Ocean Tide Loading

Friday May 3, 2024  
Due to a difficult problem with the mail system in this computer named Holt, the OTL service is unstable.

Please use the new portal

at computer Barre.

Also note:
The new portal at Barre affords an additional resource for computation of OTL coefficients (excepting the high-resolution tide models) in significantly less time on the wall clock.

If you still prefer to use Holt, click here.
The risk being, if problems with the mail system re-emerge, the OTL service may have to be stopped for hours or days of repair.

Notice of such service cuts may not appear timely, leaving your submissions in limbo.

For an indication of health: check with the queue page
If you see
  >>>                                            <<< 
  >>> POL-the-parser  is PAUSED, Q-2 will grow.  <<< 
  >>>                                            <<< 
your requests will not be served.