.  See the README and Imakefile files.

           A Floyd-Steinberg dithering is applied to color images for
           monochrome displays.

           For EPS files, xfig will attempt to use Ghostscript to generate a
           color image if xfig is running on an color display.  Ghostscript
           must be compiled with with the ``pcx256'' and ``pbmraw'' drivers.
           The pbm driver is used when you run xfig on a monochrome display
           and the pcx256 driver is used on a color display.

           Ghostscript is available from prep.ai.mit.edu.

           A neural network color allocation scheme is used when the number
           of colors for all the color images on the canvas exceeds the
           lesser of the number of free colorcells or the value in the
           resource Max_image_colors (command-line parameter
           -max_image_colors).  Whenever a new color image is added to the
           canvas, the colors for all the images on the canvas are
           reallocated and the images are redrawn.  No reallocation is done
           when images are deleted from the canvas.

           Click mouse button 1 on any corner for the PIC object and finish
           by clicking mouse button 1 again on the diagonally opposite
           corner.  The EDIT popup panel will appear and the file name of

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           the PIC object may be entered.  After pressing DONE or APPLY (see
           the description of the EDIT panel for the difference between the
           DONE and APPLY buttons) the bitmap part of the PIC object will
           appear in the box just created.  If no PIC file is available yet
           or no name is entered or in the case of an Encapsulated
           PostScript file there is no preview bitmap pressing DONE will pop
           down the edit panel and the word <empty> or the PIC file name
           will remain in the PIC box.  Later, when the name of the PIC file
           is known or the file is available, you may re-read the PIC file
           using the popup edit panel and the bitmap part of the PIC file
           will replace the name in the box.

           If you want the original size of the PIC object, press the ``Use
           orig size'' button and the eps bitmap will enlarge or shrink to
           the size specified in the preview bitmap of the PIC file.  If you
           want the PIC object to be approximately the size of the rectangle
           specified with the mouse but want the aspect ratio to be same as
           the original, press either ``Shrink to orig'' or ``Enlarge to
           orig'' buttons.  You must press the APPLY button to see these

           The Screen Capture button will unmap the xfig windows, allowing
           you to capture a rectangular section of the screen to a GIF*
           file, which becomes the current import file.  After pressing the
           Screen Capture button you press and release mouse button 1 at one
           corner of the area of the screen you want to capture, drag out
           the rectangle and press and release mouse button 1 to finish.
           You may cancel the operation by pressing either of the two other
           mouse buttons.  The filename given to the capture file is the
           base of the figure name plus the time in seconds since 00:00:00
           GMT, Jan 1, 1970 (from the Unix time() call), e.g.

           *If xfig was compiled without the USEGIF symbol then the capture
           file is in PCX format (PC Paintbrush) with the suffix ``.pcx''.

           The Edit Image button will call an external image viewer/editor
           (see resource Fig.image_editor: in the Fig.ad file) to allow you
           to edit the current image.  The file is reimported automatically
           after exiting the editor.  The xfig windows are automatically
           unmapped during the call of the editor.

           The Reread button will cause xfig to re-read the image file in
           case it has changed.  This is useful (e.g.) when you have made
           changes to the image file in a program external to xfig and you
           wish to update the imported image.

           The Browse button which will popup a file browser to allow you to
           search directories for image files.  The default search mask will
           match *.gif*, *.jpg*, *.pcx*, *.xpm*, *.xbm*, *.ps*  and *.eps*.
           This mask is in the Fig.ad application defaults file.

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           Create polylines (line segments connecting a sequence of points).
           Enter points by clicking mouse button 1 at the desired positions
           on the canvas window.  Click mouse button 2 to finish.  A single
           point object may be created by simply pressing mouse button 2.
           If the cap style is rounded, the point object will be a filled
           circle.  Newly created points may be deleted by pressing the
           shift key and mouse button 1 before pressing mouse button 2.

           The function is similar to POLYLINE except that a line segment is
           drawn connecting the first and last points entered.

           The number of sides is first selected with the NUM SIDES button
           in the indicator panel.  Then mouse button 1 is clicked on the
           center and the mouse dragged to the desired size.  The object may
           be rotated as it is being created by moving the mouse up or down
           relative to the starting point.  Click mouse button 1 to finish.

           The function is similar to POLYLINE except that an open
           interpolated spline (a spline curve that passes through the
           control points) is drawn. At least two points must be entered.

           The function is similar to POLYGON except that a closed
           interpolated spline is drawn. At least three points must be

           The function is similar to POLYLINE except that an open
           approximated spline (a spline curve that passes through the two
           boundary points and approximates the shape of the other points)
           is drawn. At least two points must be entered.

           The function is similar to POLYGON except that a closed
           approximated spline is drawn.  At least three points must be

           Note: xfig provides conversion tools to switch between any two of
           the following objects: polylines, polygones, open interpolated
           spline, closed interpolated spline, open approximated spline,
           closed approximated spline. This conversion can be done either
           globally for the whole object (see LINE<->SPLINE and OPEN<-
           >CLOSED) or locally for each individual point (see EDIT POINT).

      TEXT Create text strings.  Click mouse button 1 at the desired
           position on the canvas window, then enter text from the keyboard.
           Text may be pasted from the PRIMARY cut buffer (xterm cut/paste

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           buffer) by pressing the F18 function key (the Paste key on Sun
           keyboards) or any key/button defined in the translation table for
           the canvas.  See the default Fig.ad file for example.  Text is
           drawn using the current font, font size and justification

           A Control-H (backspace) will delete a character to the left of
           the cursor, while the Delete key or Control-D will delete the
           character to the right of the cursor.  A Control-X will erase all
           the text to the left of the cursor, while a Control-K will erase
           all the text to the right of the cursor.  The Home key or
           Control-A will move the cursor to the start of the text, while
           the End key or Control-E move the cursor to the end of the text.
           The left arrow key or Control-B move the cursor left one
           character and the right arrow or Control-F move the cursor right
           one character.  Finish entering/editing text by clicking mouse
           button 2 or typing the <return> key.  If <return> is used, the
           text pointer automatically moves to the next ``line'', a distance
           of the font height times the value in the TEXT STEP button, and
           text input mode is re-entered.  To finish text fully, click mouse
           button 2 or choose any panel button that changes modes (e.g. box,
           save, etc).  To edit text, click on an existing text string with
           mouse button 1.  Insertion of characters will take place at that
           point.  Or, use the popup EDIT mode to modify the text.

           Eight-bit characters may be entered using the meta (compose) key.
           For example, to create an ``a umlaut'', press and release either
           the Meta key, the Alt key or the Compose key, then the letter
           ``a'', then " (quote).  To create a ``c cedilla'', use c
           followed by comma.

           When modifying text in the popup eidt panel, only the Compose key
           will work.

           The following is a list of all special characters available using
           the Meta, Alt or Compose keys:

           Keys    Character Name
           !!      upside-down exclamation point
           ??      upside-down question mark
           C/      cent sign
           L-      British pound
           OX      currency
           Y-      yen
           __      broken vertical bar
           SO      section
           ""      dieresis
           CO      copyright
           RO      registered trademark
           _a      ordfeminine

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           _o      ordmasculine
           <<      guillemotleft
           >>      guillemotright
           -|      notsign
           --      hyphen
           +-      plusminus
           ^-      macron
           ^*      degree
           ^.      periodcentered
           ^1      onesuperior
           ^2      twosuperior
           ^3      threesuperior
           14      onequarter
           12      onehalf
           34      threequarters
           **      multiply
           -:      division
           /u      mu
           P!      paragraph
           A`      A accent grave
           A'      A accent acute
           A^      A accent circumflex
           A~      A accent tilde
           A"      A dieresis
           A*      A ring
           AE      AE
           a`      a accent grave
           a'      a accent acute
           a^      a accent circumflex
           a~      a accent tilde
           a"      a dieresis
           a*      a ring
           ae      ae
           C,      C cedilla
           c,      c cedilla
           D-      Eth
           d-      eth
           E`      E accent grave
           E'      E accent acute
           E^      E accent circumflex
           E"      E dieresis
           e`      e accent grave
           e'      e accent acute
           e^      e accent circumflex
           e"      e dieresis
           I`      I accent grave
           I'      I accent acute
           I^      I accent circumflex
           I"      I accent dieresis
           i`      i accent grave
           i'      i accent acute

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           i^      i accent circumflex
           i"      i dieresis
           N~      N tilde
           n~      n tilde
           O`      O accent grave
           O'      O accent acute
           O^      O accent circumflex
           O~      O accent tilde
           O"      O dieresis
           O/      O slash
           OE      OE
           o`      o accent grave
           o/      o accent acute
           o^      o accent circumflex
           o~      o accent tilde
           o"      o dieresis
           o/      o slash
           oe      oe
           P|      Thorn
           p|      thorn
           ss      German ss (s-zed)
           U`      U accent grave
           U'      U accent acute
           U^      U accent circumflex
           U"      U dieresis
           u`      u accent grave
           u'      u accent acute
           u^      u accent circumflex
           u"      u dieresis
           Y'      Y accent acute
           y'      y accent acute
           y"      y dieresis

           Note: the two special characters OE and oe are not displayed on
           the screen, but they are printed by fig2dev.

 Spell Checking and String Search in Text Objects
      By pressing h in the canvas area a popup panel will appear which
      lets you search for strings in the text objects and/or do string
      replacement and spell checking.

      The external spell checking program can be specified by the
      -spellcheckcommand command-line argument (resource
      Fig.spellCheckCommand).  The default is the ``spell'' program.  See
      the -spellcheckcommand description for usage details.

      The ``Search/Replace/Update'' button will search all text objects for
      the pattern given in the ``Search:'' entry.  A panel pops up showing
      any matching text objects. If the ``Replace'' button is pressed, the

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      matched pattern in the text objects will be replaced by the string in
      the ``Replace with:'' entry.  If the ``Update'' button is pressed, the
      matching text objects' attributes will be updated from the current
      settings in the bottom indicator panel.

      If the search pattern is empty all text objects will be listed.  If
      the Update button is pressed in that case, all text objects will be

      When a button in the editing mode panel is pressed, any objects that
      may be affected by that editing operation will show their corner
      markers.  Only those objects may be affected by the particular edit
      mode.  In cases where two edit modes exist for one button, it may be
      that the corner markers will appear for objects that may be affected
      by one button but not the other.

      When multiple objects have points in common, e.g. two boxes that touch
      at one corner, only one object can be selected by clicking on that
      point.  To select other objects, hold down the shift key while
      pressing mouse button 1: the markers of one object will be temporarily
      highlighted.  By repeatedly clicking mouse button 1 while holding down
      the shift key, it is possible to cycle through all candidates for
      selection at that point.  To perform the selected action, e.g.
      deleting one box, click on the point without holding down the shift
      key.  The operation will be performed on the highlighted object.

      Note: If the mouse is not clicked near enough to an object marker or
      for whatever reason xfig cannot ``find'' the object the user is trying
      to select, a black square will temporarily appear above the mouse

           Compound objects are created by first tagging the objects to be
           compounded and then pressing mouse button 3 to group the tagged
           objects into a compound object.  Single objects are tagged by
           clicking on them with mouse button 1.  A number of objects can be
           tagged at once by using mouse button 2 to define the upper-left
           and lower-right corners of a region enclosing the objects.
           Tagged objects are shown with highlighted markers.  Tagged
           objects which are selected (see the SELECTING OBJECTS section
           above) will be temporarily unhighlighted.  There is currently no
           special command to tag or untag all of the objects within a
           figure.  You can untag all of the objects by changing from GLUE
           mode to some other mode (apart from BREAK) and back again.

           Break a compound object into separate component parts.  Click
           mouse button 1 on one of the corner markers of the compound
           object or along one of the imaginary lines defining the compound

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           box.  Clicking with mouse button 2 will achieve the same effect
           but will also tag the component parts for re-gluing into a
           compound later (although you will not see the tags until you
           change to the GLUE mode).

           Open a compound object temporarily for editing of its components.
           The compound object selected will be opened, and all other
           objects in the figure that are not part of the compound will
           disappear.  You can make any changes to objects in the open
           compound including adding and deleting objects.  If you delete
           all the objects in the compound, the compound will be removed

           A popup panel with two buttons appears which lets you close the
           compound again.  The first, labeled ``Close This Compound'' will
           close the currently open compound.  If you open a compound within
           a compound, you may close all the compounds with one step by
           clicking on the second button labelled ``Close All Compounds''.

           After all compounds are closed, the rest of the original figure
           will reappear.

           IMPORTANT NOTE:  A side effect occurs when you open a compound,
           delete an object in that compound, close the compound and
           ``undo'' the delete operation.  The object you deleted will
           reappear but it will not be part of the original compound
           anymore.  You may use this to remove objects from a compound.

           Conversely, if you delete an object from the canvas, open a
           compound then undo the delete of the original object, it will now
           be part of the open compound.

           Any object may be scaled.  If mouse button 1 is pressed on any
           corner of a BOX or ARC-BOX object, then that object will be
           scaled proportionally to its aspect ratio.  If pressed on an edge
           then that dimension will be scaled.  For other objects only mouse
           button 2 may be used for scaling; said object will be scaled
           larger or smaller about its center.  Mouse button 2 may be used
           on boxes too.  Text may only be scaled if inside a compound
           object and then only if its RIGID flag is set to NORMAL (using
           the popup edit panel).  See the TransFig manual for description
           of text options.

           Align objects.  Click mouse button 1 to align objects inside a
           compound object or mouse button 2 to align all objects on canvas
           according to the setting in the VERTICAL ALIGN and HORIZONTAL
           ALIGN indicators.  Note that alignment with respect to the canvas
           doesn't work for distributing or abutting.  The choices are the

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           cumulative effect of vertically aligning the objects to the TOP,
           MIDDLE or BOTTOM edge and horizontally aligning to the LEFT,
           MIDDLE or RIGHT edge of the compound, along with distributing or
           abutting the objects vertically or horizontally.

           Modify the position of a point of any object except TEXT and
           COMPOUND objects.  For unrestrained movement, click mouse button
           1 over the desired point, reposition the point, and click the
           left button again.  For horizontally or vertically constrained
           move, click mouse button 2 on the desired point and move either
           horizontally or vertically.  Notice that once you choose the
           direction (horizontal or vertical), movement is constrained in
           that direction.  If, after moving the mouse initially, it is
           moved in the other direction a greater distance than the current
           position of the mouse relative to the starting point, then that
           will be the new constraint direction.  In other words if you
           first move the mouse horizontally one inch (say) then move it
           vertically 1.3 inches, the direction will switch to vertical
           until any horizontal motion exceeds 1.3 inches.  When the object
           is positioned where desired, click mouse button 1 to place it if
           that button was used to start the move (unconstrained), or mouse
           button 2 (constrained) if that button was used.

           objects (points of a BOX can not be added or deleted).  Note that
           a REGULAR POLYGON is really an ordinary POLYGON, so adding points
           to this object is allowed and does NOT keep the polygon regular.

           This tool is activated by holding down the Control and Shift keys
           in any of the EDIT modes. Clicking on a control point of a spline
           object with mouse button 1 (resp. 3) decreases (resp. increases)
           the shape factor of the spline at this point, while clicking with
           mouse button 2 allows the user to cycle quickly between the three
           basic status of a control point (i.e.  approximation, sharp
           interpolation, smooth interpolation).

      MOVE Move object.  Click mouse button 1 (unconstrained move) or mouse
           button 2 (constrained move) on any corner marker of the object to
           be moved.  The horizontal/vertical constrained movement (mouse
           button 2) works exactly as described for MOVE POINT.

           Copy object to canvas or cut buffer.  Click mouse button 1
           (unconstrained copy) or mouse button 2 (constrained copy) on any
           corner marker of the object to be copied (for CIRCLE and ELLIPSE
           objects, mouse may also be clicked on their circumferences).  The
           object will be duplicated and then moved exactly as in MOVE.

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           If the number of X or Y copies is non-zero (from the bottom
           panel) then that many copies will be made in each respective
           direction, spaced evenly by the amount of the distance the object
           is placed from the original object.

           If mouse button 3 is clicked on an object, that object is copied
           to the cut buffer for pasting into this or another figure.  The
           file used for the cut buffer is called .xfig in the user's $HOME
           directory.  This allows a user to run two or more xfig processes
           and cut/paste objects between them.  If there is no $HOME, a file
           is created in a temporary directory called xfigPID where PID is
           the xfig process ID.  The temporary directory used is specified
           in the environment variable XFIGTMPDIR.  If that variable is
           empty or not set then /tmp is used.

           Delete points from POLYLINE, POLYGON, OPEN SPLINE, or CLOSED
           SPLINE.  Objects (points of a BOX or ARC-BOX can not be added or
           deleted).  Note that a REGULAR POLYGON is really an ordinary
           POLYGON, so deleting points from this object is allowed and does
           NOT keep the polygon regular.

           Click mouse button 1 on an object to delete the object.  Delete a
           region of the canvas by clicking mouse button 2 and dragging the
           mouse to define an area of objects to delete.  Clicking mouse
           button 3 on an object will copy the object to the cut buffer (see
           COPY/CUT TO CUT BUFFER above).

           Edit settings for an existing object.  Click mouse button 1 on
           the object and a pop-up menu will appear showing existing
           settings for the object.  Some of the menu entries may be changed
           by typing new values in the appropriate windows.  These are
           editable AsciiTextWidgets and allow cut and paste.  Others pop up
           a sub-menu of multiple choices when pressed and held.  Yet others
           are buttons which toggle a setting on or off (e.g. arrow heads on

           Press the ``done'' button to apply the changes to the object and
           finish.  Press the ``apply'' button to apply the changes but keep
           the menu up for further changes.  Press the ``cancel'' button to
           cancel the changes and pop down the menu.

           The following table shows which settings are used for the
           different objects.

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 Object    Angle Fill   Line  Line  Cap   Join  Box   Pen   Fill  Radius
                 Style  Width Style Style Style Curve Color Color
 Arc               +      +     +     +                 +     +
 Arc-Box           +      +     +                 +     +     +
 Circle      +     +      +     +                       +     +     +
 Ellipse     +     +      +     +                       +     +     +
 PIC*                                                   +
 Box               +      +     +           +           +     +
 Polygon           +      +     +           +           +     +
 Line              +      +     +     +     +           +     +
 Spline            +      +     +     +                 +     +
 Text        +                                          +

           * Encapsulated PostScript picture objects don't use any of the
           above attributes.  The PostScript image is self-defined.
           However, X11 bitmap picture objects use the pen color for
           coloring the bitmap image.

           In the EDIT OBJECT mode, click on a control point of a spline
           with mouse button 3 to call the EDIT POINT window. Set the shape
           factor either with the scrollbar for arbitrary values, or with
           the buttons for preset values. Modifications are displayed
           interactively (the fill pattern, if any, will be temporally
           removed during the edition, to provide interactive rates).

           By pressing mouse button 1 on an object, the current settings for
           the indicator buttons (line width, line style, area fill etc.)
           which have been selected for update are copied into that object.
           When xfig is started, all indicator buttons which are components
           of objects are selected for update.  To unselect an indicator,
           click on the update button and click mouse button 1 on the small
           button in the upper-right corner of the indicator.  When that
           indicator is selected the foreground color (default black) shows.
           When it is unselected the background color (default white) shows.

           If mouse button 2 is clicked on an object, the settings in the
           object that are selected by the indicator buttons are copied into
           those indicator button settings.  Thus, one may copy selected

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           attributes of one object to another.

           Flip the object up/down (mouse button 1) or copy the object and
           flip it (mouse button 2).  Point to part of the object, click the
           appropriate button.  That object will be flipped vertically about
           that point.

           Optionally, mouse button 3 may be pressed on the canvas to set an
           anchor point about which the object will be flipped.  A crosshair
           indicates the anchor point on the canvas.  Pressing this button
           again will unset the anchor point.

           Flip the object left/right (mouse button 1) or copy the object
           and flip it (mouse button 2).  Point to part of the object, click
           the appropriate button.  That object will be flipped horizontally
           about that point.

           Optionally, mouse button 3 may be pressed on the canvas to set an
           anchor point about which the object will be flipped.  A crosshair
           indicates the anchor point on the canvas.  Pressing this button
           again will unset the anchor point.

           Rotate the object (mouse button 1) or copy and rotate it (mouse
           button 2) -N degrees (clockwise), where N is the amount set in
           the rotation indicator button.  The object is rotated about the
           chosen point.

           Optionally, mouse button 3 may be pressed on the canvas to set a
           rotation point about which the object will be rotated.  A
           crosshair indicates the rotation point on the canvas.  Pressing
           this button again will unset the rotation point.

           Not all objects can be rotated, and not all can be rotated at
           arbitrary angles.  For example, BOX, ARC-BOX and PIC objects may
           only be rotated by 90 degrees.  Text objects may be rotated and
           to any angle.

           Rotate the object (mouse button 1) or copy (mouse button 2) +N
           degrees (counter-clockwise), where N is the amount set in the
           rotation indicator button.  The object is rotated about the
           chosen point.

           Optionally, mouse button 3 may be pressed on the canvas to set a
           rotation point about which the object will be rotated.  A
           crosshair indicates the rotation point on the canvas.  Pressing
           this button again will unset the rotation point.

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      SPLINE <-> LINE
           Click on mouse button 1 to cycle between polyline, open
           interpolated spline and open approximated spline when the
           selected object is open, or between polygon, closed interpolated
           spline and closed approximated spline when the selected object is
           Click on mouse button 3 to turn an open object (polyline or open
           spline) into its corresponding closed object (polygon or closed
           spline) and vice versa. The closed object is opened at the
           selected point.

           Add or delete arrow heads of OPEN SPLINE, POLYLINE or ARC
           objects.  Add an arrow head by clicking mouse button 1 on the
           endpoint of the object.  Delete an arrow head by clicking mouse
           button 2 on the endpoint or arrow head.  The length and thickness
           of the arrowheads may be modified using the popup edit panel.

      The figure may be panned by clicking mouse button 1, 2 or 3 in the
      rulers.  Clicking mouse button 1 in the top ruler will pan the image
      to the left by 1/2 inch (1cm in metric mode), adjusted for zoom
      factor.  Clicking mouse button 3 in the top ruler will pan the image
      right by the same amount.  By pressing and holding mouse button 2 the
      user may drag the ruler by the amount desired, thus panning the image
      by that amount.

      If the Shift key is held down while panning the movement is five (5)
      times the normal rate.

      The figure is panned up and down in the same way by clicking the mouse
      in the ruler on the right of the canvas.

      If the Shift key is held down while panning the movement is five (5)
      times the normal rate.

      The figure can be returned to its origin by clicking mouse button 1 in
      the units (e.g.  cm or in) box.

      The arrow keys may also be used to pan the image and the home key to
      return the figure to the origin.  Also, pressing the Control Key and
      mouse button 2 will pan the figure to the origin.

                                   - 38 -        Formatted:  August 15, 2000

 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      The overall widget name(Class) is xfig(Fig).  These resources
      correspond to the command line arguments:

 Name                Class               Type    Default     Command-line
 boldFont            Font                string  8x13bold    -bold
 but_per_row         But_per_row         int     2           -but_per_row
 buttonFont          Font                string  6x13        -button
 canvasBackground    Background          string  white       -cbg
 canvasForeground    Foreground          string  black       -cfg
 debug               Debug               boolean off         -debug
 depth               Depth               integer *           -depth
 dont_switch_cmap    Dont_switch_cmap    boolean false       -dontswitchcmap
 exportLanguage      ExportLanguage      string  eps         -exportLanguage
 flushleft           FlushLeft           boolean false       -flushleft
 image_editor        ImageEditor         string  xv          -image_editor
 inches              Inches              boolean true        -inches,
 internalborderwidth InternalBorderWidth integer 1           -internalBW
 justify             Justify             boolean false       -left (false),
                                                             -right (true)
 keyFile             KeyFile             string  CompKeyDB   -keyFile
 landscape           Orientation         boolean true        -Landscape,
 latexfonts          Latexfonts          boolean off         -latexfonts
 magnification       Magnification       float   100         -magnification
 max_image_colors    Max_image_colors    integer 64          -max_image_colors
 monochrome          Monochrome          boolean false       -monochrome
 multiple            Multiple            boolean false       -multiple
 normalFont          Font                string  6x13        -normal
 page_size           Pagesize            string  Letter/A4   -page_size
 pheight             Height              float   8(9.5)      -pheight
 pwidth              Width               float   10(8)       -pwidth
 reverseVideo        ReverseVideo        boolean off         -inverse
 rulerthick          RulerThick          integer 24          -rulerthick
 scalablefonts       ScalableFonts       boolean true        -scalablefonts
 showallbuttons      ShowAllButtons      boolean false       -showallbuttons
 show_balloons       Showballoons        boolean true        -showballoons
 single              Single              boolean true        -single
 specialtext         SpecialText         boolean false       -specialtext
 spellcheckcommand   spellCheckCommand   string  spell %s    -spellcheckcommand
 startfillstyle      StartFillStyle      integer 0           -startfillstyle
 startfontsize       StartFontSize       float   12          -startfontsize
 startgridmode       StartGridMode       integer 0           -startgridmode
 startlatexFont      StartlatexFont      string  Default     -startlatexFont
 startlinewidth      StartLineWidth      integer 1           -startlinewidth

                                   - 39 -        Formatted:  August 15, 2000

 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

 startposnmode       StartPosnMode       integer 1           -startposnmode
 startpsFont         StartpsFont         string  Times-Roman -startpsFont
 starttextstep       StartTextStep       float   1.2         -starttextstep
 trackCursor         Track               boolean on          -track,
 userscale           UserScale           float   1.0         -userscale
 userunit            UserUnit            string  in(cm)      -userunit
 visual              Visual              string  *           -visual
 zoom                Zoom                float   1.0         -zoom

 * Default visual and depth depend on the X server. Use xdpyinfo to see what visuals
 and depths are supported.

      The following are the default keyboard accelerators as distributed in
      the Fig.ad app-defaults file:

              Keys        Function
      (Main xfig panels)
              q     Quit xfig
              n     make New drawing by deleting all objects from canvas
              d     Delete all objects from canvas but keep current filename
              u     Undo
              r     Redraw
              l     Redraw
              t     pasTe xfig cutbuffer onto canvas
              f     popup File menu
              e     popup Export menu
              p     popup Print menu
              l     (re)Load figure from current file
              s     Save figure to current file

      (Popup units panel in corner of rulers)
              c     Cancel popup unit panel
              s     Set units

      (Popup file panel)
              r     Rescan current directory
              c     Cancel
              l     Load figure
              s     Save figure
              m     Merge read into current figure

      (Popup export panel)
              r     Rescan current dirctory
              c     Cancel
              e     Export figure

      (Popup print panel)

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

              c     Cancel
              b     print to Batch file
              p     Print to printer
              x     clear batch file

              c     Draw circle by radius
              c    Draw circle by diameter
              e     Draw ellipse by radius
              e    Draw ellipse by diameter
              s    Draw closed approximated spline
              s     Draw open approximated spline
              i    Draw closed interpolated spline
              i     Draw open interpolated spline
              p     Draw polygon
              l     Draw line
              b     Draw box
              b    Draw arcbox
              p    Draw regular polygon
              r     Draw arc
              p     Draw picture object
              t     Draw text

              g     Glue compound
              g    Break compound
              o     Open compound
              s     Scale object
              a     Align object in compound
              m    Move point
              m     Move object
              a     Add point to object
              c     Copy object
              d    Delete point from object
              d     Delete object
              u     Update object or indicator panel
              e     Edit object
              f     Flip object up/down
              f    Flip object left/right
              r     Rotate object clockwise
              r    Rotate object counter-clockwise
              v     Convert object to/from line/spline or box/arc-box
              a    Add/delete arrowhead

      Below is the widget structure of xfig.  The widget class name is given
      first, followed by the widget instance name.

      Fig  xfig

        Form  form
          Form  commands

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Command  quit
            Command  delete_all
            Command  orient
            Command  undo
            Command  redraw
            Command  paste
            Command  file
            Command  export
            Command  print
          Form msg_form
            Text  message
            Label  file_name
          Label  mouse_panel
          Box  mode_panel
            Label  label
            Command  button (one for each of the 16 drawing mode buttons)
            Label  label
            Command  button (one for each of the 18 editing mode buttons)
          Label  topruler
          Label  canvas
          Label  unitbox
          Label  sideruler
          Box  upd_ctrl_form
            Label upd_ctrl_label
            Box   upd_ctrl_btns
              Command  set_upd
              Command  clr_upd
              Command  tog_upd
          Viewport ind_panel
            Core  clip
            Scrollbar  horizontal
            Box  ind_box
              Form  button_form (one for each of the 22 indicator buttons)
                Command  button
                Toggle  update (only those indicators that affect creation
                    of objects have update toggles)

          TransientShell  ps_font_menu
            Box  menu
              Form  ps_buttons
                Command  cancel
                Command  use_latex_fonts
              Command  pane (one for each of the 35 PostScript font panes)

          TransientShell  latex_font_menu
            Box  menu
              Form  latex_buttons
                Command  cancel
                Command  use_postscript_fonts
              Command  pane (one for each of the 6 LaTeX font panes)

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

        TransientShell  file_menu
          Form  file_panel
            Label  file_status
            Label  num_objects
            Label  cur_file_label
            Text  cur_file_name
            Label  file_label
            Text  file_name
            Label file_alt_label
            Viewport  vport
              Core  clip
              Scrollbar  vertical
              List  file_list_panel
            Label  mask_label
            Text  mask
            Label  dir_label
            Text  dir_name
            Label  dir_alt_label
            Command home
            Viewport  dirvport
              Core  clip
              Scrollbar  vertical
              List  dir_list_panel
            Command  rescan
            Command  cancel
            Command  save
            Command  load
            Command  merge
            Label  fig_offset_label
            Label  fig_offset_lbl_x
            Text  fig_offset_x
            MenuButton   Inches
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB   Inches
                SmeBSB   Centim.
                SmeBSB  Fig Units
            Label  fig_offset_lbl_x
            Text  fig_offset_x
            MenuButton   Inches
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB   Inches
                SmeBSB   Centim.
                SmeBSB  Fig Units

        TransientShell  export_menu
          Form  export_panel
            Label  mag_label
            Text  magnification
            Label  orient_label
            MenuButton  orientation
              SimpleMenu  menu

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

                SmeBSB  portrait
                SmeBSB  landscape
            Label  just_label
            MenuButton  justify
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Flush left
                SmeBSB  Centered
            Label  export_offset_label
            Label  export_offset_lbl_x
            Text  export_offset_x
            MenuButton   Inches
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB   Inches
                SmeBSB   Centim.
                SmeBSB  Fig Units
            Label  export_offset_lbl_y
            Text  export_offset_y
            MenuButton   Inches
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB   Inches
                SmeBSB   Centim.
                SmeBSB  Fig Units
            Label  lang_label
            MenuButton  language
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  LaTeX box (figure boundary)
                SmeBSB  LaTeX picture
                SmeBSB  LaTeX picture + epic macros
                SmeBSB  LaTeX picture + eepic macros
                SmeBSB  LaTeX picture + eepicemu macros
                SmeBSB  PiCTeX macros
                SmeBSB  IBMGL (or HPGL)
                SmeBSB  Encapsulated PostScript
                SmeBSB  PostScript
                SmeBSB  Combined PS/LaTeX (both parts)
                SmeBSB  Textyl \special commands
                SmeBSB  TPIC
                SmeBSB  PIC
                SmeBSB  MF   (MetaFont)
                SmeBSB  ACAD (AutoCAD Slide)
                SmeBSB  PCX  (PC Paintbrush)
                SmeBSB  PNG
                SmeBSB  GIF
                SmeBSB  JPEG
                SmeBSB  TIFF (no compression)
                SmeBSB  PPM
                SmeBSB  X11 Bitmap (XBM)
                SmeBSB  X11 Pixmap (XPM)
            Label  def_file_label
            Label  def_file_name
            Label  out_file_name

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Text  file
            Label  file_alt_label
            Viewport  vport
              Core  clip
              Scrollbar  vertical
              List  file_list_panel
            Label  mask_label
            Text  mask
            Label  dir_label
            Text  dir_name
            Label  dir_alt_label
            Command home
            Viewport  dirvport
              Core  clip
              Scrollbar  vertical
              List  dir_list_panel
            Command  rescan
            Command  cancel
            Command  export

        TransientShell  print_menu
          Form  print_panel
            Label  printer_image
            Label  print_label
            Label  mag_label
            Text  magnification
            Label  orient_label
            MenuButton  landscape
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  portrait
                SmeBSB  landscape
            Label  just_label
            MenuButton  justify
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  flush left
                SmeBSB  centered
            Label  printer_label
            Text  printer
            Label  job_params_label
            Text  job_params
            Label  num_batch_label
            Label  num_batch
            Command  dismiss
            Command  print
            Command  print_batch
            Command  clear_batch

        TransientShell  file_msg
          Form  file_msg_panel
            Text  file_msg_win
            Command  dismiss

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Command  clear

        TransientShell  query_popup
          Form  query_form
            Label  message
            Command  yes
            Command  no
            Command  cancel

        TransientShell  set_unit_panel
          Form  form
            Label        Unit/Scale settings
            Label  Ruler Units  =
            MenuButton  Imperial (in)
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Metric (cm)
                SmeBSB  Imperial (in)
            Label  Figure units =
            MenuButton  Ruler units
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Ruler units
                SmeBSB  User defined
            Label  user_units
            Text        Unit/Scale settings
            Label  Figure scale =
            MenuButton  User defined
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Unity
                SmeBSB  User defined
            Label  scale_factor
            Text  1.0000
            Command  cancel
            Command  set

      Popup color panel:
        TransientShell  set_indicator_panel
          Form  form
            Label  Colors
            Command  cancel
            Command  set_color_ok
            Form  mixedForm (for Pen Color)
              Toggle  mixedEdit
              Core  mixedColor
              Text  tripleValue
            Form  mixedForm (for Fill Color)
              Toggle  mixedEdit
              Core  mixedColor
              Text  tripleValue
            Label  stdLabel
            Form  stdForm
              Command  stdColor (one for each of 33 std colors)

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Label  userLabel
            Form  userForm
              Viewport  userViewport
                Core  clip
                Scrollbar  horizontal
                Box  userBox
                   Label  colorMemory (one for each user color)
              Command  addColor
              Command  delColor
              Command  undelColor
              Form  mixingForm
                Label  redLocked
                Label  greenLocked
                Label  blueLocked
                Label  lockedLabel
                Scrollbar  redScroll
                Scrollbar  greenScroll
                Scrollbar  blueScroll
                Scrollbar  lockedScroll
                Label  hueLabel
                Label  satLabel
                Label  valLabel
                Scrollbar  hueScroll
                Scrollbar  satScroll
                Scrollbar  valScroll

      Close compound popup:
        TransientShell  close_compound_popup
          Form  close_compound_form
            Command  close_compound
            Command  close_all_compounds

        TransientShell  cmd_balloon_popup
          Box  box
            Label  l_label
            Label  r_label

        TransientShell  mode_balloon_popup
          Box  box
            Label  label

        TransientShell  unit_balloon_popup
          Box  box
            Label  label

        TransientShell  mouse_balloon_popup
          Box  box
            Label  label

        TransientShell  toggle_balloon_popup
          Box  box

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Label  label

        TransientShell  search_panel
          VendorShellExt  shellext
          Form  form
            Label  search_lab
            Text  search_text
            Toggle  case_sensitive
            Label  replace_lab
            Text  replace_text
            Command  dismiss
            Command  search
            Command  replace
            Command  spell_button

        TransientShell  found_text
          VendorShellExt  shellext
          Form  form
            Text  found_msg_win
            Command  dismiss
            Command  do_replace
            Command  dismiss

      NOTE:  The following is a typical popup edit panel (for ARC-BOX) The
      panel will be different for other objects.

        TransientShell  edit_panel
          Form  form
            Label  POLYLINE:ArcBox
            Label  image
            Command  done
            Command  apply
            Command  cancel
            Label  Width =
            Text  Width =
            Label  Border color =
            MenuButton  colors
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Black
                SmeBSB  Blue
                SmeBSB  Green
                SmeBSB  Cyan
                SmeBSB  Red
                SmeBSB  Magenta
                SmeBSB  Yellow
                SmeBSB  White
                SmeBSB  Blue4
                [22 more colors]
                SmeBSB  Default
            Label  Fill color =

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            MenuButton  colors
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Black
                SmeBSB  Blue
                SmeBSB  Green
                SmeBSB  Cyan
                SmeBSB  Red
                SmeBSB  Magenta
                SmeBSB  Yellow
                SmeBSB  White
                SmeBSB  Blue4
                [22 more colors]
                SmeBSB  Default
            Label  Depth =
            Text  Depth =
            Label  Fill style =
            MenuButton  No fill
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  No fill
                SmeBSB  Filled
                SmeBSB  Pattern
            Label  Fill intensity % =
            Text  Fill intensity % =
            Label  Fill pattern =
            Text  Fill pattern =
            Label  Line style =
            MenuButton  Solid Line
              SimpleMenu  menu
                SmeBSB  Solid Line
                SmeBSB  Dashed Line
                SmeBSB  Dotted Line
            Label  Dash length/Dot gap =
            Text  Dash length/Dot gap =
            Label  Radius =
            Text  Radius =
            Label  First Corner
            Label  First Corner
            Text  First Corner
            Label  First Corner
            Text  First Corner
            Label  Opposite Corner
            Label  Opposite Corner
            Text  Opposite Corner
            Label  Opposite Corner
            Text  Opposite Corner

      Popup edit spline point panel:
        TransientShell  edit_spline_point_panel
          Form  form
            ScrollBar control_bar

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

            Label    Use scrollbar to modify tension
            Command  done
            Command  cancel
            Command  Approximated
            Command  Angular
            Command  Interpolated
      The following is the widget structure for the popup browser available
      for the Picture Object edit popup.

        TransientShell  xfig_browse_menu
          Form  browse_panel
            Label  file_label
            Text  file_name
            Label  file_alt_label
            Viewport  vport
              Core  clip
              List  file_list_panel
              Scrollbar  vertical
            Label  mask_label
            Text  mask
            Label  dir_label
            Text  dir_name
            Label  dir_alt_label
            Command  home
            Viewport  dirvport
              Core  clip
              List  dir_list_panel
            Command  rescan
            Command  close
            Command  apply

                                   - 50 -        Formatted:  August 15, 2000

 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      Please send bug reports, fixes, new features etc. to:
      xfig-bugs@epb1.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith)

      Because of the difference of some fonts in some X servers and the
      PostScript fonts on printers, text alignment can be problematic.

      Not all operations employ smart redrawing of objects which are altered
      as a by product of the operation.  You may need to use Redraw in these

      Some servers do not allow bitmaps/pixmaps taller than the screen
      height or wider than the screen width.  That is why there is a limit
      on the width of the top ruler and height of the side ruler.  If you
      need wider/taller rulers AND your server allows bigger pixmaps, you
      may define MAX_TOPRULER_WD and/or MAX_SIDERULER_HT in your Imakefile
      in the DEFINES line.  For example, to have a maximum top ruler width
      of 1160 pixels, add -DMAX_TOPRULER_WD=1160 to your DEFINES line in the

      If the image is panned or the xfig window iconified and de-iconified
      during the middle of an operation (e.g. while drawing a line), the
      picture will be distorted.  This can be corrected using Redraw after
      the operation is complete.

      Corners of object scaled with point positioning in one of the grid
      modes will not always fall on the grid line, but to the closest pixel.

      When zoomed very large, the length of dashes in dashed lines will top
      out at 255 pixels long.  This is due to a restriction in X that the
      dash list is defined by char (255 pixels maximum for a dash).  The
      figure will print correctly, however.

      When you do a copy/rotate or array place when making multiple copies
      of objects, only the creation of the last object can be undone with
      the Undo button.

      Modifications to text using the popup search/update/replace/spell
      check panel cannot be undone.

      See the README file for troubleshooting.

      Brian W. Kernighan PIC - A Graphics Language for Typesetting User

      fig2dev(1) (TransFig package)

      gs(1) (Ghostscript PostScript previewer)

                                   - 51 -        Formatted:  August 15, 2000

 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      Many thanks goes to Professor Donald E. Fussell who inspired the
      creation of this tool.

      Original Copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul
      Parts Copyright (c) 1994 by Brian V. Smith
      Parts Copyright (c) 1991 by Paul King
      Other Copyrights may be found in various files

      The X Consortium, and any party obtaining a copy of these files from
      the X Consortium, directly or indirectly, is granted, free of charge,
      a full and unrestricted irrevocable, world-wide, paid up, royalty-
      free, nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and
      documentation files (the ``Software''), including without limitation
      the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
      sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
      who receive copies from any such party to do so, with the only
      requirement being that this copyright notice remain intact.  This
      license includes without limitation a license to do the foregoing
      actions under any patents of the party supplying this software to the
      X Consortium.
      No representations are made about suitability of this software for any
      purpose.  It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied

      PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

      Parts Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
      Copyright notice for pbmplus code:

      Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
      software and its documentation for any purpose and without
      fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
      notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
      notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
      documentation.  This software is provided ``as is'' without
      express or implied warranty.

      CompKeyDB        Data base of compose (meta) key sequences for 8-bit
                       characters.  Must be installed in $(XFIGLIBDIR) with
                       ``make install'', or may be specified with command
                       line option -keyFile or X toolkit resource keyFile.
                       See the Imakefile.

      Fig.ad and Fig-color.ad
                       Application defaults files which are automatically
                       installed in the system app-defaults directory with
                       the make install command.

                                   - 52 -        Formatted:  August 15, 2000

 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      Doc/FORMAT3.1    Description of Fig file format.

      CHANGES          Description of bug fixes/new features.

      Many people have contributed to xfig.  Here is a list of the people
      who have contributed the most (in chronological order):

      Version 1:

          Original author:
          Supoj Sutanthavibul, University of Texas at Austin

          The LaTeX line drawing modes were contributed by:
          Frank Schmuck, Cornell University

          Original X11 port by:
          Ken Yap, Rochester

          Variable window sizes, cleanup of X11 port, right hand side panel:
          Dana Chee, Bellcore

          Cleanup of color port to X11 by:
          John T. Kohl, MIT

      Version 2.0:

          Area fill, multiple line thicknesses, multiple fonts and font
          sizes, bottom panel, line style/thickness, (and anything else that
          wasn't written by the others) by:
          Brian Smith
          (standard disclaimer applies)

          Popup change-object menu by:
          Jon Tombs
          Frank Schmuck

          Zooming and panning functions, shift key select mechanism by:
          Dieter Pellkofer
          Henning Spruth

          Depth feature by:
          Mike Lutz

          Cut/Paste by:
          Tom Tkacik

      Version 2.1:

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

          Indicator panel, file menu popup, print menu popup, panning with
          rulers, mouse function window, regular polygon, rubberbanding of
          circles/ellipses, filled splines on canvas, dashed/dotted splines
          on canvas, update button, arbitrary angle rotation of objects,
          alignment in compound, object scaling, constrained copy/move,
          corner markers for compound, context sensitive corner markers,
          smarter redraw, undo for compound and point move for boxes, cancel
          object creation, point positioning to three resolutions, TransFig
          scalable text, hidden text, special text, save of figure on crash

          Paul King (king@cs.uq.oz.au)
          with help from:
          Brian Smith and Micah Beck (beck@cs.utk.edu)

          Encapsulated PostScript importing by:
          Brian Boyter

          Pan/zoom with ctrl key/mouse by:
          Henning Spruth

          International characters by:
          Herve Soulard

          Directory Browser based on XDir by:
          Win Treese, Digital Equipment Corporation

          Rotated ellipses by:
          James Tough, Dept. of Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University,

          Rotated text from the xvertext package by:
          Alan Richardson, Space Science Centre, School of MAPS, University
          of Sussex

          Popup scale menu and dynamic switching between inches and cm by:
          Paul King (king@cs.uq.oz.au)

          Extensive man page formatting revisions by:
          David W. Sanderson

          Display Postscript code for IBM RS/6000 by:
          Dave Hale (dhale@green.mines.colorado.edu)

      Version 3.0:

          New arrowhead types, separate pen/fill colors, new file protocol,
          more colors with extended color popup panel, new arc style, new
          fill patterns (bricks, etc), new line join and cap styles, export
          offset and file load offset, XPM import, XBM import and export

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

          (and anything else that wasn't written by the others) by:
          Brian Smith
          (Note: the color popup panel was based on xcoloredit by Richard

          GIF output code by:
          E. Chernyaev (chernaev@mx.decnet.ihep.su)                  *

          GIF import code by:
          David Koblas from the giftoppm part of the pbmplus package

          XPM export code (using XPM3 libraries) by:
          Karel van Houten (K.H.C.vanHouten@research.ptt.nl)

          Higher figure resolution (1200dpi) by:
          Ross Martin (martin@trcsun3.eas.asu.edu)

          Color quantization using neural network by:
          Anthony Dekker (dekker@ACM.org)
          [NEUQUANT Neural-Net quantization algorithm by Anthony Dekker,
          1994.  See ``Kohonen neural networks for optimal colour
          quantization'' in ``Network: Computation in Neural Systems'' Vol.
          5 (1994) pp 351-367.  for a discussion of the algorithm.]

          Floyd-Steinberg algorithm for dithering color images on monochrome
          displays lifted from the Pbmplus package by Jef Poskanser.

          rotate/flip objects around/about selected anchor point and
          multiple copies of objects by:
          Uwe Bonnes (bon@lte.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de)

          Input tablet extension by:
          Greg LaCoste (greg@seismo.do.usbr.gov)

      Version 3.1:

          The only difference between protocol version 3.0 and version 3.1
          is that the position of the ``magnet'' has been shifted by 14 fig
          units.  In the 2.1 and older versions of xfig the grid was in

          multiples of 5 fig units, but they were on intervals 4, 9, 14, 19,
          etc.  When version 3.0 was created, coordinates were simply
          multiplied by the ratio of the resolutions (1200/80 = 15) so
          values like 4 became 60 instead of 74 ((4+1)*15 - 1).

          The JPEG import/export code uses the Independent JPEG Group
          software (see jpeg/README for details)

          Image browser, editor and screen capture features by:
          Jim Daley (jdaley@cix.compulink.co.uk)

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 XFIG(1)                                                             XFIG(1)
                         Release 3.2) (Protocol 3.2)

      Version 3.2:

          The changes to the version 3.2 file protocol are the addition of
          the paper size, print/export magnification, single/multiple page
          indicator and a transparent color name used for GIF export to the
          header of the file.
          The other difference in the version 3.2 protocol is the
          mathematical model used for splines. The new version uses X-
          splines which allows the user to mix interpolation and
          approximation points in a same curve. More precisely, it means
          that an X-spline curve is neither an interpolated spline nor an
          approximated one, it is BOTH (the behaviour of each point is
          controlled by one single parameter called ``shape factor''). For
          additional information about X-splines, see:

            ``X-Splines: A Spline Model Designed for the End User''
            by C. Blanc and C. Schlick, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'95

          Caveat: Because previous spline models (quadratic B-splines and
          Bezier with hidden points) are no longer supported, curves that
          are present in version 3.1 and older files are automatically
          converted to X-splines.  This translation is only an approximation
          process. It means that the converted curves are not exactly the
          same as the original ones. Though they are usually very close,
          some hand-fitting may be needed in some pathological cases.

          Inclusion of X-splines by:
          Carole Blanc (blanc@labri.u-bordeaux.fr)
          Christophe Schlick (schlick@labri.u-bordeaux.fr)
          Note: the initial implementation was done by C. Feuille, S.
          Grosbois, L.  Maziere and L. Minihot as a student practice
          (Universite Bordeaux, France).

          Open/close compound feature written by
          Bill Taylor (bill@mainstream.com)

      Many bug fixes/cleanups etc. by a host of faithful users

      See the
      file for all the credits

      package was written by Micah Beck and is maintained by Brian Smith

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