1. Selecting files by weekday
  2. RAW data |
  3. 1-min gravity, baro, predicted tides -> MC |
  4. 1-s gravity -> BIN ts
  5. 30-s MC ASCII from G1 |
  6. 10-min data from G1  |  10-min data from e.g. garb MC |
  7. Empirical residual
  8. Polar motion data:  |wget IERS data; extend eopc04_IAU2000.orig;  compute gravity
  9. Subtract polar motion: | see item 7.
  10. Drift determination: |  tide analysis, air pressure, polar motion reduction
  11. Tide analysis |
  12. Gravimeter: sliding residual RMS |
  13. Tilt controllers: | sliding RMS and long-term drift; and a power spectrum.
  14. Si Diode thermometers | at the coldhead ("neck")
  15. Plot | Plot many curves |
  16. GGS | 1-s data for mode detection and ftp to GGP
  17. Free Oscillations |
  18. Daily residuals, micro-seismic spectrum, shocks, and cleaned low-rate data |
  19. Daily RMS |
  20. Daily PSP |
  21. A sequence of periodograms | (every hour for 1 day, 1-s data) is an example in the tslist man page
  22. Determine the daily "human" signature (working days versus holidays)
  23. A diagnostic plot with GMT |

File types
.tse - time-series edit control, c.f.  tsfedit, a fortran subroutine called in e.g. urtap (tide analysis) and tslist (time series utility)
.ins - instruction files for most fortran main programs
.ts  - binary time-series
.mc - binary multi-component time-series
.dat and .tsf: ascii

Useful utilities:
Those in bold with no http-link should display help text upon option -h

GENERAL:                      urtap  urtip  tslist (tsl)  tsd  JDC jdc(-v2) YMD sasm03  sasm04  sasm06  sasm08

also see File utilities  and  TS-utilities.

Cron jobs:
                    get-tide-data    yesterdays-G1-plot    tide-press-plot    actual-memsp-vs-time
  GGP-send-data    pt4brimer             monthly-600s       tilt-control-monitor

                    ggpheader.pl      prep-ggs             xchan-units

  tslapp  bzip_or_rm  daily-psp  daily-resid  daily-rms detect-shocks 
                    fo-spectrum       lpf-ts2ts   myfo       useisp
                    MAKEPMG   polmotm
                    resids    run-daily-psp-vs-time          run_urtip    SCG2ts    tiltrot
                    useisp    vartst.pl           xggp

                    tsld              tslg


tcsh source scripts: ~/TD/plot/     
                    3sp.env    hans-kattegat-tsplot.env  hans-rms-tsplot.env  hans-tsplot.env 
                    rastered-pdg.env  wx-mcplot.env
  clear.env  hans-mcplot.env
                    hans-spplot.env      mcplot.env       tilt-xy.env

     documentation for these is badly needed!

xchan-units -c RAW_o054/A2100102.054
        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10
  0  LHe-Lvl     AGnd     AD-1     AD-2   G1-Sig  G1-Mode   G2-Sig  G2-Mode   Dewr-P   GBal-1

 10   TX-Pwr   TX-Bal  NeckT-1  NeckT-2  BelyT-3  BodyT-4   LHeLvl   GBal-2   TY-Pwr   TY-Bal

 20  Tmp-Bal  HtrCrnt  Temp-6K  Temp-77   FB-Mod  P1GasCl  P2GasRg  P3CmpHi  P4CmpLo  P5CmpBl

 30   T1-Ext   T2-Ext   T3-Ext  Temp-G1  Temp-G2  Temp-TX  Temp-TY  Temp-TE  Temp-AX  Temp-CH

 40  Temp-Gt  Dwr-Htr  Comp-DC    CH-DC    Tmpr1    Tmpr2  RelHum1  RelHum2              

xchan-units -c RAW_o054/A2120222.054
MRS: 9999.999
        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10
  0  LHe-Lvl     AGnd     AD-1  TREEfan   G1-Sig  G1-Mode   G2-Sig  G2-Mode   Dewr-P   GBal-1

 10   TX-Pwr   TX-Bal  NeckT-1  NeckT-2  BelyT-3  BodyT-4   GBal-2   TY-Pwr   TY-Bal  Tmp-Bal

 20  HtrCrnt  Temp-6K  Temp-77   FB-Mod  P1GasCl  P2GasRg  P3CmpHi  P4CmpLo  P5CmpBl   T1-Ext

 30   T2-Ext   T3-Ext  Temp-G1  Temp-G2  Temp-TX  Temp-TY  Temp-TE  Temp-AX  Temp-CH  Temp-Gt

 40  Dwr-Htr  Comp-DC    CH-DC    Tmpr1    Tmpr2  RelHum1  RelHum2                           

Merging two RAW files for the same day

merge-RAW -h

Test for differences daily-mean values for all channels in an A1 file

Two days, here July 1, 2009 and Dec. 1, 2010, retrieve all 48 channels

   tsf2ts-decim -w -r 1 -u 1-48 -o d -d 1 RAW_o054/ A1 0907
   tsf2ts-decim -w -r 1 -u 1-48 -o d -d 1 RAW_o054/ A1 1012

Print a table of differences of daily means
   chancheck 'd/A1_*_101201-1m.ts' 'd/A1_*_090701-1m.ts'

A hi-quality 1s to 1 m decimation filter:

FILTER D:WD KAIS 480 2.5 30 0.0 0.34 0.

Window design
half-length 480 (16 min full duration)
KAIS 2.5
pass band 0 to 0.34 at Fny=30, Float
It has -120 dB at 120 s period, -3dB point at 195 s, and downslope of stop band
Below 10 s it has an attenuation of always < -100 dB.

Sometimes we only want files from mondays

Here is a unix filter for file names that have 6 consecutive decimals that uniquely specify the date. Or that at least the last 6-tupled number in the name specifies the date. Like in RAW_o054/G1100301.054

is_kod 12345 RAW_o054/G1*.054

will admit the file names from monday to friday

is_kod -H 12345 RAW_o054/G1*.054

will admit the file names from monday to friday except if they are from a red day.

The following command writes a series of file stacking commands for tsfedit:
is_kod -H 12345 d/G1_garc_*-1s.mc |\
   awk -v s="41,'BIN]',-99999.0,'L:G|R',0,0,'N',1.0 +++ T0=0 " \
       '{print "OPEN 41 > "$1; print s}'
Thus we could calculate a working day signature of perturbations (which we further could low-pass filter)
(but  T0=0 is still a wishful option to ignore the file date, and theme _garc_ would assume another shock-cleaning-but no-gap-filling step.)

# ... get 1-min gravity, baro, and predicted tides (from GGP-files) into one MC-file

cd ~/TD
rm -f d/MC0906-1m.ts
cat MON_o054/GW09??00.GGP |\
awk '/^2009/{printf "%s %s %11.7f\n",$1,$2,$3}' |\
tslist - -gi4,2i2,i3,i2,t16,f12.0 -k2 -Bc2009,06,13 -I -O:`label GRAV,VAL` d/MC0906-1m.ts
cat MON_o054/GW09??00.GGP |\
awk '/^2009/{printf "%s %s %11.4f\n",$1,$2,$5}' |\
tslist - -gi4,2i2,i3,i2,t16,f12.0 -k2 -Bc2009,06,13 -I -O:`label BARO,VAL` d/MC0906-1m.ts
run_urtip d/MC0906-1m.ts
tslist o/pt.ts -I -O:`label GRAV,PRED` d/MC0906-1m.ts

# See script  myfo  for a recipe how to generate de-tided and de-baroed gravity
# See the new script resids e.g.

resids -xp -d 10 2009 06 15 2009 10 31

# creates 10-min data d/MC0906-10m.ts and a plot in plot/MC0906-10m.ps

# ... get 1s-data gravity into a daily, labelled ts-file
foreach day ( 8 9 10 )
tsf2ts-decim -r $day,$day -W -c 5 -d 1 -O GRAV,VAL d RAW_o054/ A2 0909
tsf2ts-decim -w -r 8,10 -W -c 5 -d 1 -O GRAV,VAL d RAW_o054/ A2 0909
# ... make an RMS-plot of this segment, not admitting but extreme shocks

setenv SHOCKSIZE 2.
tslist d/A2090908-1s.ts -Ermsmode.tse,DRMS -I -SO776. -o d/A2090908-1s-rms.ts
setenv TSPLOT_FILE ../d/A2090908-1s-rms.ts
setenv TSPLOT_KALY 0.05
set legtxt='1-min RMS'
set PSOUT=A2090908-1s-rms.ps
cd plot
source hans-tsplot.env

# BUT: edit hans-tsplot.env first and take away the -D option

Produce very-long 6- or 10-min data 
TD/tsapp.tse explains. Example
# The barometer series:
 tslist ~/TD/d/G1_garb_090701-1s.mc -L'B|V' \
         -Etsapp.tse,BI -Ad/G1_garb.lst,tsapp.tse,BC -I \
         -o d/b090701-130422-600s.ts > ! tslist.prt &
# Produce the file list simply with an ls command
 ls /home/hgs/TD/d/G1_garb_*.mc >! d/G1_garb.lst

# ... get 10-min data from a month of RAW-A2 files:
 tsf2ts-decim -w -r 1,31 -c 11,19 -o d -d 600,0 -k RAW_o054/ A2 0908
# Explanation:
# -w             : create new collecting ascii files (if not, we would append).
# -r 1,31        : day range 1 to 31 (it's August)
# -c 11,19       : channels 11 and 19, the tilt controllers
# -o d           : output to subdir d
# -d 600,0       : decimate according to file deci.tse label 600
#[-n not given]  : The overlap is computed as 8*int(600/2) = 2400
# -k             : keep all intermediate ascii files
# RAW_o054/      : input directory
# A2             : A2 first in file name
# 0908           : year month
#  If a different decimation scheme is used (using a longer filter) the
# -n option will be needed. Here is the relevant segment of deci.tse:
| TSF EDIT 600
| DECIMATE 600 $MOVE G=0.0015,1200
# You see that the filter length 1200 is the single-sided off-centre length
# of a Gaussian running-mean (full length = 2401 nonzero coeffs). Thus,
# the -n default is just sufficient.
# This job could abort if the data of September 01 is not available.
# To create the binary files of what has been collected, do
  tsf2ts-decim -t -c 11,19 -o d -k RAW_o054/ A2 0908
# -r 1,31:  The last day 31 is not an upper limit for tsf2ts-decim.
# You can compute this number using JDC:
  JDC -d -fI6 -S`JDC -d -m 2009 06` -m 2010 02 03
# First month = June 2009, last day = February 3, 2010. The -r option will thus be
# -r 15,248
# for e.g. 15 as the starting day in June

# (1) replace the truncated G1*.054 files
# (2) run tsf2ts-decim for a short time range around the problem -> d/G1_c_yymmdd.dat
# (3) Append the gappy files:  cat d/G1_c_yymmdd.dat >> d/G1_c_YYMMDD.dat
# (4) Run tsf2ts-decim again with the -t  (remove the -w option !!!)
# If you have started tsf2ts-decim with the -W option, however, you must do the whole scope all over again.

# ... get 10-min data from a long stretch of G1_garb_*-1s.mc-files
# Script   ~/TD/mc4tideanalysis
# This is a faster alternative for retrieving GRAV|VAL and BARO|VAL in order to compile a file
# suitable for tide analysis. We use a revised decimation scheme, deci.tse,NEW600
# In a foreach loop, accumulate an ascii file with tslapp, and convert to MC at the end. Example:
 set first=090701
 set ndays=1415

 rm -f d/G1_ga_${first}-600s.tsf
 setenv MOVE 0
 setenv MOVEKWD 50
 foreach i ( `fromto 0
$ndays` )
    set ymd=`jdc -D -A$i -FS -fs $first`
    set file=d/G1_garb_${ymd}-1s.mc
    tslapp +P -n 1 -L `label GRAV,VAL` -L `label BARO,VAL` \
                   $file -E1,2:deci.tse,NEW600 -Un144 -C3 -F2e15.7 -qqq -wa d/G1_ga_${first}-600s.tsf
d/G1_ga_${first}-600s.tsf -I -g'(i4,2i3,i4,2i3,t37,e15.0),Wrn-' -k3 -O:`label GRAV,VAL` d/ga${first}-${ymd}-600s.mc
 tslist d/G1_ga_${first}-600s.tsf -I -g'(i4,2i3,i4,2i3,t52,e15.0),Wrn-' -k3 -O:`label BARO,VAL` d/ga${first}-${ymd}-600s.mc
# At the post-loop stage you can undo the calibration using -S/oldcal and obtain Volt. You can find it with fgrep CALFACTOR t/urtap.trs
# There is still a problem to tackle here. The 1-s gravity series should be edited for outliers and interpolated if the gaps are short enough.
# If you have event files (produced by eq2wdr for instance) you can modify the tslapp options as follows
    set j=`calc $i+1`
    set ymdp=
`jdc -D -A$j -FS -fs $first`
    setenv EQYMD $ymd
setenv EQYMDP $ymdp
    tslapp +P -n 1 -L `label GRAV,VAL` -L `label BARO,VAL` \

                   $file -E1:gdeci.tse,NEW600 -E2:deci.tse,NEW600 -Un144 -C3 -F2e15.7 -qqq -MA -wa d/G1_ga_${first}-600s.tsf

# Observe -MA  to print MRS's. We could of course wipe out the barometer data during these events, but perhaps you need them later.
# All this can be done with the following command (red: for using the new decimation scheme)
    mc4tideanalysis -c c -n 1415 -d deci.tse,NEW600 -M 0,56 090701
# or simply:
    mc4tideanalysis -c c -n 1415 -3 090701
# Produce the weights in the gaps using
 rm -f d/wg_*.tsf   # or move them to a safe place.
 weights4gaps -2 -n 1415 2009 07 01
# Convert to BIN, add a constant weight in the process:
 setenv ADDWEIGHT 20.0   # nm/s2, maybe too big. It's the default value though.
 setenv ADDWEIGHT 0.0258 # that's the equivalent in V
 cat d/wg_*.tsf | tslist - -g'(i4,2i3,i4,2i3,t37,e12.0),Wrn-' -k3 -I -Eweq.tse,A -o d/wg${first}-${ymd}-600s.ts

# Here, -Eweq.tse,A  has the advantage that you can easily juggle with the ADDWEIGHT.
# setenv WGAPFAC addweight  (for using it already in  weights4gaps) would cost computation time.
# Conversion to BIN is performed with weights4gaps unless the option -A is given. 

# ... get 30-s ASCII MC data from a couple of G1 files:
  tslapp -L 'G|B' -L 'B|V'],Rwd -P d/G1_garb_121119-1s.mc -E deci.tse,30 -C3 -Y-3580. -j-2880 -F1p,2e14.6 \
         -w d/G1_ba_121119-30s.tsf

# eventually followed by
  tslist d/G1_ba_121119-30s.tsf -gi4,2i3,i4,2i3,t37,e14.0 -k3 -I -O:`label GRAV,BRES` d/G1_ba_121119-30s.mc
  tslist d/G1_ba_121119-30s.tsf -gi4,2i3,i4,2i3,t51,e14.0 -k3 -I -O:`label BARO,VAL` d/G1_ba_121119-30s.mc
# This is potentially useful for plotting.
# Explanation:
# tslapp is an easy tool to append many days of G1_garb_ files with invocation of tsf-edit tools. Its use was mainly for producing single-column BIN-files,
# eventually from MC-files.
# After an update 2012-11-22 we can do ASCII mc-output, a little better in using disk space. 

# Create an empirical residual
# First, a simple one, 1s daily residual, prerequisit is a tide solution in t/urtap.trs t/urtap.prl
  xchan-units -x 5 RAW_o054/A2100801.054 | tslist - -gi4,5i3,t21,f13.0 -k3 \
              -I -S-777.4 -O:`label GRAV,VAL` d/A2_5_100801-1s.mc

  run_urtip -BM d/A2_5_100801-1s.mc d/A2_5_100801-1s.mc
  tslist d/A2_5_100801-1s.mc -F1p,2e14.6 -C3 -L'G|P' -ML1,1,s:'G|V]Rwd' -D | m
# which can be stored using the options  `-w d/A2_5r_100801-1s.tsf´   or   `-I -o1 d/A2_5r_100801-1s.ts´
# This residual has polar motion and drift remaining.
# A succession of files of type d/A2_5r_100801-1s.tsf could be used for stacking.
# A fairly long process:
# Imagine you have been stacking A2-data already and weeded out bad days (like in the example of stack)
# The  stack.log contains the good days in the file names, so
  awk '/File:/{sub(/RAW_o054\/A2/,"",$2; sub(/\.054/,"",$2; print $2}' stack.log > dates
  foreach d ( `cat dates`)
 (* the three lines above with 100802 replaced by ${d}  and tslist with the  -w d/A2_5r_${d}-1s.tsf option  *)
# Now you can stack the residuals
  ls d/A2_5r_*.tsf > ! files4stack
  stack -v -l'>' -C1,1 -D200,2 -ft36,e15.0 -ogr-alldays-stacked-1s.dat -Ffiles4stack
# (avoid the -l'>' if you write with -qqq -w in tslist. We've missed the -qqq above!
# Also note that alldays-stacked-1s.dat  might be worth to preserve,
# therefore output to gr-alldays-stacked-1s.dat designating the gravity residual)
# With drift removal:
# ( after urtap ~/Ttide/SCG/urtap-tides.ins on all 10-min data, and  expfitm ~/TD/expfitm.ins )
  tsf2ts-decim -w -W -c 1,3 -r 1,53 -d 300 -n 1200 RAW_o054/ G1 0910
# getting 7 weeks of 300-s data
  ts2mc-resid -PP -drift exp.tse,EXP -shocks newshocks.tse,1.0 \
    -o o/G1_1_091001-300s.r.ts \
    d/G1_1_091001-300s.ts d/G1_3_091001-300s.ts o/pt.ts
# This is still incomplete analysis-wise: Polar motion is missing.
# Here's how to obtain a polar motion series:

Prepare polar motion data:

Read here for Bull-B addition

(1) get IERS-data
  ls ~/TD/PM/eopc04_IAU2000.orig  
# is an original EOP series C04 file. Information is here:

# wget does not work at the moment. Use their ftp site!

Obs! get the 08-series (ITRF2008)
# issue e.g.
 mv eopc04_IAU2000.13 eopc04_08_IAU2000.13-bup

# You may get it in under different file name if there was already an earlier version. Therefore
  mv eopc04_08_IAU2000.13.1 eopc04_IAU2000.13
# might be necessary, but otherwise cp or mv:
 mv eopc04_08_IAU2000.13 eopc04_IAU2000.13
Extend eopc04_IAU2000.orig: ( you may use  ~/TD/PM/EXTEND )
# Example is for 2010:
 @ bd = 1 + `tail -1 eopc04_IAU2000.orig | awk '{print $4}'`
 awk -v bd=$bd '{if ($4 ~ bd){q=1}; if(q){print}}' eopc04_IAU2000.10 >> eopc04_IAU2000.orig
#         eopc04_IAU2000.tsf    has retained fields 4 5 6 of any line which is
#                               not ` ' or `*' in column 1
#         pmjxy.dat             has retained dates 2009-01-03 ff:
# select a starting date, e.g. 2009 01 01 = MJD 54832.
# Don't worry about a very early start.
 awk '{if ($4==54832){q=1}; if (q){printf "%13.6f  %9.6f %9.6f\n",$4,$5,$6}}' \
     eopc04_IAU2000.orig >! pmjxy.dat
# Check:
 cat pmjxy.dat | JDC -i -m -k1 -F'(I6),13' -j
 set startdate = ( 2009 01 01 )
 EXTEND -X -B $startdate
# use an early start! The predicted gravity effects due to PM
# will be adapted to a gravity series in the next step.
(2) To obtain the gravity effect, use ~/Ttide/p/m/polmotm.f
 polmotm -h
 polmotm -l #lon,#lat -o pmdg.dat file.ts
# where file.ts  is used as a model to get epoch, rate and extent
# The output will look like 
# 2009 06 12 04 00 00 00 54994.166667   0.07168   0.54069   0.04136  -6.14631
# |  date and time      |    MJD      | EOP-X    EOP-Y ["] | dlat ["] dg [nm/s^2]
# File  pmjxy.dat  is hard-wired with the complete path in subroutine  ~/Ttide/p/polmots.f
(3) Finally an example to generate a binary polar motion file for reducing 1-h SCG records:
# Note: we have a problem with leap-seconds. The following command would result
# in a widow last record in tslist:
  cd ~/TD/d
 polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 G110906-1h.ts | fgrep -v '<' |\
    tslist - -gI4,5i3,t66,f10.0 -k3 -Erepair.tse,R -C1 -I -o PMG110906-1h.ts
# Therefore, find out the last record of the model file (tslq -e G110906-1h.ts, assume
# 2013 05 15 01 00 00 ), and clip with the -U option to that date
  polmotm -l 11.9,57.6
G110906-1h.ts | fgrep -v '<' |\
     tslist - -gI4,5i3,t66,f10.0 -k3 -Erepair.tse,R -C1 -I \
              -U`tslq -e G110906-1h.ts` -o
 setenv FNSUB PMG110906-1h.ts
 tslist G110906-1h.ts -E../subts.tse,SUBTS -C3 | m
# and this one for 10min data:
 polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 G1_1_100301-600s.ts | fgrep -v '<' |\
    tslist - -gI4,4i3,t66,f10.0 -k2 -C1 -I \
-U`tslq -e G1_1_100301-600s.ts` -o PMG100301-600s.ts

# A short command, with tslist-log and IERS-PM data length check:
 ../MAKEPMG G1_1_100301-600s.ts PMG100301-600s.ts

# Drift determination

# (a) Create a tide residual (in two steps: (1) with air pressure static, (2) reduce air pressure effects with a Wiener filter)
# (b) Subtract Polar motion
# (c) Run  expfitm  and update  exp.tse
# Recommended sampling interval: 10-min
# (a)
Create a tide residual
tsf2ts-decim -w -c 1,3 -r 15,245 -o d -d 600,0 -k RAW_o054/ G1 0906 > /dev/null &
# which generates the files d/G1_1_090615-600s.ts and d/G1_3_090615-600s.ts

 cd ~/Ttide/SCG
 rm o/g090615.tse
 touch o/g090615.tse
 urtap urtap-tides.ins
# repeat until number of outliers becomes small.
# There may be short sections of valid samples inside gaps, where outlier detection fails.
# Here is a script that detects such cases and writes appropriate DEL records.
 wdr4fragments -l 5 -v o/g090615.ra.ts
 wdr4fragments -l 5 o/g090615.ra.ts >> o/g090615.tse 
# (takes the residual of a urtap run and identifies fragments less or equal five samples long. First version is with the verbose option)
# At this point you could exec  resids . Prerequisit is that the following two files created by urtap are available in  TD/t:
cd ~/TD/t
lsl -L
urtap.prl -> /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/o/gw090700.prl
urtap.trs -> /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/t/urtap-1h.trs
cp newexp.tse newexp.tse.backup
cp newshocks.tse newshocks.tse.backup
resids xPPTeonp -d 10 -c cal0911/ -s /-776.014 2009 06 15 2010 04 22 > ! resids-100422.log
# this animal worked right away for the first 14 months
resids xPPTeonp -d 10 -c cal1006/ -p t/ -s /-777.42101 2009 06 15 2010 07 31 > ! resids-100731.log
# and to only plot
resids Pdonp -d 10 -c cal1006/ -p t/ -s /-777.42101 2009 06 15 2010 07 31
# Check the logfile. Also check the expfit.log. Look at the plot.
# Maybe you're done already. If not...
# The following is a manual recipe, resids step-by-step.
cd ~/TD
run_urtip d/G1_1_090615-600s.ts
# prepares a tide prediction series in  o/pt.ts . Make a backup copy.
# Wiener filter: use tide residual ( ~/Ttide/SCG/o/g090615.rt.ts ) and baro ( d/G_3_090615-600s.ts ) in sasm06
# First: make a new ap-noise-whitening filter, based on  (1, -1)-diff-filter:
 setenv sasm03_input d/G1_3_090615-600s.ts

 setenv sasm03_pef d/ap.pef
 setenv sasm03_output o/ap.psp
 sasm03 sasm03-ap10m.ins
# use a large pef-order (>15) in the following!
 sasm06 sasm06-wf.ins

# at Repsonse prompt, enter    IMP L=-1
# at length prompt, enter         64
# use a WF-order ~16 ( ap_scg.wwf )
|  -16    16 'A'
|  0.00000000D+00  5.04233335D-07  1.89009129D-06  3.97792081D-06  6.67661541D-06
|  1.02142381D-05  1.44418316D-05  1.96261978D-05  2.64672216D-05  3.66191165D-05
|  5.19231017D-05  7.27972484D-05  9.96610103D-05  1.41021782D-04  2.02220980D-04
|  2.73574835D-04  3.16827638D-04  2.82664905D-04  2.12852933D-04  1.47194109D-04
|  1.01016427D-04  7.07411821D-05  4.98738021D-05  3.60811033D-05  2.72165883D-05
|  1.94239748D-05  1.33369152D-05  8.86747487D-06  5.56987100D-06  3.44845962D-06
|  1.68224013D-06  4.49365255D-07  0.00000000D+00
# The SCG signal has so far been in units of [V]; we'll continue with [V] for a while.
# Future  ~/Ttide/SCG/urtap-tides-apwf.ins  will use  ap_scg.wwf
# Find start of filtered series:
 setenv APWF ap_scg.wwf
 tslist d/G1_3_090615-600s.ts -Eapwf.tse,APWF -C3 | m
| >
| 2009 06 15  03 00 00   54997.125000  2.27210
# apwf.tse :
| FILTER U=41 F=${APWF} +N >-16    16 'A'> O=AB
# so the start is conveniently at 03:00:00 on the first day.
# Now we rescale to [nm/s^2]
 cd ~/Ttide/SCG
 rm o/gwf090615.tse
 touch o/gwf090615.tse
 urtap urtap-tides-apwf.ins
# repeat until number of outliers becomes small.
# Output:                                o/gwf090615.??.ts ,  -.prl ,  -.tse
The tide parameter file is      t/urtap_sca.trs
# We also need a static barometer coefficient in  [nm/s^2/hPa]
# That's why we run the urtap-tides job once more, now calibrated
urtap urtap-tides-c.ins
# Output:                                o/gdum.??.ts (forget), o/g090615.prl ,  -.tse
# The tide parameter file is      t/urtap.trs
# We will need the files         ~/Ttide/SCG/t/*.trs
# Residual (tides and apwf):   
cd ~/TD/t
 rm -f
urtap.prl urtap.trs
 ln -s /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/o/g090615.prl urtap.prl
 ln -s /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/t/urtap_sca.trs urtap.trs

# (b) Subtract Polar motion
 cd PM
 rm eopc04_IAU2000.10*
 wget http://data.iers.org/products/179/13013/orig/eopc04_IAU2000.10
 @ bd = 1 + `tail -1 eopc04_IAU2000.orig | awk '{print $4}'`
 echo $bd
 JDC -j -m `echo $bd`
 awk -v bd=$bd '{if ($4 ~ bd){q=1}; if(q){print}}' eopc04_IAU2000.10 >> eopc04_IAU2000.orig

 tail eopc04_IAU2000.orig
 awk '{if ($4==54832){q=1}; if (q){printf "%13.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n",$4,$5,$6}}' eopc04_IAU2000.orig > ! pmjxy.dat
 m pmjxy.dat  
 cd ~/TD

 polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 -d 1.16 ~/Ttide/SCG/o/gwf090615.ra.ts |\
   tslist - -gI4,5i3,t66,f11.0 -k3 -C3 -I -o PM/PMG090615-600s.ts
 setenv FNSUB PM/PMG090615-600s.ts
 tslist ~/Ttide/SCG/o/gwf090615.ra.ts -Esubts.tse,SUBU -C3 -Ff10.3 -I -D -o d/gwf090615.ra.pm.ts
# a more decent delta factor has been determined Aug 2010:  1.255825 +-0.004589
# Now we have a series with polar motion subtracted: 
# (c) Run expfitm and update exp.tse
 cd ~/TD
 cat expfitm.ins
| 21 ^ ${
| 31 < d/rm${EXPFIT_OUT}.ts
| 32 < d/rr${EXPFIT_OUT}.ts
| 33 B ${EXPFIT_TSE}
|    q

|  pvar_start=3*1.d0,1.d-1, eps=1.d-6
|  qitermon=.false.
|  input_measure='nm/s2'

 setenv EXPFIT_OUT 090615-10m
 setenv EXPFIT_TSE expfit-try.tse
 expfitm \!expfitm.ins
| <Main-->>> RESULT p( 1) =   3.6115D+02 +-  2.9054D+01
| <Main-->>> RESULT p( 2) =  -7.0948D-02 +-  6.3401D-03
| <Main-->>> RESULT p( 3) =  -5.6740D+02 +-  3.2487D+01
| <Main-->>> RESULT p( 4) =   6.0000D-04 +-  8.3290D-05
# To be documented:

# Making the files for the drift plot
# G1_1_... times cal
# -> minus tide according to t/urtap.trs, show
# -> minus drift model, show
# -> minus ( baro * baro-coeff ), show
# -> minus ( PM * delta_PM ), show
# drift model from expfitm.ins rm....ts

Gravimeter: Sliding Residual RMS
Input data is a suite of monthly GGP files. An urtap analysis has been prepared (see above, "Create a tide residual").
The data analysed at that time was scaled in nm/s2, which is different from the usual (let's say); this affects the urtap.trs coefficients.
The GGP files are available in MON_o054

resids poxnar -c cal0911 -s /-776.014 -d 1,0 2009 08 01 2009 09 01

will process one month, taking the calibration factor from the cal0911 directory (cal0911/o/scg-cal.prl)
and the pressure coefficient from ./t/urtap.prl -> /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/o/g090615.prl
Options a and r are undocumented - they request ascii output of the residual and the sliding-RMS.

To process the suite of months,

foreach m ( `fromto 6 14` )
set bd = ( `JDC -D 2009 $m 1` )
set ed = ( `JDC -D 2009 $m 31` )
resids -poxnar -c cal0911 -s /-776.014 -d 1,0 $bd $ed

If the plots are made in a second run, I guess the scale factors (instrument, pressure) won't make it into the hans-mcplot.env script.
The sliding-RMS from above has short interrupts at month boundaries. Therefore:

cat d/r[01]*.tsf | tslist - -gi4,2i3,i4,i3,t37,f12.0 -k2 -Erms.tse,GRMS -I -o d/rrms0906.ts

This is almost more than tslist can swallow. (Next time the job will have to be divided up; out comes 1-h data, which is no problem for a long time)

On the basis of the MC-file, let's compute a new
Tide solution

setenv MOVE 9
tslist d/MC0906-1m.ts -L'G|V' -Edeci.tse,10 -Eexp.tse,EXP -I -o d/gtmp.ts
yields a drift-corrected series
polmotm -l 11.9,57.6 -d 1.16 d/gtmp.ts |\
   tslist - -gI4,5i3,t66,f11.0 -k3 -C3 -I -o d/PMG090615-10m.ts
a polar motion series to subtract
setenv FACSUB `awk '/^ SCG /{print -$4*10}'  cal0911/o/scg-cal.prl`
setenv FNSUB
tslist d/gtmp.ts -Esubts.tse,SUBTSVAL -I -O:`label GRAVPMD,VAL` d/MC0906-10m.ts
tslist d/MC0906-1m.ts -L'B|V' -Edeci.tse,10 -I -O:`label BARO,VAL` d/MC0906-10m.ts
cd ~/Ttide/SCG
urtap \!urtap-tide.ins

and a new plot of residuals
cd ~/TD/t
urtap.prl urtap.trs
ln -s /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/o/g090615-S.prl urtap.prl
ln -s /home/hgs/Ttide/SCG/t/urtapp-S.trs urtap.trs
cd ..
resids pPTd -c cal0911/ -s /$FACSUB -d 1,0

Barometric reduction, Wiener filter

sasm03 sasm03-ap10m.ins  was used to compute a PEF-bank:  o/ap-10m.pef
You need at least a filter order of 12. The solution with 19 coefficients was still stable.
The filter goes along with a pre-whitening operation of   (1., -0.99)
A Wiener filter should cover a time range of up to +-10 days at least, meaning a filter length of
20*24*6 + 1 = 2881 coefficients! It might work with fewer; however, a filter of this length should
at least be computed and tested.

The time domain (section length) for the PSP-CSP analysis should whence be 4096.

We have to catch the filter and preferably store it in a tse-section that can be activated using the CONT command.
tsfedit might have to be updated to cope with a filter of this length; to read in the parameters and coefficients to begin with.

The question is if a 1h sampling interval isn't more appropriate.

# Tilt controllers
# First the sliding-RMS's
# Prerequisit: A whole suite of A2-files. We'll analyse from July 1, 2009 to Feb. 21, 2010
  calc `JDC -d -m 2010 02 21` - `JDC -d -m 2009 7 1`
  foreach d ( `fromto 1 236` )
  tsf2ts-decim -w -W -d 1,0 -r $d,$d -c 11,19 -o tilt/ RAW_o054/ A2 0907
  set bdate = ( 2009 7 1 )
  set edate = ( 2010 2 21 )
  set yymm = 0701
# just to name the output file
  foreach c ( 11 19 )
  source run_tiltrms.env
# Ready for a plot!
# Then the long-term drift:
# We can take the -1s.ts files prepared by tsf2ts-decim above
  foreach c ( 11 19 )
  lpf-ts2ts -w -W -d 600,540 2009 7 1 2010 2 21 tilt/ A2_${c}_
# This invokes the  tsfedit  control file  lpf.tse  at segment  LPF60D
  42, 'BIN]',-99999.0,'U', 0,   0,  'A', 1.d0
  FILTER D:WD KAIS 60 2.1  0.0 0.00833333 0.5 0.0
  /FILTHR 12.5 8.3 6.25 1. 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.0

# The filter is a bit leaky for the large decimation 600;
# however, the signal is not much high-frequ. (we hope).
APPEND  and  DECIMATE  are environment parameters set by  lpf-ts2ts
# Finally, a power spectrum
# First, we need to detect and remove "shocks"
  detect-shocks 0.01 -f tilt/shocks.tse tilt/A2_11_090701-lpf.ts
  setenv sasm03_input tilt/A2_11_090701-lpf.ts
  setenv sasm03_output tilt/sasm03.psp
  sasm03 sasm03-tilt.ins
# with
21 ^ ${sasm03_input}
41 < sasm03.pef
42 B ${sasm03_output}
  lvllen=-1, qshlvl=.false.
  rec_mrs=-99999.9, dat_mrs=-99999.9
  l_section=8192, logxax=.true.
  target='BIN', fmt='U'
  mx_miss=10000, dff1=-.999d0, ibeg_burg=24, qrfsp=.false.
  lpef=21,pef_order=19, lpef_wh=-1, iun_wh=-1, qrpefsp=.false.
  pef_show=11, pef_order_show=20,15,12,9,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
  t_window='KAIS', p_window=2.2
  q_tsf_edit=.true., tsf_edit_name='SHOCKS'
CONT 43 R tilt/shocks.tse
#  Result:

The tilt controllers went over-range  in the surface waave action after Maule, Feb. 27, 2010. The following recipe ~accomplished a restoration of the signal:

setenv RESIDEDIT -Etilt-unclip.tse,U

daily-resid -x 11,19,12,20 -L TX-PWR,VAL -L TY-PWR,VAL -L TX-BAL,VAL -L TY-BAL,VAL -NT -T tbxy RAW_o054/A2100227.054

DEL > 9.9
UNCLIP T=1.d-5 I=1000 S=4 O=P+


The tick interval on the time axis is 1 minute. The "After" and the "Interpolated" curves have been moved by -2 and +2 Volt, respectively.
For more on the subject of unclipping, see "Displacements from gravity"  and "Signal Restoration".

For the plot, use the following two lines in tilt-unclip.tse to prepare output:
OUTTS   U=51 < o/Chile-TXPWR-unclip-1s.ts
OUTTS W U=51 < o/Chile-TXPWR-uncpre-1s.ts
and the plot-init file plot/tilt-unclip.init

Knowing the X- and Y-signals, we would like to obtain the East and North motion/acceleration or the motion in the direction of wave propagation and at right-angle.  For this purpose there is a routine that write a tse-file with the appropriate parameters
tiltrot -a 65 -c PWR -o d/A2_tiq_
100227-1s.mc d/A2_tbxy_100227-1s.mc

The 3-component results can be viewed here.

# Si-Diode thermometers
# We take data from A1 files:
  tsf2ts-decim -w -W -d 60,0 -r 15,250 -u 13,14 -o therm/ RAW_o054/ A1 0906
# with conversion to K units (Kelvin). The  -d 60,0  reduces the 1-min A1-data sets to 1-hour.
# Here is the plot (ranges manually set,  -Y-30  for Neck-T1)
# There is a special day found in the output:
  tslist therm/A1_13_090615-60m.ts -I -qm -C3
| <GetTs->>> File MRS=   -9.99999D+04, test,new= F T
| <GETTS->>> #21: therm/A1_13_090615-60m.ts N=5992, Skip=0, Miss=0, Val=5992
| <GETTS->>> Epoch set: 2009-06-15 - Return t0, dt =  4.0000D+00 [h]   1.0000 [h]
| <main-->>> after trunc, n,t0=  5992  4.00000000000000
| <Main-->>> Remove=F DC-value=   3.8660D+01 from column 1
| <Main-->>>           RMS-dev=   6.8931D+00 from column 1
| <Main-->>> Min =   3.7471D+01 at    5014 D T =  2010 01 10 01 00 00 00
| <Main-->>> Max =   1.6791D+02 at    2094 D T =  2009 09 10 09 00 00 00
| <Main-->>> therm/A1_13_090615-60m.ts Total_miss=0, N=5992, Val=5992
# so we make another plot around that one day,
2009 09 10, 1-m original sampling.
# In order to exclude that the spike is a unit conversion problem,
  tsf2ts-decim -w -W -d 1,0 -r 8,11 -u 13,14 -o therm/ RAW_o054/ A1 0909
# again plotting the result.


Example: The "human" effect of a group visiting the site and doing the kneel-down.
cd ~/TD
xchan-units -C G1-Sig:-776.0 -u -x 5 RAW_o054/A2100414.054 |\
  tslist - -A -g'(I4,5I3,f15.0)' -k3 -F1p,e18.10 -C3 -o o/A2_5_100414.ts -I

tslist o/A2_5_100414.ts -BHc2010,4,14,16 -Un7200 -C3 -Elpf.tse,USBPF -Ff15.5 -I -o o/A2_5_100414-bpf.ts
with lpf.tse
; Removes microseisms and tides in 1-s data
FILTER D:WD KAIS 100 2.1 0.007 0.07 0.5 0.02
/FILTHR S 30 20 10 5 1

cd ~/TD/plot
setenv TSPLOT_INIT human.init
t -i TITLE 'Human on 2010-04-14'
t YTITLE "Gravity [nm/s@+2@+]"
t FILE ../o/A2_5_100414-bpf.ts ../o/A2_5_100414-bpf.ts

etc., creating an init file like

echo Sourcing human.init

set TSPLOT_PSOUT = human.ps
setenv TSPLOT_TITLE "Human on 2010-04-14"
setenv TSPLOT_XTITLE "Hours"
setenv TSPLOT_YTITLE "Gravity [nm/s@+2@+]"
set TSPLOT_FILE = ( "../o/A2_5_100414-bpf.ts" "../o/A2_5_100414-bpf.ts" )
set TSPLOT_XAXTYPE = ( "'-Nf14.7 -n1/3600.'" "Hours" )
set TSPLOT_TSLIST = ( "'-D -n1/60.-30 -BHc2010,4,14,16,30'" "'-D -n1/60.-57 -BHc2010,4,14,16,57 -Y10'" )
set TSPLOT_XAXTYPE = ( "-Nf14.7" "Minutes" )
set TSPLOT_LEGTXT = ( "'Group 1'" "'Group 2'" )
setenv TSPLOT_XR "0/30"
setenv TSPLOT_YR -20/20
setenv TSPLOT_YTIX a10f1
setenv TSPLOT_XTIX a10f1

source hans-tsplot.env
ps2png -rr -m -d 144x144 human.ps

If things go wrong, you might need to
unset noglob

Many signals

tsf2ts-decim -w -W -c 1-48 -r 2,2 -d 1,0 -o signals/ RAW_o054/ A1 1002

cd plot

Prepare an init file:
echo Sourcing many-signals.init
set TSPLOT_FILE = ( )
foreach i ( `fromto $1 $2` )
@ ii = $i
set TSPLOT_FILE = ( $TSPLOT_FILE ../signals/A2_${ii}_100203-60s.ts )
set TSPLOT_LEGTXT = ( $TSPLOT_LEGTXT  `xchan-units -H $i ../RAW_o054/A2100203.054` )
set TSPLOT_XAXTYPE = ( '-Nf8.4 -n/60.' 'Hour' )
setenv TSPLOT_XR "0/24"
setenv TSPLOT_XTIX "a1f0.166666667"
setenv TSPLOT_XTITLE "Hour"
setenv TSPLOT_TITLE "2010-02-03"
set TSPLOT_TSLIST = ( "'-SOM0.5 -Un1440'" "'-SOM0.5 -Un1440 -Y"'$ic'"'" )
setenv TSPLOT_YR "-1/10"
setenv TSPLOT_YTITLE "Signal [mapped]"
set TSPLOT_PSOUT = ( 'many-signals.ps' )
setenv TSPLOT_SIZE "9/6"
setenv TSPLOT_XR "-6/24"
set TSPLOT_LEGSIZ = ( '1.7/5.45' )
set TSPLOT_LEGY = ( 0.4 )
set pen = ( 0/0/200 '`autocolor 15 $i`' )
set pth = ( 3 3 )

source hans-tsplot.env

GGS data

tsf2ts-decim -g -w -r 28 59 -d 1 -o GGS/ RAW_o054/ G1 1002
creates a 1-s GGS file for Feb 28 through Mar 31. Option  -w  generates the header from  TD/GGS-header.054
Inside, this step uses special options to tslist worth documenting:
tslist ... -TGGSJ
tsf2ts-decim -g -w ...
(it writes a block-start record first).
In the daily loop, the option is subsequently changed to
-TGGS since we don't want block starts every midnight.
tslist ... -qqq -zo999.99,99.0
is supposed to write missing records as symbolic values gicen in the -zo option.

If the day range extends over more than 1 day, the output file name will run the date YYMM00
Else the file is considered a daily file, and the date in the file name is  YYMMDD  as in

foreach day ( `fromto 28 59` )

   tsf2ts-decim -g -w -r $day $day -d 1 -o GGS/ RAW_o054/ G1 1002

Send to Crossley by
ftp ftp.eas.slu.edu
cd pub/incoming/ggp
put ...

Free Oscillations

The time-frequency xyz diagram on the www/SCG/ page is produced with ~/TD/daily-fo-pdg

We have made a succession of files, 3 days 15s in ~/TD/fo/

foreach d ( `fromto 27 87` )
@ e = $d + 3
myfo -o fo -f MYFO -c LOOK 2010 02 $d $e

with rmsmode.tse
FILTER D:WD KAIS 240 2.0 0.00022 0.0025 -3600. 0.001
(we got quite high sidelobes beyond the upper band edge, unfortunately)

Make a periodogram:
set f=`calc -f  %16.14f  '0.03333333333/10.080'`
foreach file ( fo/fo100[3-4]*.ts )
set o=`echo $file | sed 's/ts$/pdg/'`
tslist $file -Epdgram.tse,PDG -Nf11.7 -n'*'$f -Ff10.4 -qqq -w $o


FILTER 0 1 ' '
1.0 -1.0

truncation for a faster FFT
The periodograms can be put together to create a 3-d spectrum.
awk '( $1 == "0.0000000" ){ c++ }; {print c,$1,$2}' fo/fo100[3-4]*.pdg | xyz2grd -Gfo/fo.pdg.grd -I1/0.0033069 -R1/59/0/33.3333333
cd plot
makecpt -Cseis -T-20/40/3 -I > ! pdg.cpt
grdview ../fo/fo.pdg.grd -Cpdg.cpt -JX5/5 -R1/59/0.5/1.0 -Ba5f1:d:/a0.1f0.01:mHz:WESN -Qs > ! fo.pdg.ps
We only plot a narrow frequency band. Notice the 0S0 mode at 0.817 mHz !

Easy preparation of 1-min data for a strech of days

In May 2013 we had a cron job running:
00 08 * * * /home/hgs/TD/daily-fo-pdg.sh -e Kamchatka -A > /home/hgs/TD/logs/daily-fo-pdg.log 2>&1

Example for the Sendai earthquake
foreach d ( `fromto 0 7` )
set ymd=`YMD 110311 $d`
tslapp -n 1 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Edeci.tse,60 -C3 -qbe -Un1440 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-60s.ts
set ymd=`YMD 110311 8`
tslapp -n 0 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Edeci.tse,60 -C3 -qbe -Un1440 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-60s.ts
tslapp -n 8 d/G1_r_110311-60s.ts -I -C3 -qbe -o d/G1_r_110311-19-60s.ts
tsl d/G1_r_110311-19-60s.ts -Epdgram.tse,PDG -n'*1.356336805555556E-3' \
    -N -qqq -Ff12.5 -w o/G1_r_110311-19-60s.pdg

~/bin/YMD is a recent script; central code fragment:
JDC -f3i2.2 -A$2 -y2k -F'(3i2),6' -D $1

foreach d ( `fromto 0 7` )
set ymd=`YMD 110311 $d`
tslapp -n 1 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Ermsmode.tse,MYFO15 -C3 -qbe -Un5760 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-15s.ts
set ymd=`YMD 110311 8`
tslapp -n 0 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Ermsmode.tse,MYFO15 -C3 -qbe -Un5760 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-15s.ts
tslapp -n 8 d/G1_r_110311-15s.ts -I -C3 -qbe -o d/G1_r_110311-19-15s.ts
tsl d/G1_r_110311-19-60s.ts -Epdgram.tse,PDG -n'*1.356336805555556E-3' \
    -N -qqq -Ff12.5 -w o/G1_r_110311-19-15s.pdg

Here is the source script sendai-fo-60s-pdg.env
It prepares a low-frequency section of a periodogram of the first three days, starting 740 samples after midnight 2011-03-11
adds the FO-symbols ot the REM collection (Seism/FO/Laske). I put it here since forthcoming updates might specialise it even further.
No call-line parameters.
set begin=110311
if ( ! -r o/G1_r_${begin}-4d-60s.ts ) then
 foreach d ( `fromto 0 7` )
  set ymd=`YMD ${begin} $d`
  tslapp -n 1 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Edeci.tse,60 -C3 -qbe -Un1440 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-60s.ts
#set ymd=`YMD ${begin} 8`
#tslapp -n 0 -L 'G|R' d/G1_gar_${ymd}-1s.mc -Edeci.tse,60 -C3 -qbe -Un1440 -o d/G1_r_${ymd}-60s.ts
  tslapp -n 4 d/G1_r_${begin}-60s.ts -I -C3 -qbe -o o/G1_r_${begin}-4d-60s.ts

setenv PDGDB
setenv PDGFROM 740
setenv PDGDUR 4320
set df=`tslist o/G1_r_${begin}-4d-60s.ts -Epdgram.tse,VPDG -n1 -N -qqq -Ff12.5 -I | awk '/Spectrum: FNy/{printf "%12.10f\n", 1000*$7}'`
tsl o/G1_r_${begin}-4d-60s.ts -Epdgram.tse,VPDG -n'*'$df \
    -N -qqq -Ff12.5 -w o/G1_r_${begin}-3d-60s.pdg
echo df=$df
cd plot
psxy ../o/G1_r_${begin}-3d-60s.pdg -R0.2/1/0/2 -JX10/4 -K \
     -Ba0.1f0.01:"Freq. [mHz]":/a1f0.1:Pwr:WeSn -W3/0 \
     > ! sendai-fo-3d.ps
rem-modes -a 1.2 -s 0.05 -l |\
     psxy -R -JX -O -K -Sc0.1 -G0 -W1/0 >> sendai-fo-3d.ps
rem-modes -T -a 1.2 -s 0.0 -l |\
     psxy -R -JX -O -K -Sc0.1 -G0/0/255 -W1/0/0/255 >> sendai-fo-3d.ps
rem-modes -a 1.5 -s 0.1 |\
     pstext -R -JX -O -K >>  sendai-fo-3d.ps
rem-modes -T -a 1.5 -s 0.1 |\
     pstext -R -JX -O -G0/0/255 >>  sendai-fo-3d.ps
( setenv PS2PNG_OPT '-crop 1684x794+0+391 ' ; ps2png -m -rr -d 144x144 sendai-fo-3d.ps )
convert -resize 50% PNG/sendai-fo-3d.png PNG/sendai-fo-3d-small.png
cd ..
echo ready plot/sendai-fo-3d.ps

Daily residuals, micro-seismic spectrum, shocks, and cleaned low-rate data

has been moved

Daily RMS time series and statistics

   daily-rms -rc rms/minmax-rms.dat -wca rms/rms-all.tsf -o rms/rms-all.ts -d 1H d/G1_gar_*-1s.mc

   daily-rms -rc rms/minmax-rms.dat -wca rms/rms-all.tsf -o rms/rms-all.ts -L 'G|B' -d 1H d/G1_garb_*-1s.mc

produces the following files:
and intermediate file  rmstst.ts

daily-rms  contains a few useful  TSF EDIT sections. The command above runs  TSF EDIT 1HRMS as  -d 1H  is appended with  RMS  by default.

A section TSF EDIT 1HRMS produces 1-hour RMS in the following way
x(j) -> Narrow-Band-Filter -> x(j)**2 -> y = median(length 1h, move 1h) -> sqrt(y) -> x(k)
j=1,n,3600; k=1,n/3600

FILTER D:WD KAIS 32 2.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.25
MEDIANFI 3600 M=3600 To #90001

A now obsolete section TSF EDIT 1HRMSOLD produces 1-hour RMS-samples with a 2-hour raised-cosine window.

To invoke other files for editing, use option  -E file,target  and don't specify -d
-E daily-rms,1HRMSOLD
for the deprecated version e.g.

In daily-rms,  besides 60RMS 600RMS and  1HRMS there is a section  1HMAX  that produces 1H abs-max values

  daily-rms -rc rms/minmax-max.dat -wca rms/max-all.tsf -o rms/max-all.ts -E daily-rms,1HMAX d/G1_gar_*-1s.mc

Here is  daily-rms section  60RMS
FILTER 0 1 ' '
1.0 -1.0
MOVRMS 60 120 I=59  M=W    To #86780
TRUNC N=1440

MOVRMS          We use the raised-cosine window version  (M=W), length 2 * 120 +1, go in steps of  60 samples
TRUNC N=1440    Output a full day (86400/60 = 1440)
MEDIAN          provides a report of  min, max, and median of the time series, which is now the sliding-RMS.

FILTER 0 1 ' '

1.0 -1.0       
We do filtering = differencing to get rid of noise colour and tides and other slow things.

Daily Power spectrum and 3d colour plot

run-daily-psp-vs-time -px -F o/collect_sp_1006 2010 06 01 2010 06 30

retrieves d/G1_gar_${yymmdd}-1s.mc files by default, execs daily-psp and does the plotting.

A daily signature?

 setenv APPENDFILE `nextfile d/G1_gar_100331-1s.mc`

 tslist d/G1_gar_100331-1s.mc -L'G|R' -C3 -Hc2 -soh-2 -Eappend.tse,L -Eeditshocks.tse,SD60 -F1p,e12.4 -Un1440 -I -D -o tmp.ts

cleans for shocks, decimates to 1-min and changes time to zone time UT +2h

Here's how to find the days when the clock is adjusted for summer time:
 daylight 2008 2009 2010 2011
2008 On:  54555.0 Off: 54765.0
2009 On:  54919.0 Off: 55129.0
2010 On:  55283.0 Off: 55500.0
2011 On:  55647.0 Off: 55864.0

Here's how to find the hour shift w.r.t. UTC:
is_daylight 20100623
or even
 set dh = `is_daylight d/G1_gar_100623-1s.mc`
and use  $dh in
 setenv APPENDFILE `nextfile d/G1_gar_100623-1s.mc`
 tslist d/G1_gar_100623-1s.mc -L'G|R' -C3 -Hc$dh -soh-$dh -Eappend.tse,L -Eeditshocks.tse,SD60 -F1p,e12.4 -Un1440 -I -D -o tmp.ts

List all files associated with weekdays, no holidays:
 is_kod -H 12345 d/G1_gar_??????-1s.mc

... collect, now also removing the holiday seasons
  is_kod -H 12345 d/G1_gar_??0[1-6]??-1s.mc d/G1_gar_??0[8-9]??-1s.mc d/G1_gar_??1???-1s.mc | sort > working-day.lst

... collect the labour-free days:
 is_kod +H 06 d/G1_gar_??????-1s.mc > tmp.lst
 ls d/G1_gar_??07??-1s.mc >>
 sort tmp.lst > lazy-day.lst
...and manually delete 100227 100228 avoiding the Maule earthquake

Then we can run a script like
 set daytype=working # alt. set daytype=lazy
 source daily-signature
where daily-signature  runs
rm -f ${daytype}-day.stack
foreach file ( `cat ${daytype}-day.lst` )
 setenv APPENDFILE `nextfile $file`
 set dh = `is_daylight $file`
 tslist $file -L'G|R' -C3 -Hc$dh -soh-$dh -Eappend.tse,L -Eeditshocks.tse,SD60 -F1p,e12.4 -Un1440 -I -D -o tmp.ts
 accustack tmp.ts ${daytype}-day.stack
# accustack -c o/${daytype}-day-c.ts tmp.ts ${daytype}-day.stack
accustack -s ${daytype}-day.stack o/${daytype}-day.ts

The out-commented line avoids accumulating data that "differs too much" from a previously established average signature (default threshold 20 nm/s^2)

Diagnostic plot

We want to inspect a few channels in A2 files over a short period of time, generally at the 1s sampling interval.
Program to use: hms-plot
cd ~/TD

hms-plot -YT a0.5f0.1 -YR -1/1 -L '7.5-$legw'/0.3 -PNG 100x100 -C red,tur,yel \
         -Y 0,0.5 -S 5,1 -c 9,10,77 120104 12:00:00 dh=1

hms-plot -YT a0.5f0.1 -YR -1/1 -LP '7.5-$legw'/0.3 -PNG 100x100 \
         -C red,255/200/200,yel -Y 0,0.5 -S 5,1 -e --:--:lpf.tse,LPF60 -c 9,10,77 120104 12:00:00 dh=1

Sequence of periodograms and a 2-d histogram
~/TD/:           pdgram.tmp.prc      pdgram.tse
~/TD/plot/:    tmp.prc     rastered-pdg.env
