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otemt01.ins - Continuing a model using otemt1

To see the startup set of instructions, click here.

Commented instructions

 Run   MDL22h - B a y  o f  F u n d y   - 39 tides
 Version qf: less turbulent and less quadratic friction, Hmin = 30 m
 Harm.sol.: M2
 Gpath='/home/hgs/Oload/Greenstb/] '
 tideh='NO'                                      Don't compute harmonic result for nonlinear product tide
 nsol=999                                        Number of dump to retrieve from the file on unit 3 (*)
 Fricp=0.0, 0.0, 0.12, 0.7e4
31 < MDL22h/FLZU.DAT
32 < MDL22h/FLMH.DAT
03 < MDL22h/dmp1.dat                             (*) Dump file, result from otemt0.ins
Boston            12  21
Sandwich CapeCod  20  13
Portland Maine    19  37
Yarmouth NScotia  59  42
St.John NBrunsw1  57  58
St.John NBrunsw2  57  59
Wolfville         80  61
Truro             87  63
Sackville         78  69
Port Greville     77  63
10, -1
Boston            12  21
Sandwich CapeCod  20  13
Portland Maine    19  37
Yarmouth NScotia  59  42
St.John NBrunsw1  57  58
St.John NBrunsw2  57  59
Wolfville         80  61
Truro             87  63
Sackville         78  69
Port Greville     77  63
 1, -1
WESTFORD    7205      1492404.7400  -4457266.5170   4296881.7740
02 > MDL22h/dmpqf.dat                               New dump file; qf stands for quadratic friction
41 > MDL22h/M2qf.dat
42 * > MDL22h/M4qf.dat
75 B MDL22h/tggqf.daf                               time-series output: tide gauges
65 B MDL22h/evlqfr.daf                                   "         "  : crustal dynamics, vertical
66 B MDL22h/evlqfe.daf                                   "         "       "        "     east
67 B MDL22h/evlqfn.daf                                   "         "       "        "     north displacement
   C                                                evl stands for "evaluate loading"
 iutgg=-75                                          prepare tide gauge output, but don't write yet
 Fricp=0.0, 0.0, 0.12, 0.7e4
 kcyc=7                                             7 cycles

 iutgg=75                                            activate output to tide gauge file
 iuevl=65                                            activate output to crustal dynamics file
 Fricp=0.0, 0.0, 0.12, 0.7e4
 kcyc=30                                             30 cycles

We have two iteration phases. The first asks for 7 cycles of S2 (really S2? Not harmonic solution tide M2? Well, I'm uncertain at the moment). The first asks for 7 cycles to allow a transition of the solution from one set of parameters to another. For instance we might change a friction parameter. The solution will generally produce larger tides, but it will take a series of time-steps until the new solution has established itself.
   The second block asks for 30 cycles. This might still be too little to obtain good frequency resolution, particularly if we want to solve for small harmonic tides. For obtaining an approximate M2 solution in a bay where M2 is the dominating tide the 30 cycles should be
   The time-series output to the tide-gauge file and the crustal-dynamics files  is active during the second block of iterations (cycwb=2)
The nature of your expiriments will be reflected in the naming of the files. This job highlights the use of quadratic friction. We might have a series of results to compare where we varied the eddy viscosity coefficient. Those jobs could result in files with names containing edv and
maybe a number or character to desginate the set of actual parameters used. There will be some need for  bookkeeping on paper or in  private documents.

To see the startup set of instructions, click here.
