The main program can be started as in
otem92 MODEL/
and a $ can be given at the first prompter ("a
one dollar tip for the effort") if the file name (stripped of
is as shown in the prompt message. Also see open_ins manual
A Fortran feature. Between &name and &end
set of data assignment records can be placed.
The old Fortran conventions ask to code the namelist with a free first
The parameter names that can be assigned are declared in the main
NAMELIST /name/ statement.
The manual pages that belong to the main programs (or, if the main
programs are short utilities the
source code comments) will describe the meaning of the parameters that
can be loaded with values.
Common errors consist in: spelling parameter names wrong, assigning
too many values to array
variables, assigning constants of wrong type, forgetting string quotes
and commas.
The virtue of namelist assignment is its pairing with DATA
In the DATA statements,
parameters are given default values which the user can optionally alter
in the namelist section of
an instruction file.
A typical tide gauge file looks as follows:
10 sites
Boston St.John NBrunsw Sackville Corner Brooke Port Menier Yarmouth NScotiaTruro Riviere du loup Flower's cove Portland Maine
(h) Tide elevation (mm) ...
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 |
There are four header lines, the first telling how many tide gauges are included (10 sites) . The following two lines are staggered column headers, the first column header shows the names of tide gauge 1,3,5 etc., the second line 2,4,6 etc. Each string is exactly 16 charaters long.
Thus 'Yarmouth NScotiaTruro ' designate tide gauge column 2, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and tide gauge column 4, Truro. The third line gives measurement units for the time and elevation.
The date part format is (i4,5(1x,i2)), the hours-after-start part has format (t23,f10.3), and the column field for tide gauge number j starts in character column 27+j*8. Thus, to extract Truro, the format would be (t59,f8.1).
We can use tslist
to create binary time series for more convenient use:
tslist ~alla/OTEQ/GOMSL/tggw5.dat -s4
-k3 -r1.0 -Ff10.1 -o TRURO_tgg.ts
Here, output is to file tggw5.ts
For output to labelled multicomponent files we have the utility /geo/hgs/PC/OTEQ/bin/TGL
TGL -h
to get help text.
The command
TGL -I -o tggw5.dat 1 2 3 4 5
will copy the first five columns into a binary data file.
In order to get a list of labels, use
tslist -l
to obtain a screen list of single site (example again: Truro), use
tslist -lTruro -Ff10.1
to obtain a screen plot, use
tsd -l Truro
A reminder about labels:
The first few letters will suffice to locate the label.
Use the spelling that is returned by the label scanning
tslist -l | fgrep Loc
You will see that blanks are converted into underscores.
If you need to ignore upper/lower case, code the label
in upper case and use the -L option instead of -l
tslist -LTRURO -Ff10.1
tsd -L TRURO
For your convenience, truncate a label as long as it stays unique. If ambiguous, the first encountered label will indicate the section to retrieve.
(Apologies for the blank that is needed in tsd between
the option and the value.)
01 sites
WESTFORD 7205 Date Time Hour Radial 1997-09-02 00:00:00 .000 .00 1997-09-02 01:00:05 1.002 .39 1997-09-02 02:00:11 2.003 .67 1997-09-02 02:59:42 2.995 .94 1997-09-02 03:59:48 3.997 1.19 1997-09-02 04:59:54 4.998 1.32 1997-09-02 06:00:00 6.000 1.38 1997-09-02 07:00:05 7.002 1.26 etc. |
There is a utility EVL in /geo/hgs/OTEQ/bin to
the displacements into one 3-D multicomponent binary time series file
each site. Use
EVL -h
to obtain a short note on its usage.
If the evl-files are named evlw5r.daf evlw5e.daf
evlw5n.daf , the appropriate copy command to create a
binary file is
EVL -o -lcc 1 -I evlw5 1
The data can be retrieved using
tslist -Ff10.3 -L'WEST|RAD'
or, if you want all three components side-by-side
tslist -Ff10.3 -L'WEST|RAD' -L'WEST|EAS'
If the evl-files are named evls5.rad evls5.eas and
, the appropriate copy command is
EVL -o -x - -I evls5. 1
CMPX data is typically a harmonic tide potential, a harmonic tide solution or a field of harmonic tide loading effects, pertaining to a certain tide frequency.
Header record= N,M, grid type character (one character),
tag string (two characters), version number (integer number, Fortran
INTEGER), variable type string CMPX. Example: 124 112 Z M2
CMPX heads a 124x112 complex field supposed to be solution number 1
of tide M2.
File name *.PKD or *.pkd
Packed data, typically CMPX data arrays (fields) like solutions or
potentials or loading effects. Packed means that land nodes are
There is only one record (N=1) with M complex numbers (8
bytes per word, Fortran type COMPLEX*8). An accompanying flag array is
needed in order to unpack the array for use. These files are routinely
written by the OTEQuation solver otemt1.
A file can contain many segments of (packed) arrays. In order to
out their version numbers and tags the following utility is available:
More information about otecat is obtained by starting otecat and
for help. Quit by entering :Q
otecat can copy CMPX arrays from one file to another, change version
numbers and tags.
Packed or not?
If otecat lists the array size as 1 followed by a large number you
be almost certain that the array is stored packed.
If otecat lists the array size as a number greater or equal 2 followed
another number greater or equal 2, the array is definitely not
Ocean Tide Effective Potential, variable
type CMPX, oftentimes not packed because the field might be interesting
at land points too. Produced in stages prep (program otem92) and solve
(program otemt*).
Active boundary geometry data.
Out-of-area tides and active boundary tides.
Dump files containing the state arrays of the differential equation
solver. Written and read back in stage solve by subroutines OTEQ and
cannot be interchanged though. Special structure.
The driving force arrays and tide information concerning the Explicitly
Time-Dependent modelling (TTEQ). Written in stage prep by program
and read in stage solve by otemt1.
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