Monthly spectrograms 2014 - 2016, microseismicity

Spectrograms for 2016 until recent

Spectrograms for 2012 through 2013

Spectrograms for July 2009 through Dec 2011

A power spectrum is estimated for every hour from 1-second sampled superconducting gravity data. But first, a mean spectral background has been estimated from a succession of five days (can be/shall be improved), and the power of a particular time slice is divided by this average power. The resulting "power above mean" in dB units is indicated by colours.
   The measure of the mean here is the harmonic mean (RMS of decibel units), which emphasizes the lower values. 
   The many singular vertical stripes are caused by earthquakes. The longer-duration blobs and blotches are caused by oceanic waves, often surprisingly far away (see the live gravity monitor, MEM power spectrum); note the skidding of peak power with respect to frequency. 

2014-Dec 2015-Dec
2014-Jan 2015-Jan 2016-Jan

2014-Feb 2015-Feb 2016-Feb

2014-Mar 2015-Mar 2016-Mar
2014-Apr 2015-Apr 2016-Apr
2014-May 2015-May 2016-May
2014-Jun 2015-Jun 2016-Jun
2014-Jul 2015-Jul 2016-Jul
2014-Aug 2015-Aug 2016-Aug
2014-Sep 2015-Sep 2016-Sep
2014-Oct 2015-Oct 2016-Oct
2014-Nov 2015-Nov 2016-Nov
2014-Dec 2015-Dec 2016-Dec