The latest 31 days
(=>in big).
predicted tide;
inverse water level (IWL) at Onsala in hPa +1013,
barometer (P) from 2024-06-01 replaced with OSO met station, 1 S/60s;
bottom pressure proxy at Onsala; (the four at 1 smp/h).
well water level in dm,
▉: tide+baro residual (at 1 smp/min;
tide model revisions: 2014-05-01, 2014-05-18, 2015-02-05)
P and IWL would follow each other if the response were static.
Power spectrum (MEM) of micro-seismicity shows average during one hour (black)
and nine sliding 20-minute slices with ten minutes'
report (from yellow, early, via red
to purple, late). The pyjamas pattern aims to relate frequency to
source area:
▉Greater North Atlantic,
▉Celtic Shelf,
▉Norwegian Sea,
▉North Sea.
More on stormy weather and gravity.
spectrograms vs. time;
the light-green curve is their baseline. (MEM = maximum entropy method)
Complaints and praise to Hans-Georg Scherneck, Chalmers/Onsala Space Observatory,
Diagrams were drawn with