SCG Data - How to get it, how to compile it, where to put it

We have scripts for these tasks: HOW.TO files that can be sourced
  1. rsync memo
  3. Monument temperatures and Invar rod
  4. Onsala meteo station
  5. Onsala mareograph
  6. Onsala rain data
  7. SMHI rain data
  8. SMHI tide gauge data
  9. USGS earthquake events
  10. IERS Polar motion
  11. BKG Atmacs


You are running cygwin on ore
# From froste:
cd /cygdrive/f/tidedata/GWR_o054/2009o054/RAW_o054
rsync -avp .

cd /cygdrive/f/tidedata/GWR_o054/2009o054/MON_o054
rsync -avp .
# To froste:
cd /cygdrive/f/tidedata/GWR_o054/2009o054/RAW_o054
rsync -avp *
cd /cygdrive/f/tidedata/GWR_o054/2009o054/MON_o054
rsync -avp *
# for transferring gravity data only; there are files and directories for processing.

rsync -lptgoDvp PM/
rsync -rlptgoDvp tgg/
# first without subdirectory recursion, specific directory, then with recursion
# from froste to local

GWR-DDAS Gravity files

HOW TO Copy the DDAS files to the directory Tidedata and to the Tidearchive on machine Elder.
You'll be on Elder Cygwin.
Login to Elder by ssh.
  cd Tidedata
  cp-from-sg -X #MM ['day-expression']
for month #MM, example
  cp-from-sg -X 02 '0[1-3]'
for the first three days of February the current year.
Collects data and compresses files in ~/Tidedata and ~/Tidearchive (the latter is on the external harddisk).
You have the same directory structure as on the DDAS PC, namely
yyyyo054/DAY_o054 ../MON_o054 ../RAW_o054

On Holt there is a remote-copy script in ~/TD.  To copy "Raw" data from Elder, use
   scpe -R 'filename-expression'
   scpe -R '??1302??.054*'
to copy the files for February 2013. The trailing `*´ globs the name extension of compressed files.

Monument temperatures and invar rod

Get an update from OSO's weather server, wx:
cd ~/wx/TEMP
get-monutemps [#year]

Collects T_2_$year.ts ... T_5_$year.ts and T_11_$year.ts, four temperature sensors and the Invar rod.

The cron job:
crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
40 01 * * * /home/hgs/wx/TEMP/get-monutemps > /home/hgs/wx/TEMP/get-monutemps.log 2>&1

Onsala meteo 

OSO Rain data

Here is how to get annual ts-files for
rain rate (5min averages)
rain-1h (1h accumulation)
24h-rain (24h accumulation)

NOTE that from 2012 on the sampling interval in the weather logs is 60s and there is an offset of 30s.
Thus, except for the daily rain ORD${y}.ts, 60s is the sampling rate of the *.ts files

cd ~/wx/ARC
[COLLECT] [#year]

Without the COLLECT option the script will wget new files from the weather server.
With or without the option, the script collects
ORD$y.ts      Daily rain [mm]
ORH$y-1h.ts   Hourly rain [mm]
ORTH$y.ts     TEMP_________VAL [deg C]  HUMI_________VAL [%]
OWSD$y.ts     WSPEED_______VAL [m/s]    WDIR_________VAL [deg]
ORR$y-5m.ts   5-min rain rate [mm/h]
for the year specified, or the current year as the default.

We run a cron job:
crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
30 01 * * * /home/hgs/wx/ARC/get-oso-weather > /home/hgs/wx/ARC/get-oso-weather.log 2>&1
OSO weather ReadMe

OSO mareograph - home page
Data is available from Nov 23, 2011.

SMHI rain data

weekly ftp, see local README file at
froste: ~/SMHI/RAIN/HOW.TO

The data part looks like this
rm -f ROX-1d.txt
touch ROX-1d.txt
foreach file ( onsala*.txt )
awk -F, '(NR>1){printf "%s %9.2f\n",$1,$2}' $file >> ROX-1d.txt

SMHI tide gauge data

Here, a cron job automatically downloads and decodes SMHI html files
crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
45 07 * * * /home/hgs/SMHI/getsealevel -g r3g.txt >> /home/hgs/SMHI/crontouch 2>&1
45 19 * * * /home/hgs/SMHI/getsealevel -g r3g.txt >> /home/hgs/SMHI/crontouch 2>&1

getsealevel is in  ~/SMHI/AUTO
The data is stored in  ~/SMHI/AUTO
The collecting ts-files are in ~/SMHI

m RINGHALS-2010-04-01-06.00.dat
2010 04 01 06    0.0
2010 04 01 07    0.0
2010 04 01 08   -7.0

cd ~/SMHI
cat AUTO/RING* | tslist - -gI4,3i3,f7.0]W- -k1 -I -o tgg-rin-100301.ts
cat AUTO/GOT*  | tslist - -gI4,3i3,f7.0]W- -k1 -I -o tgg-got-100301.ts

Copies for Johan Löfgren
tslist tgg-rin-100301.ts -C1 -Ff10.1 -qqq > ! ~/www/4JL/tgg-rin-100901.tsf
tslist tgg-got-100301.ts -C1 -Ff10.1 -qqq > ! ~/www/4JL/tgg-got-100901.tsf

USGS Earthquake events

cd ~/Seism/USGS
cp usgs-JD-M.dat usgs-JD-M.bup
tail usgs-JD-M.bup
JDC -j -m 55245
2010 02 18
set bdate = ( 2010 02 19 )
set sdate = ( 2010 04 27 )
source wget-epic
cp epic.dat epic-100427.bup
cat usgs-JD-M.dat >> usgs-JD-M.bup
cp usgs-JD-M.bup usgs-JD-M.dat

This gives you only the MJD and the moment magnitude. Anything else must process the epic-files.

A csh-script can be found in ~/Seism/USGS/EXTENDREC
EXTENDREC with no arguments appends at the last record on  usgs-JD-M.dat  and through the current date.

Absolute gravity

This is a little obsolete. If you only want to process sets, have a look at /TD/a/Allsets
The remainder of this § considers drops.

Put the set.txt files into a subdir of ~/TD, e.g. ~/TD/cal1004 hinting at the date of the experiment
Find out the first day, find out the instrument number
Hannover: 220 "Olga"
Lantmateriet: 233 "Greta"

cd ~/TD
ls cal1004/*.set.txt
locate 'cal1004/*.project.txt' -d ~/CYGHGS/grav + 'Meter S/N'

Do the conversion

cd ~/TD
FG5-set2ts -m -i FG220 -d a 100419 cal1004/AA_*.set.txt

This needs still improvement. If we relate everything to platform AA we need the gravity ties.

Provide SCG data at AG times: G1_1_yymm_resmp4AG.ts
Use TD/cal1106/synch-with-drops.tse

tslist <appended 1-s SCG> -Ecal1106/synch-with-drops.tse,DROPS -I -o G1_1_1106_resmp4olga.ts

TD/cal was a bit special: the set file was not reduced for predictable effects.
The following is to no avail, since there will be an arbitrary offset.

setenv FILESUB  cal/G1_1_0907_resmp4greta.ts

tslist cal/Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.ts -Ecal/ag-scg.tse,DIFF -L'A|V' -L'A|S' -C3 -Y-9817159000 -SO10,10 -F1p,2d12.4 -qqq -w cal/ag090706-scg.tsf
FG5-set2ts -d a -u nm/s2 -f i4,2i3,1x,3i3,t37 -i FG233 -t cal/ag090706-scg.tsf 090706

but it shows the use of other options to  FG5-set2ts

Next attempt, compute own corrections. Possibly pertaining problems, e.g. whether the M0S0 tide is subtracted. Anyway:
get baro data, theo-tide and polmot, and subtract

tsf2ts-decim -r 6 10 -o cal -c 3 -d 600,300 -a RAW_o054/ G1 0907
tslist cal/G1_3_090706.dat -A'2009 07 06 13 25]' -g'(i4,2i3,i4,2i3,t36,e19.0)' -k3 -rs600 -C3 -F1p,e14.5 -I -Y-1012.35 -Un563 -o cal/G1_3_090706-600s.ts

(the 563 is the number of 10-min samples through the following date range; do  tslist cal/Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.ts -I -C3 -qbe )

run_urtip cal/ ; cp o/pt.ts cal/THG090706-600s.ts

polmotm -d 1.16 -l 11.9,57.6 cal/G1_3_090706-600s.ts | fgrep -v '<' | tslist - -gI4,4i3,t66,f10.0 -k2 -C1 -I -o cal/PMG090706-600s.ts
tsl    cal/Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.ts -Ecal/ag-scg.tse,THT -L'A|V'  -C3 -Y-9817159000 -I -o cal/ag090706-tht.ts # for plotting with tsd
tslist cal/Onsala_AC_20090706b.set.ts -Ecal/ag-scg.tse,THT -L'A|V'  -L'A|S' -C3 -Y-9817159000 -F2f10.3 -SO1,10 -qqq -w cal/ag090706-tht.tsf
look at  /home/hgs/tslist-logs/tidedata%GWR_o054%2009o054%cal%ag090706-tht.ts.log

IERS Polar motion

After a major strategy change, I now recommend to renew the IERS latest version EOPC IAU2000 file,
long-term (since 1962 and daily). It is called 214 (? always?) and available with
RENEW -W  includes the wget step and a backup to ~/TD/PM/old/
cd ~/TD/PM
RENEW -W 2009 06 01
To calculate a series parallel with a measurement file, do
polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 d/ |\
  fgrep -v '<' |\
    tslist - -gi4,5i3,t66,f10.0 -k3 -I -o d/PMG090701-140131-1h.ts


Table header EOP Finals, annual:

      Date      MJD      x          y        UT1-UTC       LOD         dX        dY        x Err     y Err   UT1-UTC Err  LOD Err     dX Err       dY Err 
                         "          "           s           s          "         "           "          "          s         s            "           "
     (0h UTC)

2012   1   1  55927   0.118700   0.263209  -0.4190307   0.0012643   0.000520  -0.000064   0.000019   0.000021  0.0000070  0.0000055    0.000134    0.000215
2012   1   2  55928   0.117478   0.262407  -0.4202660   0.0011668   0.000506  -0.000044   0.000018   0.000020  0.0000043  0.0000055    0.000107    0.000169
2012   1   3  55929   0.115947   0.261649  -0.4213914   0.0010732   0.000487  -0.000035   0.000018   0.000020  0.0000046  0.0000055    0.000080    0.000127

Table header Bulletin B, monthly:


 Angular unit is milliarcsecond (mas), time unit is millisecond (ms).
 Upgraded solution from February 1 2011 - consistent with ITRF 2008.
       DATE     MJD       x       y      UT1-UTC      dX     dY     x err    y err   UT1 err  X err  Y err
    (0 h UTC)            mas     mas       ms         mas    mas     mas      mas      ms     mas     mas

 Final values

 Mean formal error      0.028    0.027    0.0098    0.028  0.036
2012   8   2   56141  147.315  399.345  409.5109   -0.259 -0.018    0.020    0.023    0.0248  0.018  0.023
2012   8   3   56142  148.473  398.802  409.0457   -0.267  0.054    0.020    0.023    0.0056  0.024  0.030
2012   8   4   56143  149.249  398.140  408.4970   -0.253  0.091    0.020    0.023    0.0047  0.027  0.034

BKG Atmacs  - This is basically ~/TD/Atmacs/HOW.TO

# We have a cron job script ~/TD/get-atmacs doing the following
# To get the wget part done, you must specify
#        get-atmacs -w
# It will update the MC file Atmacs/ [sic!]
# Then you can play with
#        atmacs2ts [-r 6]
# to get     MC file  Atmacs/ [default]  or,
with -r 6, MC file  Atmacs/
# says a.o.:
# Extract the model air pressure (col 2) from the total atmospheric effect
# using a constant admittance factor being typical for the local zone
# (e.g. 2...2.5 nm/s2/hPa). Interpolate and and re-intruduce the air pressure
# basing on your high resolution data using the same admittance factor. It
# could be necessary to vary the admittance factor in order to obtain the
# best result.
# Data is explained here:
# "gm" - glocal model
# "lm" - local model
# ( Newton ) + ( Load ) = (lm#3 + lm#4 + gm#3) + (gm$4)
# To get data sets, issue
wget  #  1)
wget     #  2)
wget     #  3)
# 1) is from Feb 2., 2010 --
# 2) is from March 2012 --
# 3) is from Feb 2., 2010 through Feb. 2012
# If you would like to start all over:
set atmac_new =
if ( $?atmac_new == 1 ) then
    rm -f
    tslist os_gm256_13deg.grav -g'i4,3i2,f13.0)' -k1 -C1 -S1d9 -I \
           -O:`label ATMG,GMN`

    tslist os_gm256_13deg.grav -g'i4,3i2,t24,f13.0)' -k1 -C1 -S1d9 -I \
           -O:`label ATMG,GML`

    awk '\!/^201001/||/^20100201/{print}' os_lm2_12km_13deg.grav |\
      tslist - -g'i4,3i2,t25,f13.0)' -k1 -C1 -S1d9 -I \
            -O:`label ATMG,LMN`

    awk '\!/^201001/||/^20100201/{print}' os_lm2_12km_13deg.grav |\
      tslist - -g'i4,3i2,t38,f13.0)' -k1 -C1 -S1d9 -I \
            -O:`label ATMG,RMN`

    awk '\!/^201001/||/^20100201/{print}' os_lm2_12km_13deg.grav |\
      tslist - -g'i4,3i2,f14.0)' -k1 -C1 -S0.01 -I \
            -O:`label BARO,VAL`

# Check with  tslist `tslql -L` -C1 -F5f10.2 | m
# Labels:
# _GMN - Global Newton
# _GML - Global Load
# _LMN - Local  Newton
# _RMN - Region Newton
# _VAL - Local model pressure 
# Adding together and output the sum:
    tslist `tslql -L` -C1 -F10f10.2 -RMA:1,2,3,4=1 -I \
           -o atmac-sum.ts

endif # atmac_new
Atmacs interpolation with the gain method
# Only the regional and local effects - determine daily gain factors
tslist -L'A|L' -L'A|R' -L'B|V' \
       -RMLe:1.,1,1.,2=1 -RMA8,0,1:1,3,W=HANN -C3 \
       -o atmacs-LoRe-adm-3h.ts

# Explanations:
# -L     - import local (L) and regional (R) loading and their barometer
# -RMLe  - add the first two columns together and store in column 1.
#          Do "early" (before tsfedit)
# -RMA   - time-dependent admittance,
#          half-width 8, start 0, step 1 : (c1 * c3)/|c3|2  with a HANN window
# Since there are 8 ordinates per day, the output rate is 3h.
# Removing DC-levels is intrinsic to the function short_term_admit, sas/p/shrtadms.f
# Apply the gain factors on our barometer series, bar = baro-atmacs-regional
setenv PRESSRC -LoRe-adm-3h
tslist d/ -L'B|V' -BHc2010,2,2,11 -I -Eatmacs.tse,GAIN -OEA \
       -o d/bar100202-130515-1h.ts

# Explanations:
# The -OEA option keeps the epoch and fills with MRS's up to the first sample.
# -Eatmacs.tse,GAIN:
OPEN 22 < Atmacs/atmacs${PRESSRC}-adm-1d.ts
22, 'BIN]',-99999.0,'U', 0,   0,  'K*', 1.0

# A later tsfedit stage may replace the leader with zeroes.
# POKE  0.0    To 2010 02 02  00 05 00
# If our barometer is to supplement Atmacs,
# TRUNC        At 
2010 02 02  00 10 00
# EXTEND V=0.0 To yyyy mm dd hh mm ss fff
# ; i.e. to end-of-series
# Interpolate the far-field effects, bag = baro-atmacs-global
tslist Atmacs/ -L'A|GMN' -L'A|GML' -RMLe:1.,1,1.,2=1 -Eatmacs.tse,R1H -I \
       -BHc2010,2,2,11 -U2013,05,16,19 -o d/bag100202-130515-1h.ts

# with
RESAMPLE 3 0. ${RSMPDT:[600.]} [s]

# For comparison, interpolate the near-field effects

tslist Atmacs/ -L'A|LMN' -L'A|RMN' -RMLe:1.,1,1.,2=1 -Eatmacs.tse,R1H -I \
       -BHc2010,2,2,11 -U2013,05,16,19 -o d/bari100202-130515-1h.ts

# In urtap-bigtides*.ins the Atmacs series have abbreviated file names.

# Take gravity residual, no air pressure correction, subtract polar motion:
tslist ~/TD/d/ -L'G|R' -C3 -Bc2010,2,1 -H24 -Edeci.tse,DRD -I -o gr-6h.ts
tslist ~/TD/d/ -L'B|V' -C3 -Bc2010,2,1 -H24 -Edeci.tse,DD -I -o b-6h.ts
tslist ~/TD/d/ -L'B|V' -C3 -Bc2010,1,1 -H24 -Edeci.tse,D6 -I -o b-1h.ts

# Continue with polar motion reduction:
polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 -d 1.16 gr-6h.ts  |\
    tslist - -gI4,5i3,t66,f11.0 -k3 -C3 -I -o pm-6h.ts

setenv FNSUB pm-6h.ts
tslist gr-6h.ts -E~/TD/subts.tse,SUBU -I -o grp-6h.ts

tslist ~/TD/d/garbp-600s.ts -C3 -Bc2010,2,1 -H24 -Edeci.tse,DD -I -o gbr-6h.ts
# Subtract atmac-sum.ts from grp:
setenv FNSUB atmac-sum.ts
tslist grp-6h.ts -E~/TD/subts.tse,ADDV -I -o gar-6h.ts
# Continue with reducing sea level effects
# Get the Ringhals tide gauge file
if ( ! -r ~/SMHI/tgg-rin-tmp.ts ) then
   cd ~/SMHI
   tslist-app -I -o tgg-rin-tmp.ts + SMHI_2010_JAN_NOV/slrin100101-1h.ts tgg-rin-100301.ts
   cd ~/TD/Atmacs

touch rin-1h.tse
urtap-outlit -pc urtap-rin.ins
# decimate and date-cut the residual
tslist rin-1h.ra.ts -C3 -Bc2010,2,1 -H24 -Edeci.tse,D6 -I -o rin-6h.ts

# Lsq analysis (with outlier iteration):
urtap-outlit urtap.ins
urtap-outlit urtap-with-rin.ins
urtap-outlit urtap-baro.ins

# and plot
plot-atmac -w

# That's for manual import of SMHI-data:
#awk '/2010-02/||/2010-03-01/{sub(/,/,".",$0); print substr($0,9,38)}' RINGHALS.RW.Hour.txt | tslist - -gi4,1x,i2,1x,i2,2x,i2,t30,f9.0 -k1 -C1 -o ../tgg-rin-100201.ts



DDAS-DATA old methods
To copy:
RAW_o054 MON_o054 DAY_o054  to the respective directories on auda  (...\hgs\RAW_o054 etc.)
We don't distinguish years on auda.

On froste, copy the data on auda 1:1 to  ~/TD/
.../hgs/RAW_o054  to  ~/TD/RAW_o054
using scp ( ~/bin/scpa )
cd ~/TD/RAW_o054
scpa 'RAW_o054/??1004??.054' .
bzip2 *.054
cd ZIP
scpa 'RAW_o054/??1004??.ZIP' .

cd ~/TD/MON_o054
scpa 'MON_o054/??1004??.TSF' .
bzip2 *.TSF

For a local backup, start cycgwin  and connect the 'My Book' (or another USB disk device) and find out the drive letter.
Assume E:
cd /cygdrive/e/tidedata/GWR_o054/2009o054
copy the new files from froste to the USB device like above.

Using the DOS-Window

In order to prevent Windows Explorer to allocate but not free workspace, try using copy commands in a DOS Window

cd d:\GRW_o054\2011o054\RAW_o054
copy ??11MM??.054 \\Hgs-dator\Users\HGS\Tidedata\2011o054\RAW_o054
cd ..\MON_o054
copy GW11MM*.* \\Hgs-dator\Users\HGS\Tidedata\2011o054\MON_o054

# Wind speed:
cd ~/wx/ws

# concatenate and save all as binary
awk '{printf "%s %2.2d %8.4f %6.2f\n", substr(FILENAME,3,4)" 0 ",substr(FILENAME,7,3),$1,$2}' ws2009*.log |\
 tslist - -a -g'(i4,i2,i5,f9.4,f7.2),DH+' -k1 -C3 -rs600 -I -o ws0906.ts

# Weather, general, old:
--Timestamp---	Temp	Chill	HIndex	Humid	Dewpt	 Wind 	HiWind	WindDir	Rain 	Barom	Solar	 ET  	 UV 
-------------- ---- ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
20100327 00:00 43.2 43.2 43.2 98 42.7 2 4 342 0.0 29.5 -100000 -100000.000 -100000.0
20100327 00:05 43.1 43.1 43.1 98 42.5 3 5 324 0.0 29.5 -100000 -100000.000 -100000.0
20100327 00:10 42.3 40.1 42.3 97 41.6 4 5 309 0.0 29.5 -100000 -100000.000 -100000.0

# Weather, general, new:
This is essentially part of OSO Rain data

cd ~/wx/ARC

foreach d ( `fromto -f '%4i' 1 117` )

Check the README file (

source HOW.TO [COLLECT] 2010
(without COLLECT the script executes a loop with wget for the new available days)

If you need wind speed in X and Y, follow these suggestions (yields 60s-data)
tslist OWSD2010.ts -L'WS|V' -Ere.tse,R -C3 -F1p,e12.4 -O:`label WSPEED,VAL` -I
tslist OWSD2010.ts -L'WD|V' -Ere.tse,R -C3 -F1p,e12.4 -O:`label WDIR,VAL` -I
tslist -L'WS|V' -L'WD|V' -TCD:1,2]180. -F1p,2e12.4 -C3 -O1:`label WSX,VAL`'|'2:`label WSY,VAL` -I
or all in one:
tslist OWSD2010.ts -L'WS|V' -L'WD|V' -E1,2:re.tse,R -TCD180 -O1:`label WSX,VAL`'|'2:`label WSY,VAL` -I
