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Display procedures

Ascii printout of flag arrays:
location ?

CMPX arrays:
location /home/hgs/bin/zd
source code /home/hgs/Oload/p/mpp/zd.f
can utilize an ins-file
More information

REAL arrays:
location /home/hgs/bin/rd
source code /home/hgs/Oload/p/mpp/rd.f
needs an ins-file
More information

Display screens

Common to display screens is the P option, change the palette.

zd uses subroutine  ZDISPL (/home/hgs/Oload/p/zds.f). Goto ZDISPL graphic window prompter.

rd uses subroutine  GRASOL (/home/hgs/Oload/p/gra/otes18.f) Goto GRASOL graphic window prompter.
   which is also used in
cream (display depth array)
   and otem1 and otemt1 subroutines oteq and tteq during time-stepping of the differential equations.

GRASOL graphic window prompter

The picture elements are composed of 16 basic colours with three stages of transition.

The prompter looks like this:

Not all options are shown though
Table: Command keys. Many commands issue prompts for numbers or strings or keystrokes for Yes or No.
Numeric or string entries can be aborted by hitting the ESC key leaving the previous values unchanged (no guarantee but an ambition).
Hitting a key that has no function will issue a warning and a link to this very place on this page.
Key 2) Functions programmed in otes18.f
Stop; prompts whether immediate stop (Y) or exit GraSol (N) or regret (any other key).
p change palette
w W
Change the screen width, two prompts for X resp. Y
Return or Blankspace
Leave the prompter; picture remains.
3 ... 9 Pixel resolution
l L h H Lowest / next higher pixel resolution; upper case commands include refresh.
a A Redraw ("Again"). Upper-case `A´ to refresh the screen
b B
Toggle clearing of the screen at next instance
t T
Toggle removing X-window
arrows Move origin. You must press `a´ or `A´ to effectuate.
m M
Move - prompt for numerical input
f F
Communicate an integer value ksgn(i), i and the value are prompted for.        1)
Communicate an integer value ksgn(1)
Communicate integer parameter lsgn
Communicate integer parameter ithalt   
C Communicate a string CSGN.     1)
Communicate a clipping value to the Watchdog
i I
Under otemt1 or otem1, subroutines TTEQ or OTEQ: 
elevation and potential display: number of time steps between displays 
(Incr = Increment).

In TTEQ:  trace display: ID-number of field to display.

s S
shut off display.  A toggle option; on/off state is shown by highlight. 
d D >
o O
Dump array on file unit 8, formatted using subroutine SMPRM. File name is prompted for.
With `D´ or `O´, where the file name contains '#', the step number is substituted. 
With `o´ or `O´, the array is printed in four columns:  I J Value Flag
g Go = set no-prompt mode. Toggle

r R

Set the field range. With `R´ you get a prompter where you can choose between zero-centred, half-sided or free interval.  You can answer `Y´ to Auto-ranging, so that all values fit into the colour bar.
Clip colours = yes implies that values outside the range are shown with the colours of the range corners. The alternative is to cycle through the colours with automatic mixing schemes.

Barring an array with zero range, this command renews the Auto range and redraws the image at one key stroke.
Prompt for flag target string to select what kind of cells are viewed.
Special scanning for flag-subtypes. You may enter a value to add to array at matching subtype
next part of the menu (2 parts). Only a few menu items are shown. 
x Redraw the axis labels.
y Y
Reverse (toggle) Y-axis labels. With `Y´, an additive value can be entered, and incrementing vs decrementing can be selected.
z Z
If GraSol is in two-array mode (call grasol_2f), the paradigm is that these are vector components (e.g. east and north currents). `z´ and `Z´ toggle the regard of the second array. With `Z´, the vectors can be rotated (e.g. from a SE-NE orientation to E-N)

^ ?



Move mouse pointer to a field node and click left button. The program will list the pointer location, the field value, and the flag value. Right-button opts for using rquint interpolation (defunct)
For printing the node data within a neighbourhood of flags, set the width using `N´.

The mouse pointer's  position can be copied to TTEQ's monitoring node (ISGN,JSGN) or, answering `F´
at the confirmation prompter, to the node where friction iteration is monitored (but note, you are  on a Z-grid! For more accuracy, use a printout of the M-flag array and the OC mechanism).

Highlight the AbsMax of the field. Press `.´ again to run through colours for spotting the place.

Specify half-width and -height for the neighbourhood that will be printed upon mouse click

Included code section otes18-step.fi
Plan a step event at the active boundaries. Prompts for start and end time of a ramp, step heigh, and whether tides shall be included or the condition left as it is.
Plan a splash event. Prompts for mouse pointing out the location and value entries for begin, end, height, and radius.

1) Prompts to enter value. Communication is through COMMON /CGRASO/... and  /CCGRAS/ CSGN
) Yet unused characters for command keys: e j k q u % & + - = ; : , 
In general, unresolved key codes are printed to the protocol, so that function keys etc. could be included in future extensions.  

What's used in rd?
To draw coastlines simply hit return.
To exit the procedure you can  ^C  at the graphic prompter and answer Y (yes) to quit immediately.
Or enter  S  for shut and hit return. And return again at the next prompter.
You can enter  c  and a number between 0 and 15 to define the coastline colour.
(this was in the table above under "c":  "  In rd: draw a coastline using the specified colour number. ")

TTEQ (otemt1):
In order to regain the graphic window display of elevations in tteq (and its prompt mode),
issue   OC ^G   from a terminal window.

Example rd.ins file:
31 ^ &/FLZ.DAT
33 ^ &/TESTR.DAT
 title='Test cream'

Change Palette

You will obtain a Graphic prompter asking for a command


After pressing  P+Return  you will receive the Palette prompter

Moving left and right with the arrow keys selects the palette field.
Use Up- and Down-arrow keys to step through the colours.
Press R, G or B key to add red, green or blue, respectively, in small steps (cannot be saved).
Press r, g or b key to reduce basic colours

Table: User entries at Command prompter
 + Return
C Clear (This feature is presently disabled)
Q Quit
P prompt with Palette bar. There'll be an Underline character above the color bar as the cursor ( in the example it is above field #1 with color number 39)

Use <- and -> arrow keys to move to the desired color; notice that color field #0 is the window background, and the wake-up position is field #1.
Use up or down arrow keys to adjust color by steps of eight. After one cycle (at value 64) the next hue cycle is entered.

Use R G or B keys to increase Red Green or Blue component,
r g or b keys to decrease, respectively. These shades will be volatile, however; they cannot be saved to a file. 

Press ESC key to ignore or Return key to accept color change. Press SPace bar to temporarily leave the color at the present value (the next ESC will restore the old value). 

W or D Write or Dump palette. With W you'll receive a file name prompter.
R [j] Read record number j from a palette file. You'll receive a file name prompter. Default for j is the first record. A j too large will retrieve the last record. 
H Hide prompter. The program executes a READ  (5,*) statement (stdin), i.e. you must hit return in the window from where the program was started. This feature is supposed to improve the performance of screen captures. The H option is not shown in the menu, sorry.
i  j Set palette number i to colour number j. 0 <= i <= 15,  0 <= j <= 63.

That's all for GraSol

ZDISPL graphic window prompter
There are two frames (usually amplitude and phase display) that can by shown in one window,
but usually are divided into subsequent displays. The colour range is 15 distinct levels.

There is more detailed information; the following below is a bit short.

Key  Function
C continue to show phase
l L draw coastline (`L´ for extended prompter)
a h present prompter for amplitude and phase range
r R redraw (`R´ with refresh)
X present prompter for x-range (array index range). Global arrays are considered circularly connected. End index must be larger than begin.
Y ... y-range (array index range)
i I toggle interpolation mode. Interpolation is at screen resolution; without interpolation you'll see the grid resolution. Use `I´ to show phase lines.

zd.ins file example:
        _________The &/ is an Openf feature: The file is in the same directory as the *.ins file
     </---name part --> <------ comment part ------------------->|   (%)
22 ^ &/${TIDE}?.dat           tide solution ${TIDE} ${NVER} <---- This comment will be significant (*)
   C       \___________________________The ?-mark will cause interaction (prompt for replacement)
23 ^ &/FLZU.DAT               Flags
y                 yes, area from flag file
n                 reverse order
$$                                                  (*) $$ means the comment on file unit 22 is used
f                 use flags to display
n                 suppress checkerboard
Tide height
3.0  [m]


(%) Comment part is separated from name part by at least one blank

As an alternative, run zd without an instruction file. At the prompter
The instructions (zd.ins file example above) could be entered directly at the keyboard.
