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Example instruction file for otemw1

 Run #2      GULF OF MAINE  S T O R M   S U R G E   P R O B L E M


 Start, near crit. DT

 Friction parameters like MDL12 MED SEA

 Pressure from ECMWF, wind from geostrophic relations

 opt_quint=' '
 Gpath='/home/hgs/Oload/Greenstb/] '
:display elevation every time step (?)
 n_ramp=5, n_hold_damp=0, n_close_damp=1
 qbt=.false., qabt=.false.,  qlt=.false.    :No tidal forcing at all
 iapt=21                                    :File unit number to be used for...
 appath='/scratch/hgs/gap%%%%/m_@@@/d##.## ' :We read the air pressure files from here
 qap=.true.                                 :New air pressure parameters and
 qwind=.true.                               :wind parameters in this namelist block
 apc=.1                                     :Removing a -0.1 m constant response
 qdo_ap=.true., qdo_wind=.true.             :Do the pressure and wind modelling,
 iwtype=13                                  :assume geostrophic wind
 qab_eapr=.true.                            :at open boundaries: assume pressure equilibrium
31 ^ MDL22h/FLZU.DAT
32 ^ MDL22h/FLMH.DAT
10                                          :10 places for harmonic solutions list on protocol
Boston            12  21
Sandwich CapeCod  20  13
Portland Maine    19  37
Yarmouth NScotia  59  42
St.John NBrunsw1  57  58
St.John NBrunsw2  57  59
Wolfville         80  61
Truro             87  63
Sackville         78  69
Port Greville     77  63
10, -1, -1                                 :10 places for recording tide gauges and 
Boston            12  21                   :      tide generating potential sensors
Sandwich CapeCod  20  13                   :-1,-1: defer writing to the files until
Portland Maine    19  37                   :      namelist specifies iutgg>0 and iutgp>0
Yarmouth NScotia  59  42
St.John NBrunsw1  57  58
St.John NBrunsw2  57  59
Wolfville         80  61
Truro             87  63
Sackville         78  69
Port Greville     77  63
 1, -1                                    :1 place to compute crustal loading effects
WESTFORD    7205      1492404.7400  -4457266.5170   4296881.7740
75 b MDL22h/tggw5.dat
76 b MDL22h/tgpw5.dat
65 b MDL22h/evlw5.rad
66 b MDL22h/evlw5.eas
67 b MDL22h/evlw5.nor
41 * MDL22h/S2s.pkd
42 < MDL22h/w5z.dat
43 < MDL22h/w5u.dat
44 < MDL22h/w5v.dat
02 < MDL22h/d1.dmp
 Fricp=0.0,0.0,0.18, 5.e4
 Gra_Opt='A', Kcyc=10, Nonlin=3
 qmyprc=.false.                     :This will skip a  hard-wired modification section in main program
 iutgg=75                           :Output tide gauge time series on unit 75
 iutgp=76                           :Output tide generating potential sensor on unit 76
 iuevl=65                           :Output loading effects in units 65,66,67

 Gra_Opt='N', Kcyc=1

---------------- below is read if nrcyc  >= 3
 qdo_ap=.false., qdo_wind=.false.
 Gra_opt='e', Kcyc=10