To: d.che@YOU.KNOW Subject: Ocean loading values results From : Loading Content-type: text/plain $$ Ocean loading displacement $$ $$ Calculated on using olfg/olmpp of H.-G. Scherneck $$ $$ Greens function: mc00egbc $$ $$ COLUMN ORDER: M2 S2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Q1 MF MM SSA $$ $$ ROW ORDER: $$ AMPLITUDES (m) $$ RADIAL $$ TANGENTL EW $$ TANGENTL NS $$ PHASES (degrees) $$ RADIAL $$ TANGENTL EW $$ TANGENTL NS $$ $$ Displacement is defined positive in Upwards, South and West direction. $$ The phase lag is relative to Greenwich and lags positive. The $$ Gutenberg-Bullen Greens function is used. In the ocean tide model the $$ deficit of tidal water mass has been corrected by subtracting a uniform $$ layer of water with a certain phase lag globally. $$ $$ Complete : No interpolation of ocean model was necessary $$ _PP : Ocean model has been interpolated near the station $$ (PP = Post-Processing) $$ $$ CMC: NO (corr.tide centre of mass) $$ $$ Ocean tide model: FES99 $$ $$ END HEADER $$ YAR2 $$ FES99_PP ID: 2025-02-21 20:35:33 $$ Computed by OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2025 $$ YAR2, RADI TANG lon/lat: 115.3470 -29.0465 241.280 .00343 .00069 .00061 .00020 .00905 .00705 .00295 .00166 .00028 .00012 .00009 .00222 .00113 .00041 .00030 .00163 .00094 .00052 .00021 .00009 .00003 .00001 .00232 .00072 .00061 .00021 .00070 .00070 .00024 .00017 .00014 .00007 .00006 150.9 -124.0 103.1 -123.8 11.4 8.3 12.0 1.6 171.5 176.1 -178.5 -126.8 -71.4 -156.1 -79.1 150.4 147.6 150.6 143.4 -33.5 -16.0 -12.6 -153.4 -95.3 -179.7 -106.5 -70.6 -102.5 -72.0 -117.7 -176.2 -177.8 -179.2 $$ YAR3 $$ FES99_PP ID: 2025-02-21 20:35:44 $$ Computed by OLMPP by H G Scherneck, Onsala Space Observatory, 2025 $$ YAR3, RADI TANG lon/lat: 115.3472 -29.0465 242.450 .00343 .00069 .00061 .00020 .00905 .00705 .00295 .00166 .00028 .00012 .00009 .00222 .00113 .00041 .00030 .00163 .00094 .00052 .00021 .00009 .00003 .00001 .00232 .00072 .00061 .00021 .00070 .00070 .00024 .00017 .00014 .00007 .00006 150.9 -124.0 103.1 -123.8 11.4 8.3 12.0 1.6 171.5 176.1 -178.5 -126.8 -71.4 -156.1 -79.1 150.4 147.6 150.6 143.4 -33.5 -16.0 -12.6 -153.4 -95.3 -179.7 -106.5 -70.6 -102.5 -72.0 -117.7 -176.2 -177.8 -179.2 $$ END TABLE Errors: Warnings: