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Displaying harmonic solutions


Location of executable: /home/hgs/bin/zd
Location of source: /home/hgs/Oload/p/*.f (subroutines) and /home/hgs/Oload/p/mpp/zd.f (main)

zd can be executed in interactive mode. However, it is easier to
use an instruction file.  If the file is called  myzd.ins  you would call

prompt> zd myzd
> *.ins file (myzd)> $

Contents of this page

Graphic window and prompter
Instruction file
     Display setup parameters
     Symbols on a map
     Sampling and numerical output
Using a script together with an instruction file

Graphic window and prompter

Table: Responses at the graphic prompter
S or  Q Stop or Quit
r or R Repeat drawing, R with refresh and prompter to redefine pixel size
C In two-window mode: continue with the phase plot
i or I Toggle on/off: Interpolate (i,I) and draw phase isolines (I)
A Prompt for Amplitude range
H Prompt for Phase range
X and Y Prompt for subarea to view (reply with array index range)
l or L Draw coastline and, optionally, "cities". L includes a prompt for GMT options. 
N Prompt for amplitude or phase numerical formats
O Order switch, north-south toggle up-side-down
U Prompt for the comment concerning measurement units
v or V
Draw "cities" but no coastlines
t or T change title. T to change permanently.
g or G process a sample file (tide gauges). Use G to inquire whether some are outside the area
P change palette
M swap parts of prompt message (more)
1 or 2 One-page resp. Two-page view of amplitudes and phases
D Dump viewed array to ascii file. System prompts for a file name and options
Upper and lower case letters are accepted. In some cases, the upper case letter asks for an extended service.

Instruction file

Example with comments:
                                              First: an open-file block
19 R /geo/hgs/OTEQ/MDL22h/iapso.loc             A "city" file, will be drawn together with coast
22 ^ &/${TIDE}${CODE}.dat ${TIDE} ${NVER}       CMPX array input; TIDE and NVER as significant comments 1)
23 ^ &/FLZU.DAT                                 FLAG array input
25 ^ &/OOTIDES.DAT                              O-O-tides input, optional
61 * B M2-dmp.txt                               61 B M2-dmp.txt, i.e. open optional text file for
   C                                            ASCII dump of the array.
   Q                                          End the first open-file block
y                 yes, area from flag file      Auto-get projection parameters
n                 reverse order                 Arrays are organized south to north
$$                Tide and version number       $$ signals that file comment of unit 22 is used. Very special!
f                 flags target                  Show array at points not flagged "Land"
n                 suppress checkerboard
Tide height                                     Title text
3.0  [m]                                        Amplitude range = 3.0  and unit=metres
                                                Blank line or grid range 2)
2 N=2 F=1 Pix=5,5                               Display setup parameters, see below.
   ]                                            This is the Stop option of another open-file block

1) The names and comments in the open-file block can reference environment variables (${TIDE}); openf will take care of resolving them.
2)  Grid range is specified  Xlow Xwidth Ylow Yhigh in grid units

Instruction file for global tide data

                                             A section for Schwiderski
19 R /geo/hgs/OTEQ/GOMSL/tide_gauge.loc        File with tide gauge stations
/geo/hgs/Otide/schw M2
3.0  [m]
280 40 110 150
2 N=2 F=1 Pix=7,7 GMT=-Dc -I1 -A1000/1]


G>                                           A section for R. Ray model
19 R /geo/hgs/OTEQ/GOMSL/tide_gauge.loc
/Bifrost/hgs/Otide/GOT99.2/rray M2
3.0  [m]
560 80 220 300
2 N=2 F=1 Pix=4,4 GMT=-Dc -I1 -A1000/1]


The tide gauges are activated using the l option (command lower case L) at the display prompter
The grid window zooms into the Gulf of Maine and Saint Laurence.

Display setup parameters

A number {1| 2} must appear first: One window with both amplitude and phase, or two windows.

The other parameters may appear in any order. Use blanks to separate them on one line.
Continue with the next line provided the first column is nonblank.
The first line with a blank first column will be taken as beyond the input scope.

Table: Display setup parameters
P=filename File name of a palette, e.g. P=/home/hgs/util/standard.pal
N=npal Integer number of the colour set in the palette file
T=ncolor The colour blob number in the palette used for text
Grey=  or  Gray= Use a grayscale 
Number of pixels per array cell
FMTA=formatcode Format amplitude numbers, like FMTPA=F10.2
FMTP=formatcode Format phase numbers, like  FMTP=F7.1
GMT=coastline options] Coastline options, routine pscoast
If 'NO'  a simple, less accurate  coastline will be drawn.
Example: GMT=-A1000/0.5/4 -Df -I1 -I2 -I3 ]         3)
P+ | I+
Interpolate and display phase | Interpolate
Cyl={ H | m }
Rotate (cylindrically connected) array half turn or by m cells
GRAD={ E | N }
Compute gradient of array (assume global, spherical, cyl. conn.)

3) Right-bracket as the string delimiter, since the string may contain blanks.

Symbols on a map - using a "city"-file

Optionally, an ASCII file can be opened on unit 19. It is assumed to be a city-file organized as follows
xx yy ncsy ntsy ixo iyo 'text'
in free format. The parameters have the following meaning:

xx   - longitude (degrees)
yy   - latitude (degrees)
ncsy - color number for symbol (0..15)
ntsy - type number for symbol (1 - George's cross; 2- square, 3 -diamond,
       4 - triangle up, 5 - triangle down, 6 -Andrew's cross)
ixo  - horizontal and ...
iyo  - ... vertical offset for the text
text - some text in single quotes.

Sampling of the field and numerical output

Optionally, ASCII-files containing locations can be opened on available file unit numers. With the
G command at the graphic prompter the file will be read and the CMPX array will be sampled at
the locations (incl. interpolation between grid nodes).
The result will be written to the protocol unit.
The file must contain longitude and latitude in degrees in the first two columns. A bad longitude
(magnitude greater than 360 degrees) will stop file reading.

If an ASCII file is opened for output on unit 61, the entire array will be dumped into it showing the
geographic position of each grid node.

Using a script together with an instruction file

An example is in the shell script  /home/hgs/OTEQ/bin/zd-sol

Help text is obtained by

prompt> zd-sol -h

USAGE:      zd-sol subdir tide code #version

PURPOSE:    run CMPX-array graphic display

 subdir   - name of the directory containing the file. Oftentimes
            needs to have a trailing slash, e.g. GOMSL/
 tide     - the tag symbol and file name substring
 code     - abutted substring in file name after tide
 #version - the version number of the array. Use 99999 for the last
            array on that file.

 The file name will be composed as follows:

Thus, to display array version number 4 on file GOMSL/M2qf.dat

    zd-sol GOMSL/ M2 qf 4

FILES:      Needs   ${subdir}zd_sol.ins   (instruction file)

If you need to specify the version number and don't know it, use program otecat
and specify the file name, e.g. GOMSL/M2qf.dat

Dump at the display prompter - Options for  WRIZM  procedure ( OTEQ/s/oteuw60.f )

Under zd/zds, the Dump command will output the visible area of the array Z using WRIZM.
Some options of wrizm cannot be used (grey color).

      subroutine wrizm (iun,opt,z,flz,m,n,typ,mb,me,nb,ne,scc,zn)
c FLZ(N,M)    - integer - flag array
c FLZ(1,1)=17 - all cells z(i,j) will be printed and other elements of
c               FLZ will never be addressed.         (qrf=.false.)
c OPT = 'flags] options F=formatstring$'

c (F=formatstring$ is optional)
c options = '+string' or '+a+b+c+d'
c Format is for one complex pair, default '(1p,e12.4,0p,f8.2)'

c Flags designate a target string (e.g. 'SAaO' for a selection of wet nodes).
c OPT=']'     - cell distinction is by .eq.0 | .ne.0    (qq=.true.)
c +P - array is packed; output will scan the entire array
c      (mb,me,nb,ne are ignored); flags and target will be matched though.
c +I - print array index
c +S - print location on sphere [deg]
c +F - print location on flat plane [km]
c +B - inverse projection
c +N - print node type (flag symbol)
c +V - print node type (flag value)
c +C - print values in polar representation (call set_phacut(cut) prior to wrizm)
c +J - take complex conjugate of z(i,j)
c +U - use scc as the scale value for the grid (scc is not set in zd/zds!)
c +G - circularly connected; ME specifies width (probably not usefuls under zd/zds).
c mb,me,nb,ne - rectangular printing interval
c               if nb>ne, printing will be north-to-south in ordinarily ordered
c               matrices.
c               (Under zd/zds, the parameters for the visible area are submitted.)
c scc - together with option '+U': use value as the grid constant
c zn  - divide output values by zn
